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剑桥雅思17Test3Passage2阅读答案解析 Palm oil

剑桥雅思17Test3Passage2阅读答案解析 Palm oil 棕榈油 剑桥雅思17阅读第三套题目第二部 […]

剑桥雅思17Test3Passage2阅读答案解析 Palm oil 棕榈油



雅思阅读真题词汇 剑桥雅思17 Test 3 Passage 2 棕榈油

剑桥雅思17Test3Passage2阅读原文翻译 palm oil 棕榈油

剑桥雅思17 Test3 Passage2阅读答案解析



对应原文:F部分第1段: That immensely high yield … is potentially also an ecological benefit.

答案解析:F部分第1段提到,油棕榈树如此高的产量可能有利于生态系统,随后给予了具体的说明。其中ecological benefit对应题干中的environmental,benefit对应advantages,而后面的说明则对应examples,由此确定其为正确答案。


对应原文:G部分:The industry is now regulated by a group called the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), consisting of palm growers, retailers, product manufacturers, and other interested parties.

答案解析:G部分开头提到,该产业如今受到一个名为“可持续棕榈油圆桌会议”的团体的管理。它包括棕榈树种植者,零售商,制造商和其他利益团体。其中group对应organisation,regulated对应controls,sustainbale对应environmental impact,由此确定其为正确答案。


对应原文:A部分:Palm oil … is currently the most consumed vegetable oil in the world. It’s almost certainly in the soap we wash with in the morning, the sandwich we have for lunch, and the biscuits we snack on during the day.

答案解析:A部分提到,棕榈油是世界上消耗量最大的植物油。它几乎必然存在于我们所使用的肥皂里,所吃的三明治里,以及当做零食的饼干里。其中in the world对应global,consumed对应use,后面的肥皂、三明治、零食等则对应examples,由此确定其为正确答案。


对应原文:H部分:reintroducing the bird’s nest fern into oil palm plantations could potentially allow these areas to recover their biodiversity

答案解析:H部分靠近结尾处提到,将鸟巢蕨重新引入油棕榈树种植园中可能能够让这些区域恢复其生物多样性。其中bird’s nest fern对应a particular species,recover their biodiversity对应benefit the ecosystem,由此确定其为正确答案。


对应原文:B部分:Between 1990 and 2012, the global land area devoted to growing oil palm trees grew from 6 to 17 million hectares, now accounting for around ten percent of total cropland in the entire world.



对应原文:E部分:Is it desirable to have palm oil boycotted, replaced, eliminated from the global supply chain, given how many this article is from laokaoya website low-income people in developing countries depend on it for their livelihoods?

答案解析:E部分提到,考虑到发展中国家如此多的低收入人群以棕榈油为生,抵制、取代、甚至将其从全球供应链中移除真的可取吗?其中,低收入人群的生计对应economic justification,boycotted, replaced和eliminated对应opposing,疑问语气对应not,由此确定E为正确答案。


对应原文:C部分:Endangered species – most famously the Sumatran orangutan, but also rhinos, elephants, tigers, and numerous other fauna – have suffered from the unstoppable spread of oil palm plantations.

答案解析:全文只有C部分提到了受棕榈树种植园影响的具体物种,对应题干中的examples of creatures,由此确定其为正确答案。


对应原文:G部分:The RSPO insists upon no virgin forest clearing, transparency and regular assessment of carbon stocks, among other criteria.

答案解析:RSPO要求不砍伐原始森林,生产过程透明,并定期评估碳储量。B选项be open and honest对应transparency,由此确定其为正确答案。


对应原文:G部分:Over the past decade or so, an agreement has gradually been reached regarding standards that producers of palm oil have to meet in order for their product to be regarded as officially ‘sustainable’.

答案解析:同样是G部分提到,在过去十年左右的时间里,人们逐渐在棕榈油生产商应该满足什么标准才能使其产品被官方认证为“可持续”上达成一致。C选项several years对应past decade or so,criteria对应standards,即关键信息文章来自老烤鸭雅思在原文中都能找到依据,由此确定其为正确答案。选项A、D、E在原文中均找不到对应,属于无中生有,因此统统排除。


对应原文:A部分:Why is palm oil so attractive for manufacturers? Primarily because its unique properties – such as remaining solid at room temperature


第24题答案:(Sumatran) orangutan / orang-utan

对应原文:C部分:Endangered species – most famously the Sumatran orangutan, but also rhinos, elephants, tigers, and numerous other fauna – have suffered from the unstoppable spread of oil palm plantations.

答案解析:这道题跟前面第20题的考察点完全相同,根据best known与most famously的对应,即可确定答案Sumatran orangutan。

第25题答案:carbon stocks

对应原文:G部分:The RSPO insists upon no virgin forest clearing, transparency and regular assessment of carbon stocks, among other criteria.

答案解析:根据RSPO与criteria定位到G部分的这句话,空前词check对应assessment,由修饰关系确定答案为carbon stocks。


对应原文:H部分:reintroducing the bird’s nest fern into oil palm plantations could potentially allow these areas to recover their biodiversity

答案解析:根据bird’s nest fern定位到H部分,空前词restore对顶recover,由此确定单位biodiversity。

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