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剑桥雅思9Test4Section1听力原文与答案 Health Centres

剑桥雅思9Test4Section1听力原文与答案 Health Centres 剑桥雅思9听力第四套题目第一 […]

剑桥雅思9Test4Section1听力原文与答案 Health Centres

剑桥雅思9听力第四套题目第一部分的主题为健康中心咨询。内容包括三个诊所的医生与优势,Shore Lane Health Centre提供的免费医疗项目,以及一些关于健康知识的讲座。医疗场景是雅思听力考试中经常出现的内容,但整个剑桥雅思系列书籍中却只出现过这一次。所以大家务必重视起来。


雅思备考听力篇 剑9 test 4 section 1 雅思听力高频词汇

剑桥雅思9Test4听力Section1答案解析 Health Centres

剑9 test 4 Section 1雅思听力原文

WOMAN: Can I help you?

MAN: Yes, I’ve just moved to this area with my wife and children and I’d like to know where we can all register with a doctor at a Health Centre.

WOMAN: Okay. Well, there’s Doctor Green at The Harvey Clinic. We always recommend her for babies (Q1), because she’s very good with them and she runs a special clinic.

MAN: Oh … actually my youngest child is five, so that wouldn’t be any good for us.

WOMAN: Right.

MAN: Is there anywhere else I could try?

WOMAN: Yes, the Eshcol (Q2) Health Practice is the next one on my list.

MAN: How do you spell that?

WOMAN: E-S-H-C-O-L. And it’s Doctor Fuller, who has space on his list. The clinic only opened a year ago, so the facilities are all very modern.

MAN: That sounds good.

WOMAN: And it’s particularly good if you’re busy during the day, because they also do appointments in the evening (Q3). They’re closed on Saturday, though. The only other place on the list is the Health Centre on Shore Lane. You can register with Doctor Gormley (Q4), that’s G-O-R-M-L-E-Y. He’s new there, but the centre has a very good reputation.

MAN: Oh yes, I think I know the road. That would be the best one. Thanks. Could you tell me, will all their services be free?

WOMAN:  Erm … there are usually some small charges that doctors make. Let me see what it says about the Shore Lane Centre. If you need to be vaccinated before any trips abroad, you won’t have to pay for this (Q5). Erm, what else? The sports injury treatment service operates on a paying basis, as does the nutritional therapy service. Some health centres do offer alternative therapies like homeopathy as part of their pay-to-use service. Shore Lane are hoping to do this soon – I think they may start with acupuncture. And finally, if you need to prove you’re healthy or haven’t had any serious injuries before a new employer will accept you, you can get a free fitness check-up there (Q6), but you’d most likely have to pay for insurance medicals though.

MAN: Okay, thanks.

WOMAN: You might also be interested to know the Centre is running a pilot scheme of talks for patients. I’ve got the list here. Actually, they look very interesting.

MAN: What sort of things?

WOMAN: Well, the first one’s about giving up smoking. It’s next week, the twenty-fifth of February, at 7 pm, and that’s in Room 4. It says, the talk will stress the health benefits particularly for people with asthma or heart (Q7) disease.

MAN: That sounds very interesting.

WOMAN: There’s also a talk for families with children. It’s on Healthy Eating, and takes place on the first of March at five o’clock.

MAN: Will that be at the Health Centre?

WOMAN: Erm, actually it’s at the primary  school (Q8) on Shore Lane. I imagine they’re inviting the parents of pupils there – it says here ‘all welcome’.

MAN: Mmm, I might go to that if I have time.

WOMAN: There’s a couple of other talks – one giving advice about how to avoid injuries while doing exercise. It’s on the ninth of March. Oh, it’s a late afternoon talk, at four thirty (Q9), and it’ll be in Room 6. It also says the talk is suitable for all ages (Q10). And finally, there’s a talk called ‘Stress Management’ which is …

剑9 test 4 Section 1雅思听力答案

1. babies

2. Eshcol

3. evening

4. Gormley

5. B

6. E

7. heat

8. primary school

9. 4.30

10. ages

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