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剑桥雅思4真题听力 第1期:Test1 (section1

Good morning.Good morning. How can I help you?早上好!早上好,有什么可以帮到您?I understand that the school organises ... umm, trips to different...我了解到学校有组织去不同地方的旅行…… -是的,我们每月共有五次,3次周末出发,2次周三下午出发。Yes, we run five every month: three during weekends and two Wednesday afternoon trips.是的,我们每月共有五次,3次周末出发,2次周三下午出发。What sort of places?都去些什么地方呢?Well, obviously it varies, but always places of historical interest and also which offer a variety of shopping, because our students always ask about that.嗯,很多地方,但是都基本上是历史古迹。还有一系列购物点,因为学生总是咨询这些信息。and then we go for ones where we know there are guided tours, because this gives a good focus for the visit.我们会去有导游解说的地点,因为这样更有针对性。Do you travel far?去的地方远吗?Well, we're lucky here, obviously, because we're able to say that all our visits are less than three hours drive.嗯,我们显然是比较幸运的,可以这么说吧,我们的旅行团车程少于3小时。How much do they cost?价钱多少呢?Again it varies between five and fifteen pounds a head, depending on distance. Ah ha …这要看具体旅游团,根据距离的差异,每人五到十五镑之间。啊...这样。Oh,and we do offer to arrange special trips if,you know, there are more than twelve people.哦,还有如果你们超过12人,我们可以提供定制旅行团。Oh right,I'll keep that in mind. And what are the times normally?那好,我记住了。通常什么时间出发呢?We try to keep it pretty fixed so that, that students get to know the pattern.我们尽量固定时间,好让学生知道我们的出团模式。We leave at eight-thirty a.m. and return at six p.m.我们早上八点半出发,下午六点回程。We figure it's best to keep the day fairly short.我们觉得最好还是短途的。Oh yes. And how do we reserve a place?哦,对,那我们怎么预订呢?You sign your name on the notice board.在公告栏上签名就好。Do you know where it is?你知道在哪里吗?Ah ha. I saw it this morning.嗯,我今天早上看到了。And we do ask that you sign up three days in advance so we know we've got enough people interested to run it,我们要求提前三天签名,这样我们就能统计感兴趣的人数了。and we can cancel if necessary, with full refund of course.That's fine, thanks.如果有必要我们会取消发团,当然报名费会全额退款。那好,谢谢!
