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发表学术论文120余篇,近年来代表性论文:Gaoxiang Zhou, Xiangnan Liu *, Shuang Zhao, Ming Liu and Ling Wu.Estimating FAPAR of rice growth period using radiation transfer model coupled with the WOFOST model for analyzing heavy metal stress. Remote sensing,24(23):19044-19056 , 2017.Biyao Zhang, Xiangnan Liu*, Meiling Liu, Dongmin Wang. Thermal infrared imaging of the variability of canopy-air temperature difference distribution for heavy metal stress levels discrimination in rice. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing,2017, 11Lingwen Tian, Xiangnan Liu*, Biyao Zhang, Ming Liu, Ling Wu. Extraction of Rice Heavy Metal Stress Signal Features Based on Long Time Series Leaf Area Index Data Using Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2017, 14(9): 1018.Shuyuan Liu, Xiangnan Liu *, Meiling Liu, Ling Wu, Chao Ding and Zhi Huang. Extraction of rice phenological differences under heavy metal stress using EVI time-series from hj-1A/B data.Sensors, 2017, 17, 1243, 1-17.Ming Jin, Xiangnan Liu?. Evaluating heavy metal stress levels in rice using a theoretical model of canopy-air temperature and leaf area index based on remote sensing. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,2017,Chao Ding, Xiangnan Liu*, Fang Huang, Yao Li, Xinyu Zou. Onset of drying and dormancy in relation to water dynamics of semi-arid grasslands from MODIS NDWI,Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2017, 234, 22-30.Jiali Wei, Xiangnan Liu*, Chao Ding, Meiling Liu, Ming Jin, Dongdong Li. Developing a thermal characteristic index for lithology identification using thermal infrared remote sensing data. Advances in Space Research. 2017, 59(1): 74-87. Zhi Huang, Xiangnan Liu*,Ming Jin, Chao Ding, Jiale Jiang, Ling Wu. Deriving the characteristic scale for effectively monitoring heavy metal stress in rice by assimilation of GF-1 data with the WOFOST model. Sensors, 2016, 16 (340):1-16Jin Ming,Liu Xiangnan*,Wu Ling, Liu Meiling. An Improved Assimilation Method with Stress Factors Incorporated in the Wofost Model for the Efficient Assessment of Heavy Metal Stress Levels in Rice. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 41: 118-129, 2015.Liu Feng,Liu Xiangnan*, Ding Chao,Wu Ling. The Dynamic Simulation of Rice Growth Parameters under Cadmium Stress with the Assimilation of Multi-Period Spectral Indices and Crop Model. Field Crops Research, 183: 225-234, 2015.Jiang Jiale, Liu Xiangnan*, Liu Chuanhao, Wu Ling, Xia Xiaopeng, Liu Meiling, Du Zhihong. Analyzing the Spatial Scaling Bias of Rice Leaf Area Index from Hyperspectral Data Using Wavelet–Fractal Technique. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 8(6): 3068-3080, 2015.Liu Meiling,Liu Xiangnan*,Liu Da, Ding Chao,Jiang Jiale. Multivariable Integration Method for Estimating Sea Surface Salinity in Coastal Waters from in Situ Data and Remotely Sensed Data Using Random Forest Algorithm. Computers & Geosciences, 75: 44-56, 2015.Li Xuqing,Liu Xiangnan*,Liu Meiling,Wang Cuicui,Xia Xiaopeng. A Hyperspectral Index Sensitive to Subtle Changes in the Canopy Chlorophyll Content under Arsenic Stress. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 36: 41-53, 2015.Ding Chao, Li Xuqing, Liu Xiangnan*, Zhao Liting. Quartzose–Mafic Spectral Feature Space Model: A Methodology for Extracting Felsic Rocks with Aster Thermal Infrared Radiance Data. Ore Geology Reviews, 66: 283-292, 2015.Liu Feng, Liu Xiangnan*, Zhao Liting, Ding chao, Jiang Jiale, Wu Ling. The Dynamic Assessment Model for Monitoring Cadmium Stress Levels in Rice Based on the Assimilation of Remote Sensing and the WOFOST Model. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 8(3): 1330-1338, 2015.Xu Zhao, Xia Xiaopeng, Liu Xiangnan*,Qian Zhiguang. Combining DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light with Echo State Network for Prediction of Daily PM2.5 Average Concentrations in Shanghai, China. Atmosphere, 6(10): 1507-1520, 2015.Liu, Meiling, Liu, Xiangnan*, Li Jin, Ding Chao, Jiang Jiale. Evaluating Total Inorganic Nitrogen in Coastal Waters through Fusion of Multi-Temporal Radarsat-2 and Optical Imagery Using Random Forest Algorithm. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 33: 192-202, 2014.Ding Chao,Liu Xiangnan*,LiuWencan,Liu Meiling,LiYao. Mafic–Ultramafic and Quartz-Rich Rock Indices Deduced from Aster Thermal Infrared Data Using a Linear Approximation to the Planck Function. Ore Geology Reviews, 60: 161-173, 2014.Liu, Meiling, Liu, Xiangnan*, Ma Aohui, Li Ting, Du Zhihong. Spatio-Temporal Stability and Abnormality of Chlorophyll-a in the Northern South China Sea During 2002–2012 from Modis Images Using Wavelet Analysis. Continental Shelf Research, 75: 15-27, 2014.Wu Ling, Liu Xiangnan*, Wang Ping, Zhou Botian, Liu Meiling, Li Xuqing. The Assimilation of Spectral Sensing and the Wofost Model for the Dynamic Simulation of Cadmium Accumulation in Rice Tissues. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 25: 66-75,2013.Zhang Hui, Liu Xiangnan*, Cai Erli, Huang Gang, Ding Chao. Integration of Dynamic Rainfall Data with Environmental Factors to Forecast Debris Flow Using an Improved Gmdh Model. Computers & Geosciences, 56: 23-31, 2013.Liu Xiangnan*, Liu Meiling ,Wu Ling, Fusion of optical data and SAR data for the estimation of nitrogen concentration in Pearl River Estuary Hong Kong Seas, China,International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, v 39, p 463-467, 2012Lv Jie, Liu Xiangnan, Huang Y. Estimation of heavy metal concentrations in rice using support vector machines and particle swarm optimization from reflectance spectroscopy. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 50 (20). 257-263,2013Meiling Liu, Xiangnan Liu*, Jonathan Li ,Ting Li. Estimating regional heavy metal concentrations in rice by scaling up a field-scale heavy metal assessment model. International Journal Of Applied Earth Observation And Geoinformation, 19(10): 12-23 ,2012 Zheng Tan, Xiangnan Liu*,Xiaoqian Zhang. SAR Data Assimiliation for Grop Biomass Simulation Based on Crop Growth Model Agricultural Science & Technology13(5):1127-1132,2012Meiling Liu, Xiangnan Liu*.Integrating spectral indices with environmental parameters for estimating heavy metal concentrations in rice using a dynamic fuzzy neural-network model. Computers & Geosciences,37(10):1642-1652,2011Meiling Liu, Xiangnan Liu*, Ling Wu. Wavelet-based detection of crop zinc stress assessment using hyperspectral reflectance. Computers & Geosciences,37(9):1254-1263,2011Meiling Liu, Xiangnan Liu*, Weicui Ding, Ling Wu. Monitoring stress levels on rice with heavy metal pollution from hyperspectral reflectance data using wavelet-fractal analysis. International Journal Of Applied Earth Observation And Geoinformation, 13( 2): 246-255 ,2011 Meiling Liu, XiangnanLiu*, Mi Li, Meihong Fang, Wenxue Chi. Neural-network model for estimating leaf chlorophyll concentration in rice under stress from heavy metals using four spectral indices. Biosystems Engineering, 106(3): 223-233,2010 主持国家自然科学基金项目、科技部863课题和其他项目20多项。代表性项目有:1、国家自然科学基金项目:松嫩沙地土地利用变化时空型式与驱动机制研究,2000-20022、教育部高等学校骨干教师资助计划项目:全数字化多维农业信息集成处理技术及其在精准农业建设中的应用, 2000-20023、霍英东教育基金会高等院校青年教师基金项目:精准农业系统建设若干关键技术研究,2000-20034、大庆市政府信息化项目:大庆市房产地理信息系统建设,2005-20095、国家高技术发展研究计划(863计划):复杂隐蔽性农田面源污染特征遥感识别与反演技术,2007-20106、国家自然科学基金项目:基于ICA和模糊推理技术构建东北典型区黑土污染高光谱遥感反演模型,2008-20107、国家自然科学基金与广东省联合基金课题:南海水色要素时空分布的遥感分析,2010-20138、国家自然科学基金项目:基于作物生长模型和遥感数据同化的大尺度水稻重金属污染胁迫动态监测,2014-2017。刘湘南,黄方,王平.地球信息科学导论.吉林教育出版社,2002彭望琭,白振平,刘湘南.遥感概论.高等教育出版社,2002刘湘南等.遥感数字图像处理与分析.吉林大学出版社,2005刘湘南,黄方,王平.GIS空间分析原理与方法.科学出版社,(第一版,2005;第二版,2008)刘湘南,王平,关丽等.GIS空间分析(第三版).科学出版社,20172002年获教育部全国优秀骨干教师奖;2005年入选吉林省第一批拔尖人才。研究生招生:测绘科学与技术(博士,硕士),测绘工程(硕士)。

