首页 >  出国相关的考试叫什么  > HMBC,HSQC,HMQC专业术语的名称是什么,三者之间有什么主要联系。


HMQC---Heteronuclear Multiple Quantum  Correlation,异核多量子相关;HSQC---Heteronuclear Single Quantum Correlation,异核单量子相关;HMBC---Heteronuclear Multiple Bond Correlation,异核多键相关。前两者看到的都是碳氢直接相连的相关信号;后者看到的是相隔2、3根键的碳氢相关。纠正一下楼上,上述看到的都是C-H相关信号。H-H的是H-H COSY谱,至于C-C的貌似没听过啊!另外,关于前两者的区别文献上是这样说的:Both the HSQC and HMQC provide the exact same  information. The differences are technical and involve signal-to-noise ratio.  The  HSQC has a sensitivity-enhanced version that provides a factor of two of improvement in sensitivity for methine protons (only) and amide nitrogen. If you are interested in  CHs and NHs then choose the HSQC,
