首页 >  六级第二套听力真题原文答案解析  > 2020年12月英语六级真题及答案解析




1.C)Her claim has been completely disregarded.

2.A)The groundfloor of their cottage was flooded.

3.D)The woman's failure to pay her house insur-ance in time

4.A)File a lawsuit against the insurance company.

5.B)They disagree about the future of Al technology

6.C)Less ti on suming and focusing on creation

7.B)Digitallife could be replace human civilization.

8.D)It wil bsmarter than human beings

9.B)Save one fifth of their net monthly income.

10.A)startby doing something small.

11.C)A proper mindset.

12.B)She found her outfit inappropriate

13.A)To save the trouble of choosing a unique outfiteveryday,

14.C)It matters alot in jobs involving interaction withothers.

15.D)Do whatever is possible to looksmart.

16.A)The robsesnwthconsumptn.

17.A)Things that we cherish most.

18.A)They serve multiple purposes.

19.C)Over 10%of the respondents lied about the distance they drove.

20.C)They wanted to protect their reputation.

21.B)They seem intuitive

22.D)Older people'sa version to new music.

23.A)They no longer listen to new music

24.D)The more you experiences th, the better you'appreciate it.

25.D)Teenagers are much more sentimental




28.F. foreseeable



31.D. disruptions

32.B. credited

33.A. credential




36.[H] Those projects are then interwoven with fast-pacedtechnical modules (模块)learned'on-the-fly'and'atwil r depending on the nature of the project .

37.[E] The Bachelar's degree could be your passport to lifo-long learning .

38.[B] Why?Because universities and curricula are designedalong the three unities of French classical tragedy : time,ac-tion,and place.

39.[K] Sound like sciencefiction?

40.D] In addition to technical capabilities , the very nature ofprojects develops social and entrepreneurial skills ,suc hasdesign thinking , initiative taking ,teamleading, activity re-porting or resource planning .

41.[C] The university model needs to evolve .

42.[J] After the MSc diploma is earned , there would be manymore stamps of lifelong learning over the years .

43.[N] Even if time were not an issue ,who will pay for life-long learning?

44[F] Recent advances in computational methods and datascience push us into rethinking science and engineering ,

45.[M] This could fix the main organisational challenges forthe university ,butnotforthelearners, due to lack of time-family obligations or funds .


46.B) Poople's reluctance to be compelled to eatplant- basedfood .

47.A) Radically change their dietary habits .

48.B) Many people simply do not have access to foods theyprefer

49.D)Itmayworsen the nourishment problem inlow-in-come countries .

50.A)It accepts them at the expense of the long -terminter-ests of its people .

51.C) They constantly dismiss others ' proposals while takingno responsibility for tackling the problem ,

52.D)A distinction should be drawn between responsibilityand t ault

53.A)Stop them from going further by agreeing with the m.54.B] They are prompted to come up with ideas for makingpassiblechanges.

55.C) Assuming responsibility to free oneself



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on why students should be encouraged to de-velop the ability to meet challenges. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


Living in a world where challenges exist everywhere, stu-dents are generally encouraged to develop the ability to meet diverse challenges. Cultivating this ability is no easy task, but once you own it, you will be more likely to achieve success.

The reasons why students should be encouraged to develop the ability to meet challenges mainly lie in the following three respects. First of all, as a student, the ability to meet challenges can give them a stronger inner mind, which is very indispensable for the growth of contemporary young-sters. Moreover, the ability, to meet challenges can make students better prepared for their future career. Last but not least, this ability can undoubtedly enhance students'efficiency to solve problems in their real lives.

To conclude, developing the ability to meet challenges can not only render us outstanding easily but also lead us to success eventually. With this ability, we will definitely become the one we have been dreaming to be.



The 1,956-kilometre Qinghai-Tibet Railway is the world 'shighest and longest plateau railway with 960 kilometresabove the altitude of 4, 000 metres, and the first trainLineto join Tibet and other areas of China .Asit crosses theworld 'smast vulnerable eco-system . continuous ecologicalprotection measures have been adopted during and afterthe construction to guarantee“a green railroad .”The Q in-ghai-Tibet Railway substantially shortens the travelling timebetween inland China and Tibet, and, more importantly,considerably promotes the economic development of Tibetand improves the living condition of the local people . Afterthe railway 's operation, more and more people choose tovisit Tibet by train so that they have the opportunity toadmire the beautiful scenery along the way.
