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九年级英语2022. 10学校姓名准考证号注 1.本试卷共 10 页,共三部分,55 道题,满分 100 分。考试时间 120 分钟。意 2.在试卷和答题纸上准确填写学校名称、姓名和准考证号。事 3.试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题纸上,在试卷上作答无效。项 4.在答题纸上,选择题用 2B 铅笔作答,其他题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。第一部分本部分共 19 题,共 32 分。根据题目要求,完成相应任务。一、听后选择(每题 1.5 分,共 12 分)听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下列各题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。请听一段对话,完成第 1 至第 2 题。When does the post office close A.At 5:00. B.At 5:10. C.At 5:30.How will the girl go to the post office A.By bike. B.On foot. C.By car.请听一段对话,完成第 3 至第 4 题。What do we know about Emily A.She’s going to college soon.She’ll buy her mother a bag.She’s having a birthday party.What gift will the speakers prepare A.A bag. B.A card. C.A painting.请听一段对话,完成第 5 至第 6 题。What did the girl do in Yunnan A.She climbed mountains.She rode along the lake.She joined the boat races.What are the speakers mainly talking about A.Great views in Yunnan.Plans for a trip to Yunnan.Travel experiences in Yunnan.请听一段独白,完成第 7 至第 8 题。What can we learn from the speech A.There will be a teacher in each group.Each group will visit three places on Saturday.Students will bring old story books to the library.Why does the speaker make the speech A.To encourage students to volunteer.To introduce the volunteer work plan.To remind students of the things to take.二、听后回答(每题 2 分,共 10 分)听对话,根据对话内容笔头回答问题。每段对话你将听两遍。请听一段对话,完成第 9 题。What subject does the girl like best 请听一段对话,完成第 10 题。Where is the boy going this weekend 请听一段对话,完成第 11 题。How long does it take to walk to the library 请听一段对话,完成第 12 题。Why is the boy much taller now 请听一段对话,完成第 13 题。How does the jacket feel 三、听后记录并转写 本大题包括两节。第一节:听后填空。听短文,根据所听内容和提示信息,将所缺信息填写在相应位置上。短文你将听两遍。(每题 1 分,共 5 分)How to improve your eating habitsRethink about your eating habits keep a 14 about your food and drinks for a few days write down the time you eat or drink 15 how you’re feeling when you decide to eat16 new, healthy habits eat slowly to avoid overeating make sure that you eat only ... stick to the new habits and be 17 with yourselfPlan your food well make wise 18 about what you eat stay away from junk food don’t be cheated by tricks like“No Added Sugar”, ...第二节:听后转写。请再听一遍短文,根据所听到的内容和第一节中的提示信息,写出短文的主要内容。短文的开头已经给出。请注意语法正确,语意连贯。(5 分)I’ve got some ideas on第二部分本部分共 31 题,共 48 分。根据题目要求,完成相应任务。四、单项填空(每题 1 分,共 10 分)从下面各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My sister is a nurse. is very kind and caring.A.He B.She C.They D.It 21.— What’s the weather like in BeijingOctober It is great, neither too hot nor too cold.A.at B.on C.in D.with 22.— do you clean your room, Cindy Once a week.A.How long B.How soon C.How much D.How often 23.Tony used to be shy and quiet, now he is very outgoing.A.so B.but C.or D.if 24.— Mom, I watch the baseball game for a while Of course you can.A.can B.must C.should D.need 25.After years of practice, Jimmy can finally runthan his older brother.A.fast B.faster C.fastest D.the fastest 26.— Your watch looks really cool.Thank you. I it in a small shop last week.A.buy B.have bought C.will buy D.bought 27.— Tim, you can read the Chinese on the menu!Yeah. I Chinese for two years.A.learn B.am learning C.have learned D.will learn 28.Kids to learn to cook some simple dishes now.A.require B.required C.were required D.are required 29.— Peter, do you knowNext Monday.A.when the book report is due B.when is the book report due C.when the book report was due D.when was the book report due五、完形填空(每题 1.5 分,共 12 分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。In the 7th grade, I was known as the smart girl — the girl who always got the highest grades. No one really 30 me to be good at sports. I didn’t, either.In PE class, we played volleyball, and I was one of the worst players on my team. I worried the whole time that the ball would hit me right in the face. Every time the ball came my way, I would just 31 and move away.“Kelly, you should just stick to getting high grades,”one of my classmates said.“Not all people are 32 to play sports. And that includes you.”I was hurt, but I didn’t say anything. Deep down, I believed he was right.One day during break, I saw a few girls playing soccer happily. I decided to give it a try and asked a girl if I could play.“You want to play soccer !”she laughed.“OK. But you have to be on the other team. I don’t want my team to lose.”Anyway, the other team accepted me and the captain gave me a few 33 before the game started.However, nothing worked. You can imagine how clumsy (笨拙的) I was on the field.But I heard a(n) 34in my head,“You shouldn’t give up. You couldn’t be that bad in soccer. What you need is just to keep trying.”Over the next few weeks, I practiced really hard and gradually I could move more quickly and 35 . I started scoring point after point for my team. Both my team members and our opponents (对手) were shocked. When we had to pick team members, both teams wanted me to play on their side. They would say,“Kelly should be on our team today! She played for your team yesterday!”They were 36 .I was glad my effort paid off. That spring, I 37 that a brainy girl could also be good at a sport. I took pride in myself.30.A.guided B.advised C.expected D.reminded31.A.nod B.duck C.fall D.cheer32.A.born B.taught C.invited D.allowed33.A.goals B.chances C.opinions D.suggestions34.A.wish B.order C.voice D.alarm35.A.easily B.directly C.carefully D.gently36.A.wondering B.fighting C.comparing D.explaining37.A.added B.hoped C.argued D.proved六、阅读理解(每题 2 分,共 26 分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。AAre you interested in helping your kids take up a new hobby Here are some ideas for you.Gardening Gardening not only allows your kids to get their hands dirty but also makes them quiet. It can provide a good way to work out. You don’t even need to have an outdoor space of your own, because community gardens will work just fine.Bread-making Bread-making is a hands-on activity. Kids get excited to make something they like. Also, they learn some simple cooking skills. Most importantly, you get closer to your kids while spending time doing something fun.Calligraphy (书法) Chinese calligraphy is beautiful handwriting. It is done with a special brush or pen. This hobby will improve your kids’ handwriting, hand-controlling skills and help them focus better.Paper-folding Paper-folding is special. It helps to improve your kids’ hand-controlling and creative thinking skills. It also saves money because there are a lot of videos online to teach your kids for free.Gardening .A.requires a private garden B.provides a good way to work out C.teaches kids to save money D.helps kids keep their hands cleanWhat can improve kids’ creative thinking skills A.Gardening. B.Bread-making. C.Calligraphy. D.Paper-folding.The passage is written for .A.teachers B.students C.parents D.visitorsBLast fall, I signed up for a four-month program for teenagers in Mountain High School. I went there because hikes, art, and fields of corn sounded fun to me.When I set out in August, I hugged my parents goodbye.“See you in December!”I said.My parents nodded. They were worried — I could tell. It was because they knew me so well. They knew that I had trouble reaching out. They knew that I was shy and I made friends slowly.My dad looked worriedly at me and my mom’s voice shook as she said,“You’re going to be justfine, baby girl.”The first two weeks were difficult. I made half-hearted small talks at meals, and I cried in the shower. For me, being around people all the time was more tiring than a five-mile race. I was out of my comfort zone, and I couldn’t go back.One day during the third week, I spent two hours collecting corn with one of my classmates. My feelings matched the darkening sky. I wanted to be alone. After a while, she asked,“Where are youfrom again ”Half an hour passed“, How many brothers or sisters do you have ”Finally, my classmate said the three magic words in the English language: I LOVE READING. Soon I found myself talking about books I enjoyed reading. I started to relax. A few bricks (砖) fell down from my wall of shyness.A few more fell. I started to reach out. The bricks fell and fell and fell. By the end of the program, I was totally different. I ran through the dining hall, I jumped on the chairs, I sang, and I made friends.That was the wonderful thing about a comfort zone: once you are out of it, it doesn’t take long to find a new normal. When I arrived, people tired me. When I left, I couldn’t stand leaving them.The writer’s parents worried about her because .A.she disliked the program B.she was always a shy girlC.she feared to leave home D.she was a very slow reader 42.The writer started to relax after .A.calling her parents B.running a hard raceC.talking about books D.crying in the shower 43.From her experience, the writer learned about .A.the benefits of living by oneself B.the joy of leaving a comfort zone C.the value of having a new hobby D.the importance of making friendsCFrom football to volleyball,“ball”is part of the sport’s name in many cases. However, if you watch an ice hockey game for the first time, you will probably notice that, unlike many sports, there’s no ball.In ice hockey, it’s all about the puck: the little round black object that flies around the ice. As two teams skate rapidly on the ice, they fight with sticks to get the puck into the net. They skate so fast and shoot the puck with such force that it’s almost impossible to keep track of it.Hockey pucks are flat and round. Made of black rubber, they are about7.62 centimeters across and 2.54 centimeters thick. Each puck weighs about 170 grams. Have you ever seen a hockey puck up close If so, you’ve probably noticed that there are raised patterns on the edge of the puck. A completely smooth puck would be hard to shoot. The raised patterns give the hockey stick something to hold onto when a player takes a shot.The hockey puck first appeared in 1875, though it’s unclear who actually invented it. Experts believe the first hockey puck was likely just a rubber ball cut in half. This provided players with an object with a flat side that would slide (滑行) across the ice.Today, hockey pucks are only made in four countries: Canada, Russia, China, and the Czech Republic. At large factories, workers mix rubber with a special material first. Next, they add carbon black to the mixture. Then, they pour the mixture into a mold (模具) and press it. After that, special logos can be added to each side through a step called silk screening. About 5,000 logoed pucks can be made in a week.Hockey pucks are really cool. They are kept frozen so that they slide on the ice and don’t bounce(弹跳) around. Once the players tie their ice skates, they’re off running after the puck, which can reachspeeds of up to 160 kilometers per hour or more!The expression“keep track of ”in Paragraph 2 probably means“”. A.follow B.collect C.lead D.crossWhat can we learn from the passage It takes four steps to produce a logoed puck.The first hockey puck was a round rubber ball.The pucks are kept frozen to bounce around the ice.Raised patterns make it hard for players to take shots.Which of the following could be the best title of the passage A.Slide on the Ice with Pucks B.Get to Know All about Pucks C.Have Fun Playing Ice Hockey D.Take a Close Look at Ice HockeyDClose your eyes. Try to bring back a memory of taking an exam in your worst subject with your strictest teacher. Probably you remember looking at the paper, feeling you didn’t know any of the answers. Your heart was beating fast... Not surprisingly, you think of that experience as all bad, a long-lasting discomfort.But maybe it didn’t have to be that way. A paper in Nature reports that a one-time online mindset exercise (思维模式训练) improved the way young people thought about stressful events and their uncomfortable responses (反应). The exercise is based on two mindsets: first, ability is not fixed but can be improved with effort and support; second, body responses to stress can be helpful. As students work through the exercise themselves, they read information about how the brain builds on experience and how the body uses stress — a fast-beating heart sends more blood to the brain to help you think. The exercise also suggests ways to succeed in stressful situations, and it asks students to write about what they might do differently next time.Researchers invited thousands of high school and college students to take the exercise. The findings show that this exercise appears to be able to change our understanding of the world around us and our responses to pared with those who didn’t take the exercise, students who took part thought about stress differently, turning it into a way of energizing the motivation (激活动力) to achieve a goal. What’s more, the exercise changed their body responses for the better, preparing the body to respond to events as a challenge rather than a threat (威胁).“Difficulty and struggle are your friends,”says Christopher Bryan, a social psychologist and one of the researchers.“Those experiences don’t feel good in the moment, but it’s the path anyone who became truly excellent at anything had to travel.”The exercise could be put into further use. It could be specially made for athletes or office workers in the future. Once it has been fully tested, the exercise could be ready for use in high schools and colleges nationwide.The researchers don’t just want young people to rethink about stress; they want adults to rethinkabout young people“. Our studies suggest that we might not teach young people that they are too weak toget over difficulties, but that we might, instead, provide them with resources and guidance so that young people can show their skills and creativity in dealing with big problems,”they write in the paper.According to Paragraph 2, the mindset exercise may help you .forget about your stressful momentsfind ways to slow down your heartbeatrecord what you have been through before D.understand how the brain builds on experienceWhat can we learn about the exercise It is now helping teenagers nationwide.It is especially helpful to office workers.It aims to help teenagers get better grades.It can change students’ responses to events. 49.The writer would probably agree that .A.difficulties are part of growth for young people B.motivation plays the key role in achieving a goal C.teenagers are too weak to get through difficulties D.adults should show their skills and creativity firstWhat is the writer’s main purpose in writing this passage To question the influence of stress.To explain the importance of stress.To introduce a way to look at stress.To compare two mindsets about stress.第三部分本部分共 5 题,共 20 分。根据题目要求,完成相应任务。七、阅读表达(51 至 53 题每题 2 分,54 题 4 分,共 10 分)阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。Two Words that Changed Many LivesOften when we’re going through a hard time, we feel alone, and just having someone notice and understand is enough to make us feel loved and supported. Sherry was once upset and disappointed while working on a hard job. Then her boss gave her a card. The card with just two little words was whatmade her realize she wasn’t alone.The two words You Matter.Sherry said she almost cried when she read the message.“I’ve fought at times with my own self-worth, and when I received the card, it felt like a question I carried around with me had been answered — I matter.”Sherry was so touched that she ordered 100 of her own cards to give away.“I met a woman who looked to be in her 60s. When I asked her how she was doing, the woman said, ‘Not so good. My husband just lost his job. The truth is, I don’t know how I’m going to get through the holidays.’My heart ached. I wanted to help but didn’t know how. Then I remembered something in my bag that might help her.‘It sounds like you’re going through a really hard time. I’d like to give you something.’And I handed her a‘You Matter’card. When she read it, she began to cry.‘You have no idea how much this means to me,’she said thankfully.”“Without that card, I wouldn’t have gone up to that woman and said anything,”she says. Sherry thought the experience was so powerful that she decided to send sets of 30“You Matter”cards free to anyone who signed up online as long as the person promised to give the cards away. She called the event the“You Matter Marathon (马拉松)”because the cards can pass on people’s kindness and care about each other.The idea was more successful than she’d expected and the cards have changed many people’s lives. Julie, a participant (参与者), says,“Having the‘You Matter’cards ready to hand out has allowed me to really look at people. This is making me a much more connected human.”Who gave Sherry a card when she was working on a hard job 52.How did Sherry help the old woman Why did Sherry call the event the“You Matter Marathon” 54.What do you think of Sherry Why 八、文段表达(10 分)(55.)从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据所给提示,完成一篇不少于 50 词的英语文段写作。文中4 4 4 4已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。假如你是李华,你的笔友Peter 想了解中国的传统手工艺术。请用英语给他写一封邮件,向他介绍一种你最喜欢的中国传统手工艺术形式,对其做简要描述,并谈谈你最喜欢它的原因。提示词语:paper cutting, sky lantern, history, luck, wishes提示问题:● What is your favorite traditional Chinese art form Please describe it.Why is it your favorite Dear Peter,How is it going 成长与变化,是生命的馈赠。某英文网站正在开展以“改变”为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华,请用英文写一篇短文
