首页 >  中考英语完型填空真题解析  > 专题16:完形填空



中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台专题16 完形填空完形填空是近年来全国英语中考一直采用的一种综合性很强的测试题型。完形填空涉及的知识面广,灵活性较高。它不仅能测试考生的英语知识水平和对所学知识的综合运用能力,而且能反映出考生的阅读理解能力,分析判断能力和逻辑推理能力。完形填空通常选用一篇250个单词左右的短文,一般采用故事体裁,尽量避免专业性太强的文章。完形填空要求考生既要运用自己所学过的词汇、习惯用语、固定搭配、语法、句法等基础知识理解每个句子,又要处理好句子与句子之间以及句子与全文之间的内在联系,主要测试考生在具体语言环境中把握文章的篇章结构、中心思想和推理判断、词语辨析、习惯用法或固定搭配等方面的能力,以及对所学英语知识的综合运用能力、快速阅读理解能力和逻辑推理判断能力等,因而该题型能较全面地反映考生对所学知识的掌握程度。完形填空题以考查实词为主,主要包括名词、动词、形容词、副词及相关短语。从近几年的广州市、北京中考试题来看,完形填空越来越强调对上下文以及通篇文章的理解。(一)解题步骤要做好完形填空,必须掌握一定的解题方法和技巧,才能尽量做到在有能力得分的题上不丢分。完形填空的解题步骤是:通览——试填——复核。1.通览——速读全文,把握大意。快速阅读全文,通过通览全文来领会大意,概略地了解文章的体裁、背景、内容、结构层次、情节、写作风格等,并找出信息词。2.试填——紧扣文意,瞻前顾后。先易后难,逐层深入。紧扣全文内容,联系上下文和语境,展开逻辑推理,注意从上下文中寻找线索,注意从词的意义、搭配、习惯用法、常识等多个角度进行综合考虑。3.复核——全面检查,确保语意连贯,用词准确。试填后,要把全文再通读一遍,注意看所选答案填入空白处后能否做到文章意思通顺、前后连贯、逻辑严谨、结构完整、首尾呼应。(二)解题技巧1. 逻辑推理题:注意对文章内容进行逻辑分析、推理判断。理解上下文的内在关联和连贯意义。2. 词汇复现题:有些答案是会在上下文中重复出现的,关注语境,读懂题意,选出答案。3. 生活常识题:注意文化背景和生活常识,利用上下文线索,分析句子的关系。4. 语境推断题:注意对文章发生的背景,所处环境进行分析,进而理解语境,利用上下文线索,找到关键提示词或句子,选出答案。5. 固定搭配题:注意英语中的固定搭配、习惯用语及短语的运用。三、方法点对点练习方法一、语境推断根据上下文的语境提示或暗示,理解事件发生的语境,根据体验语境和作者的情感态度,推断出符合场景的最佳选项。例1(广州卷节选)One sunny morning, when Zebra (斑马) visited the river for a cool drink, he heard a tiny voice. “Help me, Zebra!”Zebra looked around and found Wasp (黄蜂)16in a spider web in a thornbush (荆棘丛).16. A. restingB. playing C. caught D. hidden【点拨】由上文的“Help me, Zebra!”可知黄蜂在求救,可推断出黄蜂在荆棘丛中被蜘蛛网“抓住了”。故选C。rest“休息”,play“玩耍”,hide“隐藏”。例2(广州卷节选)Carefully, Zebra reached into it, but the thorns 2 him. “Ouch!” Zebra stepped back and was leaving.2. A. hurt B. hit C. refusedD. killed【点拨】由下文的“Ouch!(惊吓声)”以及“斑马后退一步并准备离开”可推断出,荆棘丛“刺伤”了斑马。故选A。hit“打”,refuse“拒绝”,kill“杀死”。例3(广州卷节选)Wasp was resting in the bushes when she saw Zebra. She also found Lion hiding quietly ahead. If Zebra got too close to Lion…Thinking quickly, Wasp flew down and gave Lion a sudden sting. The 8 lion cried. “Roooooaaar!” Zebra heard the loud cry.8. A. surprised B. excitedC. interestedD. bored【点拨】由上文“黄蜂突然叮了狮子”以及下文“狮子大叫”可推断出,狮子对突然的叮咬感到很“惊讶”。故选A。excited“兴奋的”,interested“感兴趣的”,bored“无聊的”。方法二、词汇复现词汇复现是指文章中的某一词以原词、同源词、同义词、近义词、反义词、概括词或其他形式重复出现在语篇中,语篇中的句子通过词汇的复现达到了互相衔接。例1(广州卷节选)“Try to stay out of trouble,” Zebra said. “I might not be nearby the next time a spider gets 6.” Then he left. …A moment later, Wasp flew around Zebra’s head. “Try to stay out of trouble,” Wasp said with a laugh. “I might not be nearby the next time a lion gets hungry.”6. A. sleepy B. angryC. thirsty D. hungry【点拨】文章最后一段中复现了相同的话:Wasp said with a laugh, “I might not be nearby the next time a lion gets hungry”。由此推断选D,意为:下次蜘蛛饿的时候我可能不在附近。sleepy“昏昏欲睡的”,angry“生气的”,thirsty“口渴的”例2(广州卷节选)All day, Zebra stayed with his family until he noticed his favourite fruit—some berries!…The surprised lion cried. “Roooooaaar!” Zebra heard the loud cry. In a second, he turned around and ran back to his 9 .9. A. friendB. familyC. river D. fruit【点拨】由文章倒数第四段可知,斑马一整天和他的家人在一起,在得知狮子的存在后,斑马迅速回到家人那里。故选B。friend“朋友”,river“河流”,fruit“水果”方法三、逻辑推理完形填空的各段落之间有着逻辑上的联系,可以通过对故事的线索、文章前后各段之间的逻辑关系、文章前后内容之间的逻辑关系以及人物情感的发展来分析和理解文章,以此推断出正确答案。逻辑关系主要有:并列关系(and…);转折关系(but, however, though, yet, otherwise, while…);顺序关系(before, after, then, finally…);让步关系(although, despite…);因果关系(so, thus, for…);条件关系(if, in case…);递进关系(moreover, besides, furthermore, what’s more, in addition to, as well as…)。例1(广州卷节选)Carefully, Zebra reached into it, but the thorns hurt him. “Ouch!” Zebra stepped back and was leaving…Zebra laughed. “I’m fast and strong. Besides, I have a big family. Why would I need help from a little wasp ”“Please try one more time,” Wasp said. Zebra knocked at the web again. 5, this time it was enough to free Wasp.5. A. SadlyB. Suddenly C. LuckilyD. Strangely【点拨】由上文可知,斑马第一次想帮黄蜂的时候,被荆棘刺伤;下文提及,第二次能够解救黄蜂了。由此可推断出空格处表示“幸运地”,故选C。sadly“伤心地”,suddenly“突然地”,strangely“奇怪地”。方法四、生活常识,常用搭配将文章的意思和我们原有的生活经验、文化背景知识以及科普常识等结合起来,进行简单推理,从而得出正确答案。例1(广州卷节选)All day, Zebra stayed with his family until he noticed his favourite fruit—some berries! The hungry Zebra ran to 7 the berries.7. A. smellB. tasteC. touchD. watch【点拨】上文提及这些浆果是斑马最喜欢的水果,结合生活常识可知,饥饿的斑马在看到浆果后,跑过去“品尝”这些浆果。故选B。smell“闻”,touch“摸”,watch“看”。点对点练习1.When we talked, I discovered some differences in school life between the US and China. For example, each class lasts fifty minutes in the US. It is a little__________ than that in China. We usually have forty-five minutes in each class.A. shorterB. longerC. earlierD. later解题方法解题方法:语境推断。中国每节课45分钟,美国每节课50分钟。故比中国时间长。答案选B2.I've brought up a son who can not even__________ the truth to his own father.A. talk B. speakC. say D. tell解题方法解题方法:固定搭配。讲真相。用tell the truth.3.Mrs Grant stood up and absent-mindedly picked up the umbrella that was________ on the seat in front of her.A. hanging B. appearing C. dropping D. losing解题方法解题方法:生活常识。雨伞挂在座位上。答案选A4.Amy is among the___________ ones. The Chinese University of Hong Kong granted Amy a full scholarship -HK$500,000.Not all students are so fortunate.A. poor B. smartC. luckyD. silent解题方法解题方法:单词复现。fortunate 幸运的,与lucky同义。同义复现。5.My mother often asked me, “What is the most important part of the body "I thought sound was very important to us as humans, So I said:“My_________ ,Mommy.” She said:“No,Many people are deaf...”A. ears B. eyesC. bodyD. head解题方法解题方法:逻辑推理。因为我认为声音最重要。所以我认为“耳朵是身体最重要的部分”(2023·武汉)Passage 1Katie said goodbye to her parents at the front door of their candy shop as they drove off for a vacation, and Katie ___1___ she’d be able to run it with Aunt Maria’s help. Aunt Maria didn’t have any experience on business, but she is always called “___2___”.As Maria blew into the store, she said, “All right, Katie my love, let’s get this party started.”Katie took her aunt over to where the family made their own candy, such as fresh fudge (软糖). Aunt Maria ___3__ a piece of chocolate fudge. “Hmm,” she said. “It’s good, but not ___4__. We can add something to make that basic taste exciting.”Before Katie could ___5___ what Maria meant, the woman had gone to the kitchen. Katie heard her walking around, opening drawers and the fridge. Then she came back with her hands full of things. She __6___ them on the work surface with a happy tune(小调).“Brussels sprouts(甘蓝) ” Katie gave her aunt a ___7___ look. She couldn’t be serious! But she was. The woman’s hands were busy ___8___ the green vegetables and then adding those small pieces into the fudge. Katie’s eyes grew wide as she watched her aunt mix them together.Katie __10__ as the bell over the front door rang, announcing some ___9____. Three boys came in. “I’ll have strawberry fudge, please,” said the first boy.“Oh, how ____11____,” laughed Maria. “I must suggest you try something new! Try this!” She offered the boys the Brussels sprout fudge. “It’s free! ____12____!”Surprised, but too polite to ___13___, the boys left with the fudge.“There go our customers. They will tell everyone how strange our candy is, and nobody will want to shop here!” Katie said to herself. She didn’t know what to do. Her parents were going to be ____14____.The sound of the bell woke her up from her ____15____. The boys were back! But this time there was a crowd of kids coming into the store with them.“Give me two pieces of Brussels sprout fudge, please.”1. A. promised B. remembered C. pretended D. checked2. A. friendly B. creative C. honest D. lucky3. A. noticed B. bought C. made D. tried4. A. soft B. sweet C. smooth D. special5. A. believe B. change C. question D. explain6. A. stuck B. left C. spread D. swept7. A. strange B. fresh C. black D. hungry8. A. washing B. weighing C. cutting D. cooking9. A. moved on B. looked up C. broke down D. came over10. A. clerks B. policemen C. customers D. businessmen11. A. expensive B. cheap C. funny D. boring12. A. Stay B. Enjoy C. Go D. Help13. A. accept B. argue C. eat D. order14. A. mad B. calm C. relaxed D. silent15. A. mistakes B. memories C. plans D. thoughts【答案】1. A2. B3. D4. D5. C6. C7. A8. C9. B10. C11. D12. B13. B14. A15. D【解析】
