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专题02 完形填空


中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台5年(2018-2022)中考英语真题分项汇编(河南专用)专题02 完形填空【2022年河南省中考真题】三、完形填空先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。Bella arrived home late from school that day. When she walked past her mother’s room she found her mum was ____21____ in bed, and seemed to be very weak.Bella entered her room and heard the cries from her little sister. She knew her dad was expect her to ____22____ her sister. And she also had to prepare meals for the whole family ____23____ her mum did before. Bella thought it was not ____24____ because she also had schoolwork to do, just like everyone else in her class. Why did she have to be the grown-up When she got out of the room, she saw her ____25____ sitting at the kitchen table, lonely and tired. Suddenly, something happened inside Bella. She ____26____ that her father, as well as a husband, must be really ____27____.Then she heard a deep voice from her father, “Make the ____28____, will you, Bella ”She was going to find a(n) ____29____ to meet her friends, but she stopped and said to herself, “It is a ____30____ time for everyone in our family. I guess making meals is just what I can do to help. “Then she ____31____ went into the kitchen and began peeling (削) potatoes.“OK, Daddy.” said Bella. “Everything will be all right and we can ____32____.” At the moment, she saw a smile on her father’s face. She felt ____33____— grown-up, somehow. It was really good to ____34____ a smile to her father’s face, even for only a moment.“Daddy, whatever happens, we will be OK. Right ”“Yes, we will. If we ____35____ each other, we’ll always be all right.”They both smiled at each other over the table.21.A.still B.only C.even D.almost22.A.look for B.look after C.look over D.look through23.A.as B.until C.since D.unless24.A.clear B.ready C.fair D.true25.A.brother B.sister C.mum D.dad26.A.explained B.expected C.realized D.promised27.A.moved B.worried C.pleased D.surprised28.A.bed B.table C.dinner D.present29.A.excuse B.suggestion C.example D.question30.A.full B.hard C.good D.right31.A.simply B.bravely C.quietly D.suddenly32.A.decide B.manage C.forget D.understand33.A.terrible B.wrong C.lucky D.different34.A.bring B.keep C.turn D.hold35.A.refuse B.control C.support D.introduce参考答案:21.A22.B23.A24.C25.D26.C27.B28.C29.A30.B31.C32.B33.D34.A35.C【解析】【导语】
