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深圳市2022年初中学业水平考试英 语说明:答题前,请将姓名、考生号、考点、考场号和座位号用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写在答题卡指定的位置上,并将条形码粘贴好。全卷共7页。考试时间70分钟,满分75分。作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目答案标号的信息点框涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。。作答非选择题时,用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将答案写在答题卡指定区域内。写在本试卷或草稿纸上的答案一律无效。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 选择题(共50分)完形填空(10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(共10小题,每小题1分)From an early age, Ara loved watching the cows in the green fields in her village every day. When she was ten, she asked her parents if they could __1__ a cow. Her father thought it would take much work and suggested learning about cows from the __2__ in the community first.The first farm they visited was fantastic, which smelled fresh, like plants and rain. The cows were munching(嚼) on leaves, clean and smiling. They produced lots of tasty milk. However, the second farm was __3__. The cows were smelly and covered in dirt. When Ara asked about the milk, the farmers shook their heads.That night, Ara couldn’t fall asleep, wondering what she could do to help the sad cows. Finally, she __4__ a plan with her parents. She asked the first farmers if they would help the second farmers, and they __5__, Ara organized a meeting and the first farmers shared their __6__. The advice they offered was so __6__ that everyone learned a lot.Weeks later, Ara found that the second farm was much cleaner. The farmers got more milk. They were thankful to Ara and willing to share tips with others. At the next meeting, many more farmers __8__.That evening, Ara’s father gave her a big hug and said, “You have made a difference to our __9__!” Thinking about all the cows and people she helped, Ara smiled, though she didn’t own a cow in the end. “One can create positive change to the world at any age,” she thought __10__. What will be your change to make A. borrow B. keep C. find D. saveA. parents B. teachers C. friends D. farmersA. large B. different C. fantastic D. modernA. fought againstB. put off C. thought of D. gave upA. agreed B. arrived C. repeated D. believedA. happiness B. wealth C. business D. experienceA. humorous B. simple C. helpful D. traditionalA. took part B. rushed out C. set off D. passed byA. family B. school C. market D. communityA. honestly B. proudly C. thankfully D. strangely阅读理解(40分)第一节 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(共15小题,每小题1. 5分)AAt 9 o’clock on December 10th, 2021, with the sound of a whistle(哨), train G2197 slowly ran out of Ganzhou West Station and headed south to Shenzhen North Station. This marked the opening of the Ganzhou-Shenzhen high-speed railway, which includes 14 stations, with a total length of 436 kilometers. The total travel time between the two cities has been cut from 6 hours to 2 hours.The building of the Ganshen high-speed railway was filled with challenges. As the railway travels through the mountainous areas of southern Jiangxi and northern Guangdong, workers had to be careful with many cultural landscapes (风景) and protection areas. When it was completed, 323 bridges and 157 tunnels (隧道) were built, taking up 90% of the total length.By taking the new route, it is convenient for passengers to visit the beautiful places along the line. For example, you can walk into the Shenzhen Museum to review the city’s development, go to Heyuan to experience the amazing Wanlv Lake, or explore the ancient Tongtian Rock Caves in Ganzhou.Ganzhou is known as the “Orange Capital of the World”. With the high-speed railway’s operation, more travellers from Guangdong have arrived and Ganzhou oranges are getting more popular.“It used to take me six hours to drive home on Fridays, but now I can get home in time to pick up my child from school. What’s more, I can even drop him off at school on Monday mornings before I go to work,” said Chen Yu, a Ganzhou local who works in Shenzhen.Chen’s life is a typical one that has changed with the railway. More and more wonderful changes along the high-speed railway are taking place.How many hours can we save from Ganzhou to Shenzhen by G2197 A. 2. B. 4. C. 6. D. 8.What can we learn from paragraph 2 A. The tunnels cover 90 % of the railway.B. It was very difficult to build the railway.C. 157 bridges were built along the railway.D. The railway passes through northern Jiangxi.What is the purpose of paragraph 3 A. To introduce places of interest.B. To share travelling experiences.C. To review the history of Ganzhou.D. To celebrate the success of Shenzhen.What do we know about Chen Yu A. He is an orange farmer.B. He is a local in Shenzhen.C. His child lives in Ganzhou.D. His working place has changed.What kind of text is this A. A short story. B. A travel diary.C. A train timetable. D. A news report.BI took up baking(烘焙) when I was twelve. At that time I was working on my school bakery project with my classmates. I tried a few times, but I wasn’t very successful. My parents advised I learn from my grandmother, who later gave me her recipe(食谱) and instruction as well. After two years’ practice, I was able to make delicious bread. I have come to realize making bread means a lot to me although it takes a long time,To make bread, others usually use quick-rise yeast (酵母), but I don’t. Every Saturday morning, after mixing proper amount of water with flour, sugar etc., I take time to wait for the dough to rise. This is my way to slow down and smell the roses.Baking does require great patience. In my hands, the dough is slowly growing. It’s becoming softer. I can feel the change, which connects me to something quite different from the modern way of living. To me, making bread is a push against our culture of convenience. It certainly takes more time than buying bread from a store, but I enjoy it.I’ve stuck with my grandmother’s recipe without making any change. Now this tradition has continued for years. Sometimes, in order to fit it in, I have to change my schedule. But I have never considered giving it up.By the time my children get home from school, the bread has been baked and cooled. They step into the house and the first thing they do is to take a deep breath of the warm, honeyed air. My bread-baking has also helped them to slow down and understand the value of taking their time and leading an unhurried life.Who taught the writer to make bread A. Her teacher. B. Her grandmother.C. Her parents. D. Her classmates.How is the writer’s bread-making different from others’ A. She uses less water.B. She uses more sugar.C. She doesn’t bake it a long time.D She doesn’t add quick-rise yeast.Which word best describes life in modern times according to the writer A. Relaxing. B. Exciting. C. Fast. D. Happy.What does the underlined “it” in paragraph 4 refer to A. The recipe.B. The plan. C. The change.D. The tradition.What does the writer want to teach her children to do A. Do things in a slow way.B. Bake bread at an early age.C. Be thankful for parents’ work.D. Get home from school in time.CThe giant Amazon rainforest in South America has been a mystery for centuries. It holds all kinds of natural wonders. Among them in Colombia, a river stands out as “the most beautiful river” in the world.Locally called Cano Cristales, this special river lies in a national park. It is made up of several waterfalls, rapids, and plenty of pools. For most of the year, Cano Cristales looks like a common river: clean, green, and rocky. However, during the short period between September and November, the river explodes (迸发) with life and colour It appears as any mix of colours including blue, green, yellow, orange, and a purplish red. So it is also known as the “River of Five Colours”.Although at first it may appear as if some chemicals were added to the water, this rainbow river is completely natural. Cano Cristales’ colours are the result of a rare(稀有) water plant which needs sunlight to grow. The plants change colour depending on how much sunlight they receive, and the amount is decided by the height and speed of the water. Therefore, it is possible for the plants to be totally colourless if the sunlight is too hard to get. They are a delicate plant. This makes them easily damaged in the water.Actually, the river faces some problems, including drier seasons, wildlife trouble, waste management, and budget (预算) cuts. In 2007, the park was forced to close because it was over-crowded with tourists. Now the park admits only 200 people a day and requires them to mind their behaviour.Today, Cano Cristales still shines among Colombia’s most popular natural attractions, drawing thousands of tourists every year.When is the best time to visit Cano Cristales A. In January.B. In March. C. In June. D. In October.Why is Cano Cristales colourful A. A special plant lives in it.B. People add chemicals to it.C. The water is badly polluted.D. The weather is changeable there.What does the underlined word “delicate” in paragraph 3 probably mean A. Special. B. Weak. C. Lively. D. Beautiful.What once caused the park to be closed A. Too many visitors. B. The poor service.C. Too much rubbish. D. The wildlife problem.What is the best title of the text A. How to Visit Cafo CristalesB. Natural Beauty in ColombiaC. World’s Most Beautiful RiverD. Protecting the River of Five Colours第二节 阅读下面短文,并从方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文,使原文的意思连贯、完整。(共5小题,每小题2分)A. Get properly warmed up first B. Warm-ups do good to your heart C. Make sure the coach holds your interest D. Jumping rope is the easiest one to get into shape E. These include foot, leg, knee and even back injuries F. This slower ending is better for you than a sudden stopWhether you’re stuck inside from terrible weather, or shyness, there are ways to exercise indoors every day. Here’s how you can work out effectively at home.26A good warm-up makes sure your body gets much-needed oxygen. When your body is warm, you’ll move better. Warm-ups also help reduce stress on your heart and the possibilities of getting hurt.27. So it’s necessary to warm up before you start to work out.Start with a HIIT exerciseThere are many kinds of HIIT exercises.28. It can help burn fat effectively. It also works out both the upper and lower body and especially develops your core (核心) strength. In some ways, it’s friendlier to the knees than running and speed walking.Follow exercise videos that suit youIf you do a quick internet search, you will be amazed at the number of exercise videos Young or old, male or female, you can find several that will work best for you.29. Some world-famous coaches even teach live lessons every day.Don’t forget to cool downJust like warming up ahead of time reduces injury (受伤), so does cooling down. Regular cool-downs after exercise are important because it’s best to slowly reduce your heart rate (心率).30.第三节 下面的材料A~F是六门校本课程的介绍。请根据Kevin, Mandy, Brian, Ivy, Simon五位同学的需求,为他们推荐合适的课程。(共5小题,每小题1. 5分)A. Block BuildingPrepare to build your favorite “adventures”. Projects of Star Wars and Jurassic Park will be offered and knowledge will be explained. You can take home your own works.B. Robotic ScienceHave fun building and creating robots! You will learn engineering in an interesting way and many robot projects will be included. You can also join in an exciting competition.C. Chemical MagicGet ready for a “magical” lab experience in Harry Potter style! It is an introduction to chemistry and physics. Enjoy making coloured fire, hot ice, purple smoke and more.D. Photography FunExpect to take a wonderful photo or shoot a video on your own Come and find out the science behind movies. You will also learn the skills of photography using different cameras.E. First Aid TrainingWhat do you know about the things in the survival kit Attend this course to learn how to use them in the right manner. Step-by-step treatment for medical emergencies will be shown.F. Arts and 3-D PrintingWant to be an artist Come and create your artworks! Projects, including sand art, painting and an introduction to CAD drawing and 3-D printing, will be carried out.31. Kevin wishes to develop a home-care robot which can look after his grandpa.32. Mandy wants to take beautiful pictures and record her family trips on holiday.33. Brian wonders how he can create coloured smoke for his play in English Week.34. Ivy is crazy about Leonardo da Vinci’s works. She dreams of becoming a painter.35. Simon has built several block models. He’s thirsty for model-building knowledge.第二部分 非选择题(共25分)语法填空(10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单询的正确形式。(共10小题,每小题1分)Surrounded (环绕) by mountains and snow, Chinese pianist Lang Lang played “Loving Dream”, “Jasmine Flower” and “Goldberg Variations” at the highest railway station in central Switzerland. The show was 37 (warm) welcomed by the audience. What he did helped _37 the cultural exchanges between China and Europe by means of music.Lang Lang is one of the leading 38 (musician) in the classical music world. Though he put on thousands of shows worldwide, this was his first time to play 39 piano at the top of a snowy mountain. The low temperature 40 (make) it quite challenging for him. However, playing in a “fairytale-like” environment was a very special experience, according to Lang Lang.“The piece ‘Jasmine Flower’ 41 (choose) specially for this show,” Lang Lang said, “I played this beautiful piece from my own culture, hoping 42 (draw) the audience’s interest in learning more about China through the beauty of Chinese music.”Before Lang Lang played the 43 (three) piece, his fingers became a little cold, 44 he showed no fear of the heavy snow and the thin air. “I hope we will do more cultural exchanges in the future so as to understand each other better and build a 45 (close) relationship between the two countries than before,” added Lang Lang.书面表达(15分)假定你是李华,你和同学们拍了一个毕业活动视频,打算做成视频日志(vlog),参加主题为“青春飞扬”的国际中学生vlog作品展。请给该视频写一段解说词,内容包括:1. 海边活动:下午:①沙滩排球;②……;晚上:搭帐篷;聚餐和清理垃圾;分享会。2. 活动感言。注意:1. 词数80左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数);2. 要点齐全,可适当发挥;3. 不得出现真实姓名和校名;4. 条理清楚,语句通顺,意义连贯,书写规范。参考词汇:冲浪 surf 帐篷 tentHi, everyone! I am Li Hua. It’s my great pleasure to present my vlog to you.Last Saturday, we went to the seaside to celebrate our graduation. In the afternoon,So much for my video. I hope you have enjoyed it. Thank you.参考答案第一部分 选择题(共50分)01-05 BDBCA 06-10 DCADB11-15 BBACD 16-20 BDCDA 21-25 DABAC // 26-30 AEDCF //31-35 BDCFA第二部分 非选择题(共25分)36-45 warmly; with; musicians; the; made; was chosen; to draw; third; but; closer.书面表达(omitted)2

