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2023年广州中考英语完成句子分类冲刺 训练120题(含答案)


2023届广州中考英语完成句子分类冲刺训练120题(含答案)完成句子1.动词的时态、被动语态及固定短语考查1.(2023·广东广州·统考一模)今年春节期间,我和父母一起到北京旅游。During the Spring Festival, I ________ ________ ________ to Beijing with my parents.2.(2023·广东广州·统考二模)尽管比赛时我们很紧张,比赛结束后我们感觉轻松。______ we were nervous during the race, after it we all ______ ______.3.(2023·广东广州·统考二模)我们小组两分钟完成了乒乓球接力。______ ______ our group two minutes ______ ______ the Ping Pong relay race.4.在过去的十年里,他抚养大了大约100只大熊猫。During the past ten years, he ________ ________ ________ about one hundred pandas.5.(2023·广东广州·统考一模)永庆坊充满岭南文化。Yongqing Fang _________ _________ _________ Lingnan culture.6.杰西卡从她很小的时候就非常热爱芭比娃娃。Jessica ________ ________ a great love ________ Barbie dolls since she was young.7.这部卡通已经播了一个多月了。 The cartoon ________ ________ ________ for more than a month.8.他还没决定故事的角色。He hasn’t ________ ________ the characters of the story.9.(2022春·七年级校考单元测试)我们小学毕业之后依然是朋友,经常通话。After we left the primary school, we ________ ________ and called each other often.10.(2023·广东广州·统考一模)很多同学参加了这个活动。Many students _________ __________ __________ this activity.11.吉姆今天早上五点钟就醒了。Jim ________ ________ at five o’clock this morning.12.白先生会在明晚到达村子。Mr. White will ________ ________ the village tomorrow evening.13.(2023·广东广州·统考一模)当时她期待来中国体验文化习俗。She ________ ________ ________ ________ Chinese culture and customs at that time.14.(2023·广东广州·统考一模)上周,我们在英语课上了解了很多关于垃圾分类的知识。We ________ a lot ________ rubbish sorting in English class last week.15.他的讲话给我留下了深刻的印象。His speech ________ a deep ________ ________ me.16.自那时起,这个小镇发生了很大的变化。Since then, great changes ________ ________ ________ in this town.17.过去我常常早睡,但是现在我每晚12点才睡觉。I ______ ______ ______ early, but now I go to bed as late as 12 o’clock every evening.18.(2023·广东广州·统考一模)去年戴维对科学感兴趣并加入了科学俱乐部。David __________ __________ __________ science and joined a Science Club last year.19.(2023·广东广州·统考一模)戴维也花了很多空闲时间解决科学问题。David also __________ a lot of his free time __________ __________ scientific problems.20.(2023·广东广州·统考一模)上周,凯特来中国旅游。自到达以来,她尝试过很多中国菜肴。Kate __________ __________ around China last week. Since her arrival, she __________ __________ many Chinese dishes.21.(2023·广东广州·广州大学附属中学统考一模)张老师收到了Tom的求助信。Mr. Zhang ________ ________ Tom who needed help.22.(2023·广东广州·模拟预测)音乐会的票都已给她了。The tickets for the concert ________ already ________ ________ ________ her.23.(2023·广东广州·统考一模)站在长城上,我们被漂亮的景色所吸引住了。We ________ ________ by the beautiful view when we stood on the Great Wall.24.(2022·广东广州·南海中学校考一模)该把所有的忧虑都抛在后面吧。All the worries _______ _______ _______ _______.25.(2023·广东广州·统考二模)上周,我们学校举行了趣味运动会。Last week, a fun sports meeting ______ ______ in our school.26.(2023·广东广州·统考一模)在永庆坊能够看到岭南风格的建筑。Lingnan-style buildings _________ _________ _________ in Yongqing Fang.27.(2023·广东广州·统考一模)上周,Tom受邀去一所学校发表一个关于环境的主题演讲。Last week, Tom ________ ________ to give a speech about environment in a school.28.(2023·广东广州·统考一模)去年,Ann被选为去中国交流的学生之一。Ann ________ ________ to be one of the exchange students ________ ________ to China last year.29.(2023·广东广州·统考一模)大体上,很多中国菜是以简单的方式烹调的。In general, many Chinese dishes ________ ________ in simple ways.30.(2023·广东广州·统考一模)后来,Tom Sawyer和孩子们把围栏刷了很多遍。Later, the fences _______ ________ many times by Tom Sawyer and the kids.31.(2023·广东广州·广州大学附属中学统考一模)保持健康也需要均衡饮食。A balanced diet ________ ________ to keep healthy as well.32.(2023·广东广州·华南师大附中校考一模)如今,我们都称呼乐于助人的人为“活雷锋”。Nowadays, some helpful people ________ ________ “Living Lei Feng” by us.33.(2023·广东广州·统考一模)我们应该解决这个问题。This problem ________ ________ ________ ________.34.(2023·广东广州·模拟预测)大部分的电缆都被严重损坏而无法修复。Most of the power lines ________ so ________ ________ ________ they could not be repaired.35.(2023·广东广州·校联考一模)地主被他感动了,并同意了他的请求。The landowner ________ ________ by him and agreed to his request.36.(2022·广东广州·广州大学附属中学校考二模)他像医生研究患者似地把目光集中在这些石头上。His eyes ________ ________ ________ the stones like a doctor studying his patient.37.(2022·广东广州·执信中学校考三模)冰箱里三分之二的食物已经被吃光了。Two thirds of the food in the fridge _______ _______ _______ _______ already.38.(2022·广东广州·校联考三模)学生不被允许带手机回学校。The students ______ ______ ______ _______ bring their cellphones to school.39.(2022·广东广州·华南师大附中校考三模)为了保护环境,垃圾应该扔进垃圾桶。The rubbish ________ ________ ________ into the dustbin to protect the environment.40.(2022·广东广州·广州华侨外国语学校校考二模)我们不应该把父母的建议抛诸脑后。Parents’ advice ________ ________ ________ ________.41.(2022·广东广州·广州市培正中学校考二模)我们应该鼓励青少年多做志愿活动。Teenagers ________ ________ ________ ________ do more voluntary work.42.(2022·广东广州·统考二模)这些书必须三天内归还吗?________ the books ________ ________ in three days 宾语从句43.(2023·广东广州·统考二模)我们拿了第一名。其他同学想知道为什么我们能赢得比赛。We got the first prize. Other students wondered ________ ________ ________ ________ the race.44.(2023·广东广州·统考一模)我真想知道古代人是如何建造长城的。I really want to know ________ ________ ________ the Great Wall in the ancient time.45.(2023·广东广州·统考一模)这是她第一次来中国, 她不知道自己是否能明白中文。She wondered ________ ________ ________ ________ Chinese because this was her first time to come to China.46.(2023·广东广州·统考一模)凯特想知道她将什么时候再有机会来中国旅游。Kate wonders ________ ________ ________ ________ a chance to visit China again.47.(2023·广东广州·广州大学附属中学统考一模)张老师告诉他多运动是很好的。Mr. Zhang told him ________ ________ ________ to do more sports.48.(2023·广东广州·华南师大附中校考一模)雷锋在日记中解释了他的梦想是什么。Lei Feng explained ________ ________ ________ ________ in his diary.49.(2023·广东广州·统考一模)这项研究想要了解人们平时能否得到足够多的锻炼。The study wants to know ________ ________ ________ ________ enough exercise in their daily life.50.(2023·广东广州·模拟预测)Tom捡起了两个塑料袋,问袋子是谁的。Tom picked up two plastic bags and ________ ________ ________ ________.51.(2023·广东广州·校联考一模)一天他问地主能否读他家的书。One day, he asked the landowner ________ ________ ________ ________ the books of the landowner.52.(2022·广东广州·校考二模)他问我是否对中国古诗词感兴趣?He asked me ________ I ________ ________ ________ Chinese ancient poems.53.(2022·广东广州·校考二模)我告诉我的外国朋友他可以如何了解
