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中考英语复习专题03 介词和代词(原卷版+解析版)


专题03 介词介词1.(2022·湖北武汉·统考中考真题)You can only achieve success ________ hard work.A.across B.above C.through D.into【答案】C【详解】句意:你只有通过努力工作才能获得成功。考查介词辨析。across穿过;above在……之上;through通过;into在……里面。根据“You can only achieve success … hard work”可知,通过努力工作获取成功,应填through,故选C。2.(2021·湖北武汉·统考中考真题)— I could tell ________ the look on her face that something exciting had happened.— Exactly!A.on B.with C.by D.at【答案】C【详解】句意:——从她脸上的表情我就知道发生了激动人心的事。——确实!考查介词辨析。on在……上;with和;by通过;at在。根据“ I could tell…the look on her face”可知,是通过表情判断,故选C。3.(2020·湖北·中考真题)— Which is your uncle —The big man, smartly dressed______________ a suit and tie.A.on B.with C.for D.in【答案】D【详解】句意:——哪一个是你的叔叔?——那个高大男人,穿着西装打着领带,很精神。考查介词辨析。on在……上;with伴随;for为了;in穿着。空格后a suit and tie是指衣物,结合所给选项,只有介词in后面可以接衣物,表示“穿着……”,所以空格处填in。故选D。4.(2019·湖北武汉·统考中考真题)He wrote his phone number ________ a piece of paper.A.from B.for C.in D.on【答案】D【详解】句意:他把他的电话号码写在一张纸上。考查介词辨析。from从,来自;for为了,给;in在……里;on在……上。结合语境和空后“a piece of paper”可知,电话号码写在纸上,本句用短语“on a piece of paper在一张纸上”,所以这里使用介词on。故选D。5.(2018·湖北武汉·中考真题)—What are you doing —I’m looking the kids. They should be back for dinner now.A.after B.at C.for D.up【答案】C【详解】句意:-你在做什么?-我正在找孩子们,他们现在应该回来吃晚饭了。look after照顾;look at看…;look for寻找;look up查找。根据对话的意思They should be back for dinner now可知,孩子们该回来吃晚饭了,但没有回来,所以说话人在找他们。故选C。代词1.(2022·湖北武汉·统考中考真题)—To go abroad or not to go after graduation, it’s a question.—You may take ________ of the roads. But being home in the end matters.A.neither B.either C.both D.none【答案】B【详解】句意:——毕业后出国还是不出国,这是个问题。——你可以走这两条路中的任何一条。但最终能回家还是很重要的。考查代词辨析。neither两者都不;either两者中的任何一个;both两者都;none三者或三者以上都不。根据“But being home in the end matters.”可知,此处是指走哪条路都可以,用either表示“两者中的任何一个”。故选B。2.(2021·湖北武汉·统考中考真题)— There are mainly six kinds of tea in China. Which is your favorite — Green tea, I guess. I’ve tried black tea, green tea and so on, and ________ of them have their special tastes.A.all B.both C.none D.neither【答案】A【详解】句意:——中国主要有六种茶。你最喜欢哪一个?——我想是绿茶。我试过红茶、绿茶等等,它们都有自己的独特口味。考查代词辨析。all都(三者或三者以上);both都(两者);none都不(三者或三者以上);neither都不(两者)。根据“black tea, green tea and so on”可知,指三者以上的,排除B和D选项。此处是评价尝过的茶叶都有自己独特的味道,故选A。3.(2020·湖北·中考真题)—Although these were good students, ______________ of them had a score above 60.—I can’t believe it!A.none B.no one C.some D.all【答案】A【详解】句意:——虽然这些都是好学生,但他们的分数都没有超过60分。——我真不敢相信!考查不定代词。none没有一个,强调数量,常与of连接;no one没有人;some一些;all所有,三者或三者以上都。题中Although引导让步状语从句,由此可推出此处是说尽管是好学生,但都没超过60分,表示否定含义,排除CD;此处强调没有一个,用none而不用no one,排除B。故选A。4.(2019·湖北武汉·统考中考真题)—This room is too small. I’d like to ask for.—Sure.We have rooms available here.A.another B.the other C.one D.it【答案】A【详解】句意“这个房间太小了,我想索要另一个。-好的,我们这里有一个可用的房间”。A.(无范围)另一个;B.(两者中)另一个;C.一个;D.它(代指上文中出现的同一个事物)。根据句意可知,表示换一个房间,而不是上文中出现的房间;且本句话中,没有说是两者中的一个,用another,译为“另一个”,故选A。5.(2018·湖北武汉·中考真题)—Do you know where the last two pictures went —A millionaire bought ________ of them. He thought they were worth.A.either B.each C.none D.both【答案】D【详解】句意:---你知道最后两幅画去了哪里吗?---一个百万富翁买了它们两个。他认为它们是值得的。both 两者都, either 两者之一,none没有一个人(或事物),each每一个,这里想表达的意思是百万富翁把“两个都”买了,不能选B,因为each侧重个体,这里侧重的是“两个都”,不强调个别的情况,故选D。【点睛】both, either, neither, all, any, none的用法与区别:这些词都可用作代词或形容词。其位置都在be 动词之后,行为动词之前或第一助动词之后。both (两者都),either(两者中任何一个),neither (两者都不)。以上几个词的使用范围为两个人或物。both与复数连用,either与单数连用。all (所有的,全部的人或物),any (任何一个), none (都不)。 以上几个词的使用范围为三者以上。故both的反义词为neither;all的反义词为none。6.(2017·湖北武汉·中考真题)—The frozen yogurt tastes like ice cream but hasof the fat.—It suits me fine. I'm on a diet.A.none B.neither C.any D.some【答案】A【详解】句意:——冷冻酸奶尝起来像冰淇淋,但没有脂肪。——它很适合我。我在节食。考查代词辨析。A. none没有,可以指人,也可指物,指三者或三者以上;B. neither 两者中的任何一个都不;C. any一些;用于否定句;D. some一些。用于肯定句中。根据答句“It suits me fine. I'm on a diet.”可推出冷冻酸奶没有脂肪,用none符合题意。故选A。7.(2016·湖北武汉·中考真题)—There’ re four bedrooms in the house_______with its own shower.—That’s what I want. I’ve got a few kids.A.either B.neither C.each D.none【答案】C【详解】试题分析:句意:——在房子里有四间卧室,每一间带有一个淋浴。——那就是我想要的。考查代词的用法。我有几个孩子。either两者中的任何一个;neither两者都不;each每一个;none没有一个。根据That’s what I want. I’ve got a few kids.可知我有好几个孩子,因此需要每间卧室里带有一个淋浴,故选C。8.(2015·湖北武汉·中考真题)– The East Lake is not far from the Yellow Crane Tower, so you can easily visit _________ in a day.-- Fantastic! I can’t wait for it.A.none B.both C.all D.either【答案】B【详解】试题分析:句意:-东湖离黄鹤楼不远,所以在一天内你可以很容易地参观两地。-好神奇!我等不及了。all“全体/大家/一切”,用于三者或三者以上,也可接不可数名词。 both表示两者“都”(强调全体)。 either“两者之一”,用于两者(强调个体)。none“没有一个人/物”,用于否定三者或三者以上的可数名词。根据语境,所以选B。【考点定位】考查不定代词。介词考频:近6年除了2017年在单项选择没有考查外,其余每年在单项选择题中考查1道(6年5考)。其他题型6年没有考查介词。2.近6年对介词的考查主要为介词的基本用法及介词辨析的考查。介词常考的类别如下:①其他常见介词(1考):in②地点/方位介词(1考):on:③方式介词(2考): through,by④介词短语(2018.32):look for代词1.考频:近6年在单项选择考查1道(6年6考)。其他题型6年没有考查代词。2.近6年对介词的考查主要为不定代词辨析的考查。代词常考的类别如下:①不定代词:both neither either (两者之间)②不定代词:all none any (三者或三者以上)③不定代词: other the other others the others another④其他代词:some any ,one it , each every⑤复合不定代词:-one,-thing,-body(12个)考情分析表课标语法项目 题型 年份+题号 考查词 备选项介词 单项选择(6年5考) 2022.32 through across above into2021.32 by on with at2020.32 in onwith for2019.32 on from for in2018.32 for after at up代词 单项选择(6年6考) 2022.34 either neither both none2021.33 all both none neither2020.38 none no one some all2019.38 anther the other oneit2018.39 both either each none2017.39 none neither any some词语运用 2019.84 other the other(两者中的另外一个)

介词辨析1.(2022秋·湖北武汉·九年级校联考期中)The little elephant is afraid to go alone. It always walks ________ its mother.A.along B.besides C.beside D.close【答案】C【详解】句意:小象害怕独自去。他总是走在他母亲旁边。考查介词辨析。along沿着;besides此外;beside在旁边;close近的。根据“afraid to go alone”以及“walks ...his mother”可知,他害怕一个人,因此总是走在他母亲旁边,应用beside。故选C。2.(2022秋·湖北武汉·九年级统考期中)—I could tell _________ the look on her face that there was some good news.—You said it!A.on B.by C.with D.for【答案】B【详解】句意:——从她脸上的表情我就知道有好消息了。——你算说对了!考查介词辨析。on在……上面;by通过;with和;for为了。根据“I could tell ... the look on her face that there was some good news.”可知通过脸上的表情就知道有好消息,用by。故选B。3.(2022秋·湖北武汉·九年级武汉武珞路实验初级中学校考期中)Though there are so many things around us that go ________ our wish, we can’t give up because following the dream is valuable.A.through B.against C.towards D.beyond【答案】B【详解】句意:尽管我们周围有很多事情违背了我们的愿望,但我们不能放弃,因为追随梦想是有价值的。考查介词短语。through通过;against违背;towards朝着;beyond超出。though表示让步关系,根据“go ... our wish”和“we can’t give up because following the dream is valuable.”可知,此处是指违背我们的愿望的事情有很多,故选B。4.(2021秋·湖北武汉·九年级校联考期中)If you are able to get tickets tomorrow, please tell me ________ phone.A.at B.by C.on D.with【答案】B【详解】句意:如果你明天能买到票,请打电话告诉我。考查介词辨析。at在;by通过;on在……上;with带有。根据“please tell me… phone”可知,通过电话来告诉我,应填介词by,故选B。5.(2022秋·湖北武汉·九年级武汉第三寄宿中学校考阶段练习)We can only achieve success ________ hard work.A.across B.above C.into D.through【答案】D【详解】句意:我们只有通过努力工作才能取得成功。考查介词辨析。across横穿,穿过;above在……以上;into到……里面;through通过。根据“We can only achieve success ... hard work.”可知,“通过”努力才能取得成功,应用through。故选D。6.(2022·湖北武汉·三模)We can only achieve success ________ hard work.A.with B.above C.into D.through【答案】D【详解】句意:你只有通过努力工作才能获得成功。考查介词辨析。with和;above在……以上;into进入;through通过。根据“achieve success ... hard work”可知,是通过努力工作获得成功。故选D。7.(2022·湖北武汉·模拟预测)We can only achieve success ________ hard work.A.into B.across C.through D.under【答案】C【详解】句意:我们只有通过努力才能取得成功。考查介词辨析。into在……里面;across穿过;through通过;under在……之下。根据情境和“hard work”可知,此处表示“通过努力工作”,应该使用“through”。故选C。8.(2022·湖北武汉·武汉一初慧泉中学校考模拟预测)—We can only achieve success ________ hard work.—What you said makes sense.A.above B.across C.through D.in【答案】C【详解】句意:——我们只有通过努力工作才能取得成功。——你说的很有道理。考查介词辨析。above在……上;across穿过;through通过;in在……里。根据“achieve success ... hard work”可知,只有通过努力才能取得成功。故选C。9.(2022·湖北武汉·武汉外国语学校(武汉实验外国语学校)校考模拟预测)—Did it mean that you were _______ her plan —Not really. I just want to remind her of the danger.A.against B.beyond C.by D.over【答案】A【详解】句意:——这是否意味着你反对她的计划?——不是。我只是想提醒她注意危险。考查介词辨析。against反对;beyond超越;by被;over在……上面。根据“her plan”可知,此处指反对计划。故选A。10.(2022·湖北武汉·统考三模)—It was ________ him that I got the job.—Lucky you.A.across B.above C.into D.through【答案】D【详解】句意:——我是通过他得到那份工作的。——你太幸运了。考查介词辨析。across穿过;above在……之上;into在……里面;through通过。根据“It was…him that I got the job”可知,通过他得到那份工作,故选D。11.(2022秋·湖北武汉·九年级校联考期末)—I always wear these shoes ________ this dress.—A good match.A.on B.with C.in D.at【答案】B【详解】句意:——我总是穿这双鞋配这条裙子。——很般配。考查介词辨析。on在……上面;with和;in在……里面;at在。wear sth. with sth.表示“将某物与某物搭配”,是固定短语;结合回答“A good match”,故选B。12.(2022秋·湖北武汉·九年级武汉一初慧泉中学校考阶段练习)—I could tell ________ the look on her face that something exciting had happened.—You said it!A.by B.on C.with D.for【答案】A【详解】句意:——我从她脸上的表情就知道发生了什么激动人心的事。——一点没错。考查介词辨析。by通过;on在……上;with用,和;for为了。根据“I could tell”和“something exciting had happened.”可知,说话人通过表情看出发生了兴奋的事。故选A。13.(2021秋·湖北武汉·九年级统考期中)—Can you tell me anything about Chinese clay art pieces ― Sure, they are first shaped ________ hand.A.by B.in C.with D.from【答案】A【详解】句意:——你能告诉我一些关于中国陶瓷艺术品的事吗?——当然,他们首先被手工塑形。考查介词词义辨析。by通过,被;in在……里,采用;with和,用;from从。by hand“手工”符合语境,故选A。14.(2021·湖北武汉·统考一模)— I could tell by the look on her face that she is ________ our plan.— You said it!A.on B.in C.with D.against【答案】D【详解】句意:——从她脸上的表情我可以看出她反对我们的计划。——一点没错!考查介词辨析。on在……上; in在……里面; with带有,具有;against反对。根据“I could tell by the look on her face”可知,此处是从脸上的表情可看出是反对我们的计划,be against...“反对……”,故选D。15.(2020·湖北武汉·统考一模)He write his phone number________a piece of paper.A.on B.for C.in D.from【答案】A【详解】句意:他把他的电话号码写在一张纸上。考查介词的辨析。on在……上面;for为了;in在……里面;from从。根据“a piece of paper”可知此处指的是“把电话号码写在一张纸上”,用介词on。故选A。16.(2020·湖北武汉·统考三模)—Which is your brother —The big man, smartly dressed________a suit and tie.A.on B.with C.for D.in【答案】D【详解】句意:——哪一位是你的哥哥?——那个高大的男人,穿着精致的西装打着领带。考查介词。on关于;with有,伴随着;for为了;in穿着。根据“a suit and tie”可知此处表达穿着打扮,应该用in。故选D。17.(2020·湖北武汉·校考模拟预测)He needs a piece of paper to write ________.A.on B.for C.in D.with【答案】A【详解】句意:他需要一张纸写字。考查介词。on在……上面;for为了;in在……里面;with用;根据“a piece of paper”可知应该是write on a piece of paper,可推测出此处是缺介词“on”,故选A。代词辨析1.(2022秋·湖北武汉·九年级统考期中)—Would you like to do a video chat or make a voice call —________. Just talk with me face to face, please.A.Both B.Neither C.All D.Either【答案】B【详解】句意:——你想要视频聊天还是打语音电话?——都不要,请和我面对面谈谈。考查代词辨析。both“两者都”;neither“两者都不”;all“三者或三者以上都”;either“两者中任意一个”。根据“do a video chat or make a voice call”以及“Just talk with me face to face”可知,两者都不要,只要面对面谈话,故选B。2.(2022秋·湖北武汉·九年级统考期中)—Did your team finally score yesterday —No. We had several shots, ________ missing by inches!A.either B.both C.neither D.each【答案】D【详解】句意:——你的队伍昨天最终得分了吗?——没有,我们进行了几次射击,但每次都是差一点点。考查代词辨析。either二选一,或者;both两者都;neither两者都不;each每一个。根据“No.”可知,此处指没有得分,即每一个都差一点点,故选D。3.(2022秋·湖北武汉·九年级统考期中)—Mark, do you want to buy the red sweater or the blue one —I’ll buy ________ of them, so I can give one to my brother as a birthday gift.A.all B.both C.either D.neither【答案】B【详解】句意:——马克,你想买红色的毛衣还是蓝色的?——两件都买,这样我就可以送给我弟弟一个作为生日礼物了。考查代词辨析。all全部,三者及三者以上;both两者都;either二者择一; neither两者都不。根据题目“so I can give one to my brother as a birthday gift”可推知两件都买,其中一件送给弟弟作为生日礼物。故选B。4.(2022秋·湖北武汉·九年级校联考期中)—How many students are there in the classroom —________. All of them are out on the playground.A.None B.Everybody C.Nobody D.Neither【答案】A【详解】句意:——有多少学生在教室里?——一个也没有。他们所有人都在操场上。考查不定代词辨析。None一个也没有(侧重表示在数字上是没有的);Everybody每个人;Nobody没有人;Neither都不(两者中)。根据问句“How many students are there in the classroom ”可知,该问句以how many“多少”提问,用来询问在教室里的学生的数量,而结合“All of them are out on the playground.”,可知教室里一个学生也没有,所以此空应用none“一个也没有”。故选A。5.(2022秋·湖北武汉·九年级统考期中)—I was disappointed with the film. I had expected ________ to be much better.—The bigger expectation, the bigger disappointment.A.that B.this C.one D.it【答案】D【详解】句意:——我对这部电影很失望。我原以为会好得多。——期望越大,失望越大。考查代词辨析。that指示代词,指在时间或空间上较远的人或物;this指示代词,指在时间或空间上较近的人或物;one不定代词,指代前面出现过的单数可数名词,表泛指;it人称单词,指代前面提到过的同一事物,表特指。此处指代前面提到的the film,所以用人称代词it,故选D。6.(2022秋·湖北武汉·九年级统考期中)—Do you know where the last two pictures went —A rich man bought _________ of them. He thought they were worth.A.either B.each C.none D.both【答案】D【详解】句意:——你知道最后两张照片去哪了吗?——一个富翁买了它们。他认为它们很有价值。考查代词辨析。either两者之一;each每个;none没有一个人(或事物);both两者都。根据“He thought they were valuable.”可知,认为它们很有价值,所以是两个都买了。故选D。7.(2022秋·湖北武汉·九年级统考阶段练习)—Have you bought the book The Complete Sherlock Holmes —I tried two bookstores, but ________ of them had it.A.none B.neither C.any D.either【答案】B【详解】句意:——你买《福尔摩斯探案全集》这本书了吗?——我试了两个书店,但是没有卖的。考查不定代词辨析。none三者或三者以上都不;neither两者都不;any三者或三者以上任何一个;either两者之一。根据“I tried two bookshops, but...”可知此处是两个书店,用either或者neither,but表转折,即跑了两个书店,两个都没有。故选B。8.(2021秋·湖北武汉·九年级统考期中)For safety, we can’t turn off ________ side of the street lights.A.neither B.either C.none D.all【答案】B【详解】句意:为了安全起见,我们不能关掉路灯的任何一边。考查不定代词的用法。neither两者都不;either(两者中的)任何一个;none(三个以上)没有;all(三者以上)全部。根据“For safety, we can’t turn off ”可知,应该是不能关闭街道两侧中的任何一侧的灯。故选B。9.(2022·湖北武汉·校考模拟预测)— My younger brother always bothers me while I am doing homework.— Calm down, Henry! ________ can bring you peace but yourself.A.Somebody B.Everybody C.Anybody D.Nobody【答案】D【详解】句意:——我做作业的时候,弟弟总是打扰我。——冷静点,亨利! 除了你自己,没有人能给你带来平静。考查代词辨析。Somebody某人;Everybody每个人;Anybody任何人;Nobody没有人。根据“but yourself.”可知,除了自己,没有人能给你带来平静。故选D。10.(2022·湖北武汉·三模)—Now ANTA and Li Ning have good design ability.—I can’t agree more. They are as comfortable and good as ________ foreign brands.A.another B.other C.others D.the other【答案】B【详解】句意:——现在安踏和李宁有很好的设计能力。——我完全同意。它们和其他外国品牌一样舒适一样好。考查不定代词。another(三者以上)中的另一个人或事物;other作形容词时,意为“其他的、另外的”,用在名词前做定语;others其他的(人或物),等于“other +名词复数”;the other(两者中的)另一个人或事物。空格后有名词“brands”,故空格处应用形容词作定语,故选B。11.(2022·湖北武汉·校考模拟预测)—Tickets for Friday —Sorry, we’ve got ________ left.A.neither B.none C.both D.either【答案】B【详解】句意:——星期五的票?——对不起,我们没有剩下了。考查代词辨析。neither两者都不;none三者或三者以上都不;both两者都;either两者中任何一个。根据上句“Tickets for Friday ”语境(三者或三者以上)和前句答语“Sorry,”可知,应是没有剩下,故空处应用none。故选B。12.(2022·湖北武汉·三模)— I hope it can lead to a win-win situation.— I wish so. That’s the best for ________ of us.A.both B.neither C.either D.every【答案】A【详解】句意:——我希望这能带来双赢的局面。——我希望如此。这对我们俩都是最好的。考查代词。both两者都;neither两者都不;either两者中的任何一个;every每一个。根据“win-win situation.”可知是指两者,结合“ That’s the best for...of us.”可知是指对两者都好,故选A。13.(2022·湖北武汉·武汉外国语学校(武汉实验外国语学校)校考模拟预测)—Which tie would you like to buy —I will take ________ so that I can give one to my father.A.either B.both C.none D.nothing【答案】B【详解】句意:——你想买哪条领带?——两个我都要,这样我就可以把一个给我的父亲。考查代词。either(两者之中)任意一个;both两者都;none全无;nothing没有什么。根据“so that I can give one to my father.”可知,应是给自己和爸爸都买一条,所以是两条。故选B。14.(2022·湖北武汉·统考二模)—I think either of the cars is OK. You know, Tom loves all kinds of toy cars.—I agree with you. So I decide to buy ________ of them for him.A.all B.any C.both D.neither【答案】C【详解】句意:——我觉得这两辆车都可以。你知道,汤姆喜欢各种各样的玩具车。——我同意你的看法。所以我决定两辆都买给他。考查代词的用法。all三者及以上都;any任何;both两者都;neither两者都不。根据“... either of the cars is OK”可知,是两个都买,用both。故选C。15.(2022·湖北武汉·统考模拟预测)—How can we manage to escape from the building if there is a fire —There’s a door at __________ end of the hallway.A.any B.either C.both D.all【答案】B【详解】句意:——如果大楼着火了,我们怎么逃出去呢?——在走廊两头都有门。考查代词辨析。any(三者或三者以上)任何一个;either(两者中)任何一个;both两者都;all(三者或三者以上)都。根据“end of the hallway”可知,走廊只有两头,either end of the hallway“走廊两头”。故选B。16.(2022·湖北武汉·统考模拟预测)Some babies began talking as early as six months, while __________ don’t speak until they are more than two years old.A.the other B.others C.the others D.another【答案】B【详解】句意:一些婴儿早在六个月大就开始说话,而另一些婴儿直到两岁多才开始说话。考查代词辨析。the other两者中的另一个;others其他人/物;another三者或三者以上中的另一个;the others其余的。根据“Some babies...”可知,表示“一些……另一些……”,用固定搭配some...others。故选B。17.(2022·湖北武汉·模拟预测)— The East Lake is not far from the Yellow Crane Tower. So you can easily visit ________ in a day.— Fantastic. I can’t wait for the trip.A.all B.neither C.either D.both【答案】D【详解】句意:——东湖离黄鹤楼不远,所以在一天内你可以很容易地参观两地。——好神奇!我等不及了。考查代词辨析。all全体,用于三者或三者以上;both两者都;either两者之一;neither两者都不;根据“The East Lake is not far from the Yellow Crane Tower.”可知,两地离得不远,所以可以在一天可以去两个地方,表示“两者都”用both,故选D。18.(2022·湖北武汉·模拟预测)—What do you think of their plans —I don’t agree with ________. But I have to say some of them are of some value.A.any B.all C.none D.each【答案】B【详解】句意:——你认为他们的计划怎么样?——我不同意所有的。但是我必须说其中一些是有价值的。考查不定代词辨析。any任一,任何;all所有的;none没有一个;each每一个。根据“some of them are of some value”可知他并不同意所有的计划。故选B。19.(2022·湖北武汉·一模)—Could you please tell us something about this exhibition —Ah, yes. The gallery contains works by 5 artists, ________ with their own style.A.every B.either C.each D.none【答案】C【详解】句意:——你能给我们介绍一下这个展览吗?——啊,对。画廊包含5位艺术家的作品,每一位都有自己的风格。考查代词辨析。every每个,强调全体;either二者之一;each每个,强调个体;none没有一个。根据“5 artists”可知多名艺术家;根据情境表示每位艺术家有自己的独特的风格可知,强调个体。故选C。20.(2022·湖北武汉·校联考模拟预测)—These two photos are so beautiful!—You can keep ________ of them—whichever you like.A.each B.either C.both D.all【答案】B【详解】句意:——这两张照片太美了!——你可以留下任何一个—你喜欢哪一个都行。考查代词辨析。each各自,每个;either(两者之中)任意一个;both两个;all所有,全部,一切。根据“whichever you like”可知,在两者中任选一个,故选B。21.(2022·湖北武汉·统考模拟预测)—Excuse me, is there any ticket for this Friday —Sorry, but we’ve got __________ left.A.Neither B.none C.any D.either【答案】B【详解】句意:——打扰一下,有这周五的票吗?——抱歉,我们没有剩余的票了。考查不定代词用法。neither两者都不;none三者或三者以上都没有;any三者或三者以上的任何一个;either两者当中的任一个。根据前文的“Sorry”可知是表示“没有了”,并且票一般表示三者或三者以上。故选B。22.(2022·湖北武汉·统考二模)—How many dictionaries should we buy —__________. All those dictionaries are both expensive and useless.A.None B.All C.Either D.Neither【答案】A【详解】句意:——我们应该买多少本字典?——都不买。那些词典全部都又贵又没有用。考查不定代词的用法。None都不(三者或三者以上);All都(三者或三者以上);Either两者当中的任何一个;Neither都不(两者之间)。根据后句“All those dictionaries are both expensive and useless.”可知是都不要,而且是三者以上。故选A。23.(2022·湖北武汉·统考模拟预测)—Can I help you —I’d like to buy a present for Father’s Day, ________ at a proper price, but of great value.A.each B.that C.one D.any【答案】C【详解】句意:——我可以帮你吗?——我想买一份父亲节礼物,价格合适,但物超所值。考查代词辨析。each每一个;that那个;one一个;any任何。根据“I’d like to buy a present for Father’s Day...at a proper price, but of great value”可知此处泛指一个价格合适,但是有价值的礼物,表泛指用代词one。故选C。24.(2022·湖北武汉·统考三模)—Our class will visit the Palace Museum tomorrow.—Great! _________ of us has been there before and we want to know about the culture.A.Each B.All C.None D.No one【答案】C【详解】句意:——我们班明天将参观故宫博物院。——非常好。我们之前没有人去过那里,我们想了解那里的文化。考查代词辨析。Each每一个;All所有;None没有一个人;No one没有人。根据“of us has been there before and we want to know about the culture”可知没有人去过那里,排除AB;no one后不加of,排除D。故选C。25.(2022·湖北武汉·统考三模)I’ve ever lived in Chicago and New York, but don’t like ________ of them very much.A.either B.any C.neither D.each【答案】A【详解】句意:我曾经在芝加哥和纽约住过,但对这两个城市都不太喜欢。考查代词。either(两者之中)任意一个;any任何;neither两者都不;each每个;根据“I’ve ever lived in Chicago and New York, but don’t like”可知,此处说的是不喜欢两者中的任何一个,句中已有not,此处应用either,故选A。26.(2022·湖北武汉·统考二模)—Which do you like —Neither. I think they’re ________ ugly.A.all B.either C.none D.both【答案】D【详解】句意:——你喜欢哪一个?——都不喜欢。我认为它们都很难看。考查代词。all表示三者或三者以上都;either表示两者中任何一个;none表示三者或三者以上都不;both表示两者都。根据“neither”可知,此处表示两者,排除AC两项,结合句意这两个都不喜欢,因此表示它们都难看,故选D。27.(2021·湖北武汉·统考三模)—Did you and Lily go to Tom’s birthday party that day —No, __________ of us was invited.A.either B.both C.neither D.all【答案】C【详解】句意:——你和莉莉那天去汤姆的生日聚会了吗?——没有,我俩都没被邀请。考查代词辨析。either(两者当中)任意一个;both两者都;neither两者都不;all所有,全部。根据“No”可知,没去汤姆的生日聚会;再根据“of us was invited”可知,两人没有被邀请。故选C。28.(2020·湖北武汉·统考三模)—I’d like an ice cream. Are you having _________, too —Yes, please. It’s so sweet of you.A.it B.that C.one D.another【答案】C【详解】句意:——我想要一个冰淇淋。你也想要一个吗?——是的。你真好。考查代词辨析。it它,指代同类同物;that那个;one一个,同类不同物;another另一个。根据“I’d like an ice cream. Are you having”可知此处询问是否也想要一个,指同类不同物,用one。故选C。29.(2022秋·湖北武汉·九年级武汉一初慧泉中学校考阶段练习)—Have you bought the book The Complete Sherlock Holmes —I tried two bookshops, but __________ of them had it.A.neither B.none C.any D.either【答案】A【详解】句意:——你买《福尔摩斯全集》这本书了吗?——我试了两个书店,但是没有卖的。考查不定代词辨析。neither两者都不;none三者或三者以上都不;any三者或三者以上任何一个;either两者之一。根据“I tried two bookshops, but...”可知此处是两个书店,用either或者neither,but表转折,即跑了两个书店,两个都没有。故选A。30.(2022·湖北武汉·武汉一初慧泉中学校考模拟预测)—Which of these shirts do you like best —I’ll take ________. They are both expensive and out of fashion.A.either B.neither C.none D.both【答案】C【详解】句意:——这些衬衫你最喜欢哪一件?——一件也不喜欢。它们既昂贵又过时。考查不定代词。either(两者中)任何一个;neither两者都不;none没有一个(三者及以上);both两者都,根据“Which of these shirts do you like best”和“They are both expensive and out of fashion”可知,空缺处应该是对所有衬衫的否定,用none,故选C。31.(2021·湖北武汉·统考二模)You can park on ________ side of the street. There are still plenty of open spaces.A.both B.either C.neither D.every【答案】B【详解】句意:你可以把车停在街道的任意一边。还有很多空地。考查代词辨析。both两者都;either两者之一; neither两者都不; every每一个。此处是街道的两边,both后加名词复数形式;either后加名词单数,either side of the street“街道的任意一边”,故选B。32.(2021·湖北武汉·武汉一初慧泉中学校考模拟预测)—Shall we try the new hot pot restaurant tonight or tomorrow evening —________ is OK. I’m busy today and tomorrow!A.Neither B.Either C.Both D.Any【答案】A【详解】句意:—— 我们今晚还是明天晚上去那家新开的火锅店试试?—— 都不行。我今天和明天都很忙!考查代词辨析。Neither两者都不;Either两者选其一;Both两者都;Any任何。根据“I’m busy today and tomorrow!”可知,这两晚都不行,故选A。33.(2022秋·湖北武汉·九年级校联考期末)—You ________ can swim, can’t you —Yes, Bob and I are called fish when we are in the water.A.all B.either C.neither D.both【答案】D【详解】句意:——你们都会游泳,是吗?——是的,鲍勃和我在水里时被称为鱼。考查代词辨析。all所有的(三者或三者以上);either(两者中)任意一个;neither(两者中)哪一个都不;both两者都。根据答语中的“Bob and I are called fish”可知,空格句中说的是两者都会游泳。故选D。34.(2022·湖北武汉·武汉第三寄宿中学校考模拟预测)—You don’t look fine. What happened —When I had my lunch, I sat at the table with smokers on ________ side of me.A.both B.all C.either D.neither【答案】C【详解】句意:——你看起来不太好。发生了什么事?——吃午饭的时候,我坐在抽烟的人旁边的桌子上。考查代词辨析。both两者都;all全部;either(两者中的)任何一个;neither两者都不。根据“When I had my lunch, I sat at the table with smokers on...side of me.”可知此处是指“我”的一边,故选C。35.(2021·湖北武汉·九年级专题练习)—How do you usually travel from Hefei to Shanghai, by plane or by car —________. I usually go there by high-speed train because it’s more convenient.A.Neither B.Either C.Both D.all【答案】A【详解】句意:——你经常如何从合肥到上海,乘飞机还是乘汽车?——都不。我经常乘高速列车去那儿,因为那更舒服。考查不定代词辨析。Neither两者都不;Either(两者之中)任意一个;Both两者都;all(三者或三者以上的)全,都。根据“I usually go there by high-speed train”可知,既不乘飞机也不乘汽车,两者都不乘。故选A。36.(2021·湖北武汉·统考一模)— Our classmaster requires that ________ student who is late for school should do doubled homework.— Sounds like a nightmare.A.each B.every C.any D.all【答案】C【详解】句意:——我们的班主任要求任何迟到的学生都要加倍做家庭作业。——听起来像是噩梦。考查不定代词。each每一个,强调个性;every每人,强调共性,在句中只用作定语;any任何一个,指代的人或物具有不确定性;all(三者或三者以上的)都。根据句中“student who is late for school”可知,此处的指代具有不确定性,故选C。37.(2021·湖北武汉·九年级专题练习)Mike’s brothers and Jack play soccer very well. We hope ________ of them can join our team.A.both B.all C.every D.either【答案】B【详解】句意:迈克的弟弟和杰克足球踢得很好,我们希望他们所有人都能加入我们的队伍。考查代词辨析。both两者都;all三者或三者以上都;every每一个,不与of连用;either两者中的一个。根据“Mike’s brothers and Jack”可知,是三者或三者以上都能加入我们的队伍,故选B。38.(2021秋·湖北武汉·九年级武汉外国语学校(武汉实验外国语学校)校考期中)—You must be very close to your brother.—In a way, yes. Whenever my mum tries to pick ________one of us to do the chores, our kinship breaks.A.both B.all C.either D.neither【答案】C【详解】句意:——你和你哥哥一定很亲近。——在某种程度上,是的。每当我妈妈试图挑选我们中的一个去做家务时,我们的亲密关系就会破裂。考查代词辨析。both两者都;all三者及以上都;either二者之一;neither两者都不。根据“Whenever my mum tries to pick…one of us to do the chores, our kinship breaks.”可知,是二者中选择一个去做家务,故选C。39.(2021·湖北武汉·校考模拟预测)—Which driver was to blame —Why, ________. It was the child’s fault, clear and simple. He suddenly came out between two parked cars.A.both B.either C.none D.neither【答案】D【详解】句意:——哪位司机该受责备呢?——为什么,都不。这是孩子的错,简单明了。他突然从两辆停着的车中间出来。考查代词辨析。both两者都;either两者之一;none一个也没有;neither两者都不。结合语境和答句中“It was the child’s fault, clear and simple...two parked cars”可知,显而易见是孩子突然跑出来,两位司机都没有责任,所以用neither。故选D。40.(2021·湖北武汉·武汉外国语学校(武汉实验外国语学校)校考模拟预测)—Have the employees given any solutions to the problem —Yes, a lot, but ________ of them is satisfying.A.all B.none C.neither D.both【答案】B【详解】句意:——员工对这个问题有什么解决办法吗?——是的,很多,但是没有一个是令人满意的。考查不定代词辨析。all全都,三者或三者以上都;none没有人,三者或三者以上都不;neither两者都不;both两者都。根据but表示转折关系,可知此处是他们中没有令人满意的。故选B。专题03 介词介词1.(2022·湖北武汉·统考中考真题)You can only achieve success ________ hard work.A.across B.above C.through D.into2.(2021·湖北武汉·统考中考真题)— I could tell ________ the look on her face that something exciting had happened.— Exactly!A.on B.with C.by D.at3.(2020·湖北·中考真题)— Which is your uncle —The big man, smartly dressed______________ a suit and tie.A.on B.with C.for D.in4.(2019·湖北武汉·统考中考真题)He wrote his phone number ________ a piece of paper.A.from B.for C.in D.on5.(2018·湖北武汉·中考真题)—What are you doing —I’m looking the kids. They should be back for dinner now.A.after B.at C.for D.up代词1.(2022·湖北武汉·统考中考真题)—To go abroad or not to go after graduation, it’s a question.—You may take ________ of the roads. But being home in the end matters.A.neither B.either C.both D.none2.(2021·湖北武汉·统考中考真题)— There are mainly six kinds of tea in China. Which is your favorite — Green tea, I guess. I’ve tried black tea, green tea and so on, and ________ of them have their special tastes.A.all B.both C.none D.neither3.(2020·湖北·中考真题)—Although these were good students, ______________ of them had a score above 60.—I can’t believe it!A.none B.no one C.some D.all4.(2019·湖北武汉·统考中考真题)—This room is too small. I’d like to ask for.—Sure.We have rooms available here.A.another B.the other C.one D.it5.(2018·湖北武汉·中考真题)—Do you know where the last two pictures went —A millionaire bought ________ of them. He thought they were worth.A.either B.each C.none D.both6.(2017·湖北武汉·中考真题)—The frozen yogurt tastes like ice cream but hasof the fat.—It suits me fine. I'm on a diet.A.none B.neither C.any D.some7.(2016·湖北武汉·中考真题)—There’ re four bedrooms in the house_______with its own shower.—That’s what I want. I’ve got a few kids.A.either B.neither C.each D.none8.(2015·湖北武汉·中考真题)– The East Lake is not far from the Yellow Crane Tower, so you can easily visit _________ in a day.-- Fantastic! I can’t wait for it.A.none B.both C.all D.either介词考频:近6年除了2017年在单项选择没有考查外,其余每年在单项选择题中考查1道(6年5考)。其他题型6年没有考查介词。2.近6年对介词的考查主要为介词的基本用法及介词辨析的考查。介词常考的类别如下:①其他常见介词(1考):in②地点/方位介词(1考):on:③方式介词(2考): through,by④介词短语(2018.32):look for代词1.考频:近6年在单项选择考查1道(6年6考)。其他题型6年没有考查代词。2.近6年对介词的考查主要为不定代词辨析的考查。代词常考的类别如下:①不定代词:both neither either (两者之间)②不定代词:all none any (三者或三者以上)③不定代词: other the other others the others another④其他代词:some any ,one it , each every⑤复合不定代词:-one,-thing,-body(12个)考情分析表课标语法项目 题型 年份+题号 考查词 备选项介词 单项选择(6年5考) 2022.32 through across above into2021.32 by on with at2020.32 in onwith for2019.32 on from for in2018.32 for after at up代词 单项选择(6年6考) 2022.34 either neither both none2021.33 all both none neither2020.38 none no one some all2019.38 anther the other oneit2018.39 both either each none2017.39 none neither any some词语运用 2019.84 other the other(两者中的另外一个)

介词辨析1.(2022秋·湖北武汉·九年级校联考期中)The little elephant is afraid to go alone. It always walks ________ its mother.A.along B.besides C.beside D.close2.(2022秋·湖北武汉·九年级统考期中)—I could tell _________ the look on her face that there was some good news.—You said it!A.on B.by C.with D.for3.(2022秋·湖北武汉·九年级武汉武珞路实验初级中学校考期中)Though there are so many things around us that go ________ our wish, we can’t give up because following the dream is valuable.A.through B.against C.towards D.beyond4.(2021秋·湖北武汉·九年级校联考期中)If you are able to get tickets tomorrow, please tell me ________ phone.A.at B.by C.on D.with5.(2022秋·湖北武汉·九年级武汉第三寄宿中学校考阶段练习)We can only achieve success ________ hard work.A.across B.above C.into D.through6.(2022·湖北武汉·三模)We can only achieve success ________ hard work.A.with B.above C.into D.through7.(2022·湖北武汉·模拟预测)We can only achieve success ________ hard work.A.into B.across C.through D.under8.(2022·湖北武汉·武汉一初慧泉中学校考模拟预测)—We can only achieve success ________ hard work.—What you said makes sense.A.above B.across C.through D.in9.(2022·湖北武汉·武汉外国语学校(武汉实验外国语学校)校考模拟预测)—Did it mean that you were _______ her plan —Not really. I just want to remind her of the danger.A.against B.beyond C.by D.over10.(2022·湖北武汉·统考三模)—It was ________ him that I got the job.—Lucky you.A.across B.above C.into D.through11.(2022秋·湖北武汉·九年级校联考期末)—I always wear these shoes ________ this dress.—A good match.A.on B.with C.in D.at12.(2022秋·湖北武汉·九年级武汉一初慧泉中学校考阶段练习)—I could tell ________ the look on her face that something exciting had happened.—You said it!A.by B.on C.with D.for13.(2021秋·湖北武汉·九年级统考期中)—Can you tell me anything about Chinese clay art pieces ― Sure, they are first shaped ________ hand.A.by B.in C.with D.from14.(2021·湖北武汉·统考一模)— I could tell by the look on her face that she is ________ our plan.— You said it!A.on B.in C.with D.against15.(2020·湖北武汉·统考一模)He write his phone number________a piece of paper.A.on B.for C.in D.from16.(2020·湖北武汉·统考三模)—Which is your brother —The big man, smartly dressed________a suit and tie.A.on B.with C.for D.in17.(2020·湖北武汉·校考模拟预测)He needs a piece of paper to write ________.A.on B.for C.in D.with代词辨析1.(2022秋·湖北武汉·九年级统考期中)—Would you like to do a video chat or make a voice call —________. Just talk with me face to face, please.A.Both B.Neither C.All D.Either2.(2022秋·湖北武汉·九年级统考期中)—Did your team finally score yesterday —No. We had several shots, ________ missing by inches!A.either B.both C.neither D.each3.(2022秋·湖北武汉·九年级统考期中)—Mark, do you want to buy the red sweater or the blue one —I’ll buy ________ of them, so I can give one to my brother as a birthday gift.A.all B.both C.either D.neither4.(2022秋·湖北武汉·九年级校联考期中)—How many students are there in the classroom —________. All of them are out on the playground.A.None B.Everybody C.Nobody D.Neither5.(2022秋·湖北武汉·九年级统考期中)—I was disappointed with the film. I had expected ________ to be much better.—The bigger expectation, the bigger disappointment.A.that B.this C.one D.it6.(2022秋·湖北武汉·九年级统考期中)—Do you know where the last two pictures went —A rich man bought _________ of them. He thought they were worth.A.either B.each C.none D.both7.(2022秋·湖北武汉·九年级统考阶段练习)—Have you bought the book The Complete Sherlock Holmes —I tried two bookstores, but ________ of them had it.A.none B.neither C.any D.either8.(2021秋·湖北武汉·九年级统考期中)For safety, we can’t turn off ________ side of the street lights.A.neither B.either C.none D.all9.(2022·湖北武汉·校考模拟预测)— My younger brother always bothers me while I am doing homework.— Calm down, Henry! ________ can bring you peace but yourself.A.Somebody B.Everybody C.Anybody D.Nobody10.(2022·湖北武汉·三模)—Now ANTA and Li Ning have good design ability.—I can’t agree more. They are as comfortable and good as ________ foreign brands.A.another B.other C.others D.the other11.(2022·湖北武汉·校考模拟预测)—Tickets for Friday —Sorry, we’ve got ________ left.A.neither B.none C.both D.either12.(2022·湖北武汉·三模)— I hope it can lead to a win-win situation.— I wish so. That’s the best for ________ of us.A.both B.neither C.either D.every13.(2022·湖北武汉·武汉外国语学校(武汉实验外国语学校)校考模拟预测)—Which tie would you like to buy —I will take ________ so that I can give one to my father.A.either B.both C.none D.nothing14.(2022·湖北武汉·统考二模)—I think either of the cars is OK. You know, Tom loves all kinds of toy cars.—I agree with you. So I decide to buy ________ of them for him.A.all B.any C.both D.neither15.(2022·湖北武汉·统考模拟预测)—How can we manage to escape from the building if there is a fire —There’s a door at __________ end of the hallway.A.any B.either C.both D.all16.(2022·湖北武汉·统考模拟预测)Some babies began talking as early as six months, while __________ don’t speak until they are more than two years old.A.the other B.others C.the others D.another17.(2022·湖北武汉·模拟预测)— The East Lake is not far from the Yellow Crane Tower. So you can easily visit ________ in a day.— Fantastic. I can’t wait for the trip.A.all B.neither C.either D.both18.(2022·湖北武汉·模拟预测)—What do you think of their plans —I don’t agree with ________. But I have to say some of them are of some value.A.any B.all C.none D.each19.(2022·湖北武汉·一模)—Could you please tell us something about this exhibition —Ah, yes. The gallery contains works by 5 artists, ________ with their own style.A.every B.either C.each D.none20.(2022·湖北武汉·校联考模拟预测)—These two photos are so beautiful!—You can keep ________ of them—whichever you like.A.each B.either C.both D.all21.(2022·湖北武汉·统考模拟预测)—Excuse me, is there any ticket for this Friday —Sorry, but we’ve got __________ left.A.Neither B.none C.any D.either22.(2022·湖北武汉·统考二模)—How many dictionaries should we buy —__________. All those dictionaries are both expensive and useless.A.None B.All C.Either D.Neither23.(2022·湖北武汉·统考模拟预测)—Can I help you —I’d like to buy a present for Father’s Day, ________ at a proper price, but of great value.A.each B.that C.one D.any24.(2022·湖北武汉·统考三模)—Our class will visit the Palace Museum tomorrow.—Great! _________ of us has been there before and we want to know about the culture.A.Each B.All C.None D.No one25.(2022·湖北武汉·统考三模)I’ve ever lived in Chicago and New York, but don’t like ________ of them very much.A.either B.any C.neither D.each26.(2022·湖北武汉·统考二模)—Which do you like —Neither. I think they’re ________ ugly.A.all B.either C.none D.both27.(2021·湖北武汉·统考三模)—Did you and Lily go to Tom’s birthday party that day —No, __________ of us was invited.A.either B.both C.neither D.all28.(2020·湖北武汉·统考三模)—I’d like an ice cream. Are you having _________, too —Yes, please. It’s so sweet of you.A.it B.that C.one D.another29.(2022秋·湖北武汉·九年级武汉一初慧泉中学校考阶段练习)—Have you bought the book The Complete Sherlock Holmes —I tried two bookshops, but __________ of them had it.A.neither B.none C.any D.either30.(2022·湖北武汉·武汉一初慧泉中学校考模拟预测)—Which of these shirts do you like best —I’ll take ________. They are both expensive and out of fashion.A.either B.neither C.none D.both31.(2021·湖北武汉·统考二模)You can park on ________ side of the street. There are still plenty of open spaces.A.both B.either C.neither D.every32.(2021·湖北武汉·武汉一初慧泉中学校考模拟预测)—Shall we try the new hot pot restaurant tonight or tomorrow evening —________ is OK. I’m busy today and tomorrow!A.Neither B.Either C.Both D.Any33.(2022秋·湖北武汉·九年级校联考期末)—You ________ can swim, can’t you —Yes, Bob and I are called fish when we are in the water.A.all B.either C.neither D.both34.(2022·湖北武汉·武汉第三寄宿中学校考模拟预测)—You don’t look fine. What happened —When I had my lunch, I sat at the table with smokers on ________ side of me.A.both B.all C.either D.neither35.(2021·湖北武汉·九年级专题练习)—How do you usually travel from Hefei to Shanghai, by plane or by car —________. I usually go there by high-speed train because it’s more convenient.A.Neither B.Either C.Both D.all36.(2021·湖北武汉·统考一模)— Our classmaster requires that ________ student who is late for school should do doubled homework.— Sounds like a nightmare.A.each B.every C.any D.all37.(2021·湖北武汉·九年级专题练习)Mike’s brothers and Jack play soccer very well. We hope ________ of them can join our team.A.both B.all C.every D.either38.(2021秋·湖北武汉·九年级武汉外国语学校(武汉实验外国语学校)校考期中)—You must be very close to your brother.—In a way, yes. Whenever my mum tries to pick ________one of us to do the chores, our kinship breaks.A.both B.all C.either D.neither39.(2021·湖北武汉·校考模拟预测)—Which driver was to blame —Why, ________. It was the child’s fault, clear and simple. He suddenly came out between two parked cars.A.both B.either C.none D.neither40.(2021·湖北武汉·武汉外国语学校(武汉实验外国语学校)校考模拟预测)—Have the employees given any solutions to the problem —Yes, a lot, but ________ of them is satisfying.A.all B.none C.neither D.both

