


(1) Qian, S. -B.; Zhang, J.; He, J. -J.; Zhu, L. -Y.; Zhao, E. -G.; Shi, X. -D.; Zhou, X.; Han, Z. -T. “Physical Properties and Evolutionary States of EA-type Eclipsing Binaries Observed by LAMOST”, 2018, ApJS, 235, 5

(2) Qian, S. -B.; Han, Z. -T.; Zhang, B.; Zejda, M.; Michel, R.; Zhu, L. -Y.; Zhao, E. -G.; Liao, W. -P.; Tian, X. -M.; Wang, Z. -H. “A New Stellar Outburst Associated with the Magnetic Activities of the K-type Dwarf in a White Dwarf Binary”, 2017, ApJ, 848, 131

(3) Qian, S. -B.; Han, Z. -T.; Soonthornthum, B.; Zhu, L. -Y.; He, J. -J.; Rattanasoon, S.; Aukkaravittayapun, S.; Liao, W. -P.; Zhao, E. -G.; Zhang, J.; Fern ndez Laj s, E. “Rapid Decreasing in the Orbital Period of the Detached White Dwarf-main Sequence Binary SDSS J143547.87+373338.5”, 2016, ApJ, 817, 151

(4) Qian, S. B.; Han, Z. T.; Fern ndez Laj s, E.; Zhu, L. Y.; Li, L. J.; Liao, W. P.; Zhao, E. G.. “Long-term Decrease and Cyclic Variation in the Orbital Period of the Eclipsing Dwarf Nova V2051 Oph”, 2015, ApJS, 221, 17

(5) S.-B. Qian, J.-J. Wang, L.-Y. Zhu, B. Snoonthornthum, L.-Z. Wang, E. G. Zhao, X. Zhou, W.-P. Liao, and N.-P. Liu, “Optical Flares and a Long-lived Dark Spot on a Cool Shallow Contact Binary”, 2014, ApJS, 212, 4

(6) Qian, S.-B.; Liu, N.-P.; Li, K.; He, J.-J.; Zhu, L.-Y.; Zhao, E. G.; Wang, J.-J.; Li, L.-J.; Jiang, L.-Q., “BI Vulpeculae: A Siamese Twin with Two Very Similar Cool Stars in Shallow Contact”, 2013, ApJS , 209, 13

(7) Qian, S.-B.; Zhang, J.; Wang, J.-J.; Zhu, L.-Y.; Liu, L.; Zhao, E. G.; Li, L.-J.; He, J.-J., “V753 Mon: A Unique Close Binary Just after the Evolutionary Stage with the Shortest Period during Mass Transfer”, 2013, ApJS , 207, 22

(8) Qian, S. -B.; Zhang, J.; Zhu, L. -Y.; Liu, L.; Liao, W. -P.; Zhao, E. -G.; He, J. -J.; Li, L. -J.; Li, K.; Dai, Z. -B. “Optical flares and flaring oscillations on the M-type eclipsing binary CU Cancri”, 2012, MNRAS, 423, 3646

(9) Qian, S.-B.; Liu, L.; Liao, W.-P.; Li, L.-J.; Zhu, L.-Y.; Dai, Z.-B.; He, J.-J.; Zhao, E.-G.; Zhang, J.; Li, K., “Detection of a planetary system orbiting the eclipsing polar HU Aqr”, 2011, MNRAS:Letter, 414, 16

(10) Qian, S.-B.; Liao, W.-P.; Zhu, L.-Y.; Dai, Z.-B, “Detection of a Giant Extrasolar Planet Orbiting the Eclipsing Polar DP Leo”, 2010, ApJ :Letter,708, 66
