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Instead of staying with one company for life, more and more people are changing their jobs. Contrast the points of view of companies and employees towards job-bopping.


Job Hopping ls Both Good and Bad


Job hopping has become a common phenomenon among employees and the concept of an iron rice bowl or jobs for life is falling apart.However, although some employees may favour job hopping,it is by no means favoured by most employers.


Most companies spend large amounts of money in training new hires which they see as an investment for the future. To lose trained, qualified and experienced staff early in their careers is financially damaging tocompanies. Furthermore, employers require loyalty which frequent job hopping by employees shows a distinctlack of. Employers will be reluctant to hire new staff who show this tendency. From the staff’s point of view, it is commonplace for ambitious starters to hop from job to job-part of the process of climbing the career ladder. Furthermore, employees may feel that their current job is dissatisfying or not as rewardingas expected. If so, sooner or later, they will start looking for a different job. In addition, it is very likely that after working in a certain field for some time, one feels like changing one's direction by foraying into another area. In conclusion, both employers and employees have different attitudes towards job hopping. Employers regard it as a financial waste and a sign of disloyalty while employees see it as an opportunity to further their career or to find a job which is more satisfying.


