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2020专八阅读题源文章习题集附答案解析(一)2019-04-30 15:34:26来源:网络 【专八】专八听力怎么练手把手教你写专八作文专八成绩查询入口专八真题及答案【专四】专四作文高分句型汇总专四听力50篇2020专四词汇表专四真题及答案【近期关注】2020专八词汇下载pdf版2020英语专四、英语专八报名条件


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As Michael Jackson made the unfortunate transition from pop-music icon to tabloid staple,one of the most common lines of attack was on his ever-changing appearance, the way his skin dramatically lightened in color, and his face altered in structure.

What's most tragic about Jackson's death, aside from the fact that it comes as he was mounting a comeback to include a sold-out 50-show residence at London's 02 Arena,is that what people will remember about him is his changing face. What they should remember:The way he changed the face of pop music.

Jackson first came to prominence as the pint-size nucleus of his family band, the Jackson 5. He quickly became the focal point of the group because of his popular cuteness and, of course, that voice. What was so remarkable about the young Michael was his ability to communicate youthful innocence’ or premature wisdom, or sometimes both at the same time. It was no small feat for the same preteen to credibly deliver shrewd stories of love and loss like “I Want You Back" and "The Love You Save", as well as he carried off cutesy soul ditties like “ ABC" and "Rockin' Robin". He led the group to four No. 1 singles.

But his watershed moments came after he came out of his awkward teenage years. At 20, Jackson starred in the film version of The Wiz, at which point he met Quincy Jones, who agreed to produce his fifth solo album, Off the Wall. The record was a mature, sexy blend of pop soul with a heavy, danceable disco groove. Having spent his earlier years trying to straddle vocal adolescence,he effortlessly became an adult. It certainly helped that Jackson was so adept at using that voice, and that he had a set of amazing songs to work with, among them "Don't Stop Til You Get Enough" and “Rock With You", in which Jackson sings lyrics that perfectly describe his own gifted footwork:"When you dance, there's a magic that must be love.“

As stunning an artistic statement as Off the Wall was, it did little to prepare anyone for the cultural phenomenon that was his subsequent album, Thriller. Jackson’s goal was to create an album in which every song was a hit. He didn't quite accomplish that, but he did create a classic pop album that fans zealously snatched up (to the tune of an estimated 100 million copies worldwide to date) and that solidified his status as the King of Pop. Debate still rages about whether Off the Wall or Thriller is stronger as an album. But the sea change Jackson created with Thriller had less to do with the music than with the medium.

At the height of MTV, Jackson became the first black artist to create a fan base using his image rather than in spite d it. His grasp of performance and presentation remains without parallel.

Jackson's subsequent albums failed to reach the heights of Thriller. But Jackson retained his knack for spectacle. Every music video he released was a major event, which is why MTV's lifetime-achievement statue at its annual awards show still bears his name. As a singer, as a songwriter, as a performer, as a dancer, Jackson remains among the most gifted ’ imaginative ’ larger-than-life musician of any race that has ever come along. Whatever changed about him over the years, that certainly didn't.

1. According to Paragraph Two, which of the following is NOT true aboul Jackson's tragic death?

[A] He had been busy preparing for his comeback shows before he died. [B] The tickets to his comeback shows had been sold out before he died. [C] His ever-changing appearance had negative effects on him. [D] People don't remember the way he changed the face of pop music.

2. Which of the following is true about Jackson's songs mentioned in this passage?

[A] "I Want You Back", "The Love You Save", "ABC" and "Rockin' Robin" were the four No. 1 singles of Jackson 5.

[B] Jackson failed to convey the meaning trf love and loss in the songs "I Want You Back" and "The Love You Save".

[C] "Don't Stop Til You Get Enough" and "Rock With You" were from Off the Wall, which was his first solo album.

[D] Jackson's wonderful dancing skills were vividly described in the lyrics of “ Rock With You".

3. "Straddle" in Paragraph Four can be best replaced by

[A] deal with. [B] get over. [C] avoid. [D] end.

4. Which of the following can be inferred from Paragraph Five?

[A] Every song in Thriller was a success.

[B] Thriller was more successful than Off the Wall.

[C] Jackson had already been recognized as the King of Pop before Thriller. [D] Some of Jackson's fans still minded his image as a black person.

5. The tone of the passage can be best described as

[A] commendatory. [B] derogatory. [C] critical. [D] neutral.







