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When is the English Translation Qualification Certificate Examination Time?

Are you interested in getting an English Translation Qualification Certificate? If so, you must be wondering when the examination time is. In this article, we will provide you with all the information you need to know about the English Translation Qualification Certificate Examination Time.

First, let us give you the answer to your question: the English Translation Qualification Certificate Examination Time is usually held twice a year, in June and December. The exact dates of the examination vary from year to year.

Now that we have given you the answer to your question, let us delve deeper into the topic. Below, we will provide you with more information about the English Translation Qualification Certificate Examination Time.

1. The examination is usually held on weekends.

2. The application period for the examination usually lasts for about a month before the examination.

3. The examination fee varies depending on the level of the examination you are taking.

4. The examination is divided into three levels: Elementary, Intermediate, and Advanced.

5. The examination evaluates your English proficiency in terms of listening, reading, translating, and writing.

6. The examination is recognized by many employers in the translation industry and can help you increase your chances of finding a job as a professional translator.

7. The English Translation Qualification Certificate is valid for two years.

8. If you fail the examination, you can retake it in the next examination period.

9. It is recommended that you take some time to prepare for the examination, as it is not an easy test.

10. You can find more information about the examination, including the exact dates and the application process, on the official website of the China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters (CATTI).

Now that you know everything you need to know about the English Translation Qualification Certificate Examination Time, it is time to start preparing if you are interested in taking the examination. Good luck!
