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How many points are required to pass the CET-4 exam?

In order to obtain the English language proficiency certificate, many students need to participate in the CET-4 exam. After studying hard, they have the same question on their minds: how many points are required to pass the CET-4 exam?

The answer may vary depending on the year, but generally, if you want to pass the CET-4 exam, you need to score at least 425 points. However, whether or not 425 points is enough depends on your specific situation.

First of all, if you want to study abroad, you need to submit your CET-4 score to the school you intend to attend. Some schools have specific requirements for CET-4 scores, so you need to check them carefully. If the requirement is higher than 425 points, you will need to continue to study hard and try to improve your score.

Secondly, if you are applying for a job that requires an English proficiency certificate, you also need to pay attention to the job requirements. Some employers may require a higher CET-4 score, while others may simply need to see the certificate and do not have specific requirements for the score.

Third, whether or not 425 is enough for you depends largely on your English level and learning goals. If you only want to obtain the certificate and do not plan to apply for study or jobs that have specific requirements for the CET-4 score, then 425 points is enough for you. But if you plan to continue studying and improving your English, you should aim for a higher score and challenge yourself to reach your full potential.

In summary, 425 points is generally the requirement for passing the CET-4 exam. But the specific situation varies from person to person, so it is important to consider your own goals and needs when determining whether or not 425 points is enough.
