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考研英语自我介绍,刚忙看看 英文翻译 考研复试自我介绍(采纳的追加分)


. I will finish my undergraduate education in Changsha University of Science and Technology这句话 你看下是不是先说专业再说学校啊 During the university这句话 有点中国式英语啊 在大学期间不是在大学内 And I hope I can have a systematic view of it and making a solid foundation for future profession after two years study here.如果想用makiing,那么就把and 去掉就行 future profession after two years study here重复了,将来的专业学习和两年后的学习选一个就可以 上面是些格式和语法问题,从内容上来说你可以先介绍自己的优处再把你想要在这里学习的希望强调出来啊,内容少了点 可以加点啊 多准备些不一定到时都能说但是有个预备为好啊嘿嘿我也正准备啊 祝你成功好运→点击右边查看更多

英文翻译 考研复试自我介绍(采纳的追加分)

my name is evenstar262 I am ...University 04 level of Art academy musical shows student .Today can stand in here participates in graduate students second examination, I was honored that!
I like musicology this specialty very much,From goes to college the start ,I decided for myself have passed an examination graduate student this goal ,Through I four year unceasing endeavor ,Today I have realized my dream finally ,In review exams for postgraduate schools this period of time ,I realized difficulty profoundly ,I from guarantee in graduate students defeat to crawl ,With disciplines after the defeat time and time again ,Today stood finally through the preliminary test in here ,I feel proud for myself ,Simultaneously I also believed that my choice are correct .Because I learned to defeat the attack, weak, spiritless ,And I will have these precious life experience to continue the vanguard!
Finally, thanks fellow teachers!