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含泪活着丁尚彪送给女儿的是哪首歌 fristlove 日语版


rita coolidge翻唱的Cactus Flower
Cactus Flower
Lyrics: Rita&Priscilla Coolidge Douglas Getschal

You were taken from this world in a heartbeat
Little flower with so much pain to bear
Too young to realize how good life could be
You were no less than an angel unaware
You were safe in the dark and it found you
Couldn’e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb931333337623462t see your sweet life fade away
With the arms of my love wrapped around you
Empty arms that still hold you here today
*Someday, somewhere I’ll see you again
We are forever and I know there’s a reason for it all
I believe we’ve no beginning, no end
We are a circle and I know there’s a reason for it all
Little girl with your whole life before you
Afraid to face tomorrow on your own
You had it all, your whole world adored you
Hopeless heart, what made you feel so alone
If the future belongs to the children
And they just can’t face the world we’ve made
And what kind of home is this we’re building
That makes the children take their lives away?

fristlove 日语版

最后のキスは (最后的吻)
タバコのflavorがした (带着淡淡的香烟味道)
にがくてせつない香り (苦涩而令人心碎的香味)
明日の今顷は (明天的这个时候)
あなたはどこにいるんだろう (你会在哪里呢)
谁を想ってるんだろう (又会想着谁呢)
You are always gonna be my love
いつか谁かとまた恋に落ちても (就算在以后的生命中和谁恋爱也好)
Ill remember to love
You taught me how
You are always gonna be the one
今はまだ悲しい love song 新しい歌 うたえるまで (现在仍唱着悲伤的情歌)
立ち止まる时间が (一度呆滞的时间)
动き出そうとしてる (将会继续运转)
忘れたくないことばかり (剩下的尽是难以忘怀的事情)
明日の今顷には (明天的这个时间)
わたしはきっと泣いている (我一定会哭着)
あなたを想ってるんだろう (想起深爱过的你)
You will always be inside my heart
いつもあなただけの场所があるから (在我心中永远给你留下一片空间)
I hope that I have a place in your heart too
Now and forever you are still the one
今はまだ悲しい love song (现在仍唱着悲伤的情歌)
新しい歌 うたえるまで
You are always gonna be my love
いつか谁かとまた恋に落ちても (就算在以后的生命中和谁恋爱也好)

Ill remember to love
You taught me how
You are always gonna be the one
今はまだ悲しい love song
新しい歌 うたえるまで(现在仍唱着悲伤的情歌)
