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2022中考真题英语 中考英语试题


1.must be put in a cool, clean and dry place ——必须被放在一个……的地方,首先排除A,D,因为food和后面的谓语的关系是被动的,要用被动语态,但是我觉得C也可以…… 2.后面一空可以排除A,D——unless,除非;before,直到;翻译过来就是“除非/直到我亲眼看见他们了”,而前面那空要用否定的基本上就没什么问题了“除非我亲眼看道了外星人,否则我不会相信的” 3.a quarter as big as ,与……的四分之一一样大,翻译过来就是“它只有地球的四分之一大” 4.“我们离开上海已经两年了”要用现在完成时。用过去完成时的时候,这个句子里面一定会出现一个表过去的时间 5.in order to——为了……,表目的 so that 和in order that 后面接的都是句子 6.what fun——多么有趣啊! 如果一定要用how的话,应该是how funny,how后面接的是形容词,而what 后面接的是名词 7.由the old bridge可知主语是单数,排除C;D是主动语态,排除,因为“桥”是“被建造”;而它前面是“old bridge”,老桥,所以应该是“被重建” 8.Im afraid not,呃,习惯用语,忘了为什么了……


you must not make so many noises in  the0   classroom . what  else   can we do to help him.   it is turn you to wash  ?     .we have rules to keep our childrens  securty .   it is sonw  ,    but  not very cold/


1. Is there a hotel near here? 2. Dont forget to tell me something about your family. 3. How can I get there? 4. The hospital is opposite the post office. 5. My bedroom is behind the house.