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英语作文First impressions 克服思乡英语作文,题目是overcoming homesickness

英语作文First impressions

Good morning teacher, and my fellow classmates.
Today I will be giving a speech on how first impression is important.
There is a famous quote that says, "Dont judge a book by its cover". But really, how many of us judge the way others speak, and by their appearance. Their perception of us do matter as well. That is why Im here to give a speech on how to give others a good first impression. I will be covering four
Firstly, it would be on our appearance and the way we dress. It is the first thing we notice when we see someone, and that definitely leaves a powerful impression on that persons mind. Therefore, it is always best to dress neatly on any event.
Secondly, it would be on our attitude towards other. People definitely wont like to speak to someone who has a bad attitude. So, giving others a more positive and cheerful first impression would always leave others thinking you are someone whom they can approach in the future.
Thirdly, it would be on our speech. People could have respected us for our appearance, but once you start speaking, you could have crushed your good impression on them. That is because, the way we speak say a lot about us. Ones dialect also have the same impact as how we speak as it shows our culture and educational background.So, it is better to show a more cultured side of yourself, to not speak uncouthly and to use the proper and formal speech when meeting new people.
Lastly, it would be on manner and behaviour. These two factors would have a lasting effect on people so its best to smile when approaching someone, or to listen when someone has something to say.
So to sum it off, these are some of the key factors in giving others a good first impression. Thank you for listening.

克服思乡英语作文,题目是overcoming homesickness


I left my home to go to a senior high school three years age, which is a boarding school far from my home. I was homesick at the beginning of the new school life. I missed my parents, my relatives, and my old friends at home. At the same time, I didn’t like the foods in the new school. As the result of this, I couldn’t help being absent-minded in classes. And I felt sick then. I even had the idea to quit school.
Meanwhile, I knew I have to overcome the homesickness and concentrate on my study. I began to make new friends and share their feelings. We studied and played together. After quite some time, I recovered gradually and went through the school life successfully.
