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求日语“我的一天”200字左右小作文,简单基础语句即可 英语课堂小游戏?





I like pink fish! Target Grade:1-6 Target English: I like adjectives colours nouns This is an excellent game that introduces "I like" adjective noun in a way that any kid can learn, remember and have fun doing!! Because the kids are moving whilst playing the games, they are learning without really thinking about it!! As usual you have to review or introduce the vocab first with the song, and then use the game to practice that vocab!! Preparation 1. Split the class into 2,3 or 4 four groups. Any more than this and accidents will happen! 2. At the back of the class spread out several picture cards of nouns (at least as many as there are students) 3. At the front have several folded up pieces of paper. Inside each piece of paper is a colour. The game 4. One person from each group stands up. When the teacher says "Go!", these 3 kids race to the back of the class, They then pick up a card that they know the English for. Then they race to the front and pick up one of the folded pieces of paper. 5. They then have to speak outloud "I like" followed by the colour they have chosen and then the name of the object. For example "I like pink fish!" 6. The quickest person to say it gets 20 points! If the others can say theirs, they get 10 points. 7. Get the next person in each team to stand up and continue from 4 This is a really good game that the kids get into. When I first tried it with my first years I was at the back of the class, sorting out the cards when the first kid spoke. I was sure someone had the TV on as this little 6 year old came out with this sentence that just did not sound like a Japanese person!!! For older kids (from years 3 up) have the colours at the front right, and a set of adjective cards (I have ones for cute, heavy, big, expensive etc.). This time the kids have to say "I like " adjective colour noun. Or try "At .. ( time), I like ( verb), (adjective), (colour), (noun) (noun)" e.g. "At 9 oclock I like eating scary blue TVs and cows" - great fun! You can then make other sentences such as "Im going to..." countries modes of transport! Sometimes they get it wrong and say the colour at the end, but once you correct them, they never get it wrong twice!! The only problem is that the kids get so into it that, more so than any other game, the kids get really annoyed when they lose!! So remember to tell them that losing means "try again" - this way all the energy gets focussed into wanting to try again and saves a lot of tears!! Oh, and remember the "s" at the end of most words e.g. I like green bananas!




【1】先准备初级学习的书籍。 近些年,比较流行的书籍有《大家的日语》《标准日语》《新编日语》《新版标准日语》等,其中《新版标准日语》最适合初学者学习。我推荐这个教材。 【2】刚开始学习,需要辅助工具,有的选择去培训班,有的选择视频教程。 在这里,我推荐视频教程,因为培训班价格贵,老师水平都不能肯定。 推荐给你:国内最权威的视频教程:万语在线课堂,随时可以学习,

点击【试听】开始学习 >我的第一个建议是,一定要听日语录音、收音机等,这样可以培养你的语感,进入学习日语的环境中。 更重要的是,在你学习五十音图的同时,可以对比一下自己说的跟日本人的标准朗读有没有什么区别,如有错误马上调整过来。如果坚持听,你的语音语调也会很像日本人哦! 说到五十音,有的同学一定很头痛吧,怎么记都记不住,其实只要不断重复,怎么样都会记得住它们的。

五十音图: 五十音图笔顺: 自学日语: >





ころんだ 相当于“木头人”
