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做家务的英语词组20个 ‘打扫’的英语单词


do the dishes 洗碗碟
clean my room 打扫我的房间
wash my clothes 洗自己的衣服
mop the floor 拖地


打扫:do some cleaning

打扫房间:clean the room

使房间整洁干净:keep the room cleanand tidy


Today I cleanded my room.First I fold my clothes.And I washed my dirty colthes.Then I swept the floor and cleanded furniture.Finally I put my books on the place that I can use quickly.So my room is very nice now.



关于自己的优缺点的英语作文 (初一水平,最好有汉译)

Everybody has strenghth and weakness. I am a friendly, warm-hearted, generous and easy going girl. I am always ready to help others. I work hard every day and I am good at nearly all the subjects except PE. I often help my classmates with their lessons and I can get on well with them. Besides, I am polite to others and I never fight with others. At home I often help my parents with the housework. But I dont like doing sports. So I think I am not strong enough.
望采纳,万分感谢! (*^__^*)
