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大学英语听说第三版4听力原文 董亚芬 21世纪大学英语应用型视听说3听力原文

大学英语听说第三版4听力原文 董亚芬

【大学英语听说第三版4听力原文 董亚芬】
Part B The Hospital Window
Jack and Ben, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. Jack, whose bed was next to the rooms only window, was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. But Ben had to spend all dcent growth in the Asian cigarette market from 1999 - 2000.
In Singapore, there has been an increase of smokers, which reflects the popularity of the addictive habit in Asia. Statistics show that seven Singaporeans die every day from smoking-related diseases in this country of 3.5 million people.
1. Which of the following days is World No Tobacco Day?
2. What did the WHO announce on World No Tobacco Day?
3. Why did the speaker cite Singapore as an example?
4. What can be inferred from this passage?
Unit 8
Part B
A Terrible Disease
Now at 57, on good days Im filled with hope and determination, but on bad days Ihave the worst sense of being alone. Ive started a support group for other sufferers, for Iknow its essential to have contact with people who are walking through the same maze.Jacks coping well. While he still dreams of waking up to find all this has been ahorrible nightmare, hes assured me that I can depend on him. When we married he didnt
know for better or worse included Alzheimers. But neither did I.
1. What does the story mainly tell us?
2. Which of the following is one of the symptoms of the speakers disease?
3. What can we learn from the story?
4. What do you know about the speaker from the story?
5. What can be inferred about the speakers mother?
Part C
Old Ages Problems and OpportunitiesOld age in the United States presents many problems and opportunities. As a result
of improved medical services , people live longer than they used to. This increase in longevity creates a wide range of social needs. The medical specialty of gerontology (老年医学) has opened up new research areas and careers related to the elderly.
The elderly must set up a new life. Often, the elderly must rely on a fixed income - Social Security and pensions - and gradually diminished savings. While some live with their children, many more live by themselves, with a friend or in a nursing home.
However, the increasing proportion of elderly people in society has given them a new political power. They have formed organizations to voice their own needs and concerns to local state and federal agencies. Lobbying(游说)for such issues as increased Social Security benefits, better health care, income tax benefits and rent controls has brought to the public an increased awareness of the determination of the elderly to assert their ability to deal effectively with their own lives.
Part B
A Victim of Drugs
Margaret frowned as she shook the can of deodorant. It was almost empty but shed only had it a week -- surely she couldnt have used it all?
realized Paul had been behaving oddly because of the drugs.
But the worst was yet to come. He was soon found stealing money at home. Margaret reported him to the police to give him a fright, and the police kept him to Margaret.
Then he shook his dads hand.
The next morning Paul died.
Margaret was so angry that the drugs had won. She said, "Drug addiction is a disease and it beat him. The only winners are the drug dealers who get rich on the suffering of ordinary families like ours."
1. How old was Paul when he first started to get high on a drug-like substance?
2. Which substance did Paul first start to use?
3. How did Margaret get to know that Paul was taking drugs?
4. Why did Margaret report Paul to the police when she found him stealing money at home?
5. Which of the following can be inferred from the text?
6. What was the cause of Pauls death?
Part C
Interview with an Internet Addiction Counselor
Interviewer: Welcome to this edition of Talk of the Nation. Im Jenny Butler. Were talking this hour about how and why people might become addicted to things other than drugs. Our high-tech society offers new high-tech addictions like video games, online chat rooms, etc. Dr. James at Maryland University has put together a support group for
students who find themselves addicted to the Internet. He joins me now from his office in College Park.
somehow break the pattern. Go out and take a walk, and then come back before you get back online.
Interviewer: So thats how we can avoid Internet addiction. Thank you very much, Dr. James.
James: Thank you.
1. What is the name of the program?
2. What is the topic of this edition?
3. What are the harmful effects of Internet addiction?
4. What are the warming signals that show you are starting to get addicted?
5. How to avoid the Internet addiction according to Dr. James?


自己的思想的,因为 “每人一颗脑袋”.但是,现在有越来越多的同学不善于用自己的语文表达自己的思想,所以在作文中总是让自己思想努力贴近公共思维——面对母亲的爱,要感恩,而且必需要感恩,这就是公共思维.因此,一有“感恩”类的作文题目时,大家就纷纷表。





听说不分家,虽然在国内的某些英语考试里依然单独设置听力和口语考试,但在实际交流中,几乎不存在单方面说或听的情况。在锻炼听力和口语时,我基本上都以知名英语新闻媒体的视听资源、英美剧和英语电影为主要素材,用不同的方法进行练习。 如何做好“ 说”这一关: 1) 语音语调(模仿): 语音语调上要强调模仿纯正的英语母语国家人。语流、语速也要达到英语母语匀速讲话的标准。请老师纠音, 多听原版录音带, 多模仿。做跟读的练习。 2) 词汇句型积累: 大家应该多注重句型的积累,多听英语原版新闻或看些电影电视剧。因为视觉听觉结合可以加深我们的记忆,我们可以用电影场景记忆的方法来学习英语听说。很多学员跟我说:“老师,我看过的电影美剧多了去了,为啥我还是不会说?”不能看了就完了,我们的目的不是看剧情,而是学语言,可以把你感兴趣的英文电影或剧集的一个片段找出来,用听力“输入”的方式,边看边做笔记,记下句型。并经常“输出”,把学会的句型变成自己的口语。 3)背诵与模仿: 学习初期应努力背诵所学的课文,例如我们在大学听说读写拔高用的国际教材interchange2、3,这个教材别小看了它, 一些最常用的句型和词汇以及语法都集中在这里。加上是英语母语国家的精英语言教育者编写,权威性是毫无置疑的。这里我要强调大家选教材一定要用由英语母语国家人编写或审译过的教材,这样可以避免学到不地道的英文。千万不要轻视了背诵, 通过背诵, 很多东西就变成了你自己的。虽然看起来这背诵的办法有点愚, 但多年的实践证明它对练好口语最有效。一些警句和成语要烂熟于胸。一些精彩的段落也要尽可能地背下来。坚持跟读, 这对口语能力的提高非有用,其实根本不会花去大家多久的时间, 每天花上10分钟跟读英文就可以了。贵在坚持。反复地朗读不仅对语音是个很好的练习, 对文章的无意识记忆也大有益处。 4)丰富知识: 不断地丰富自己语言以外的相关知识。广博的知识是提高口语水平的重要基础。这就是为什么作为一名翻译要求“You have to know something about everything.” 5) 口语实践: 很多人老是说没有语言环境为由而放弃听说的训练,其实并没有大家想的那么困难。在老师正确的方法的指导下进行实践可以少走一些弯路。大家在口语的训练方面可以学会“自言自语”, 把学过的东西复述出来。自己给自己创造语言环境。


1。ADCBCDBCDCBDCAA 二、 1. A speaking competition. 2. They are too expensive. 3. Because he hasn’t won
any prizes. 4. A writing competition. 5. By making it up.
三、1. Have you wonthe first prize 2. wanted to go toLondon 3. Yes, I have 4. That’s a pity 5. I will have atry
四、 1. can help you improve 2. She has never read it 3. I havealways wanted to go 4. Have youever entered 5. I will invite you togo


PETS5级难些,首先pets5 有两种形式的考试,分笔试和口试,先考笔试,再口试。口试比较容易,一般只要说话流畅,表达没有障碍基本都能通过。但是笔试比六级难度要大,尤其是听力的难度比六级要高一些。30分钟的听力时间,听力的短文长度比六级要长,有时候听着容易走神,而且单独列项出来听力必须超过18分才能算是通过。另外完型填空不同于六级是选择题,PETS5的完型填空是填空题,需要自己去填单词。另外阅读理解和六级差不多,包括三种题型,常见的读短文选择题,还有六个中选五个排序,最后就是根据句子判断来自那篇文章的快速阅读题。最后是作文,作文是给定40分钟写作,要求250字。