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take短语归纳 英语短语“偶然遇到”怎么说?


take after(外貌)相像 take apart 拆卸,拆开 take away 减去 take down 写下,记下 take for 把...误认为 take in欺骗;吸收,吸纳 take off 起飞;匆匆离开;脱下 take on 承担;呈现;开始雇佣 take over 接收,接管 take to 喜欢,开始从事
take pictures照相 take care of 照顾,照料 take up 开始从事,着手处理 take it easy 别紧张 be taken with (1) 对...很喜爱; 被...迷住, 被...吸引 be taken by (1) 对...很喜爱; 被...迷住, 被...吸引 double take (1) 先是不注意接着大吃一惊 (2) 先是怔着接着恍然大悟的反应 not taking any (1) [口]谢绝, 不接受, 没有那种兴趣 去做 on the take (1) [美俚]接受贿赂; 敲诈, 伺机损人利已 take after (1) 象 (2) 学...的榜样, 仿效 (3) 追赶, 追捕 take against (1) 反对; 不喜欢
take amiss (1) 因...而见怪; 误会, 误解
take apart (1) 使分开, 拆开 (2) 严厉批评; 猛烈抨击 (3) 严格剖析 (4) 粗暴对待; 严厉惩罚; 彻底打败
take as read (1) 认为不必宣读(会议记录等); 认为不必谈论或听取(某事) (2) 宣称对...满意; 声称对...没有意见 take away (1) 拿走; 夺走; 拆去 (2) 使离开; 带走 (3) 使消失, 消除(病痛等) (4) 减去 (5) 把...买回家食用
take back (1) 收回(前言), 承认说错了话;取消(诺言)(2)同意退回, 收回(商品);接回, 带回(3)使回到某一起点; 使回想起 take down (1) 拿下, 取下 (2) 记[录]下来 (3) 挫其气焰 (4) 拆掉 (5) 吞下, 咽下 (6) 病倒 (7) [口]欺骗(某人) take five (1) [美口]休息五分钟[十分钟], 小憩 take ten (1) [美口]休息五分钟[十分钟], 小憩 take ... for ... (1) 以为(某人或某物)是... take from (1) 减去; 减损; 降低 take home to oneself (1)充分理解,深刻领会 take it all in (1) 注意倾听; 全部听进 take it and like it (1) [美俚]不太甘心地忍受批评(嘲笑等) take it or leave it (1) 要么接受,要么拉倒;要不要随你的便 take it out in (1) 接受...作为抵偿 take off after (=take after) (1)追赶,追捕 take out of (1) 取出, 除去; 要赔偿;报仇 take out after (1) [take after]追赶,追捕 take sb. wrong (1) 误解[曲解]某人的意思 take sb. unawares (1)使某人出其不意,攻其不备take in (1) 收进, 接受; 装入, 收容, 接待 (2) 领(活)到家里做 (3) 缩短; 改小; 收(帆), 卷(帆) (4) 领会, 理解 (5) 观看, 参观, 游览 (6) [口]轻信, 信以为真 (7) [口]欺骗 (8) 订阅(报刊) (9) 包括[含] (10) 拘留
take it (1) 猜想, 以为; 断定(2) [口][常与 can, be able to 连用]忍受得住(痛苦、批评、困难, 嘲笑等) (3) 默然同意, 接受 take it out of sb. (1) 使 某人虚弱, 使某人精疲力竭 (2) (=takeit out on sb.)找某人出气[泄愤] take me not up before I fall (1) [苏口]在你回答我以前, 先听我说完
take off (1) 取[脱]下; 拆下; 切除 (2) (=take oneself off)[口]走掉; 滚开 (3) 带往(某处); 移送(某处) (4) 减(价) (5) 取消, 夺去...的
生命, 杀死 (6) [口]摹仿, 学...的榜样; 取笑 (7) (飞机)起飞 (8) 移开(目光, 注意力) (9) 停止演出 (10) 去掉, 扣除 (11) 复制; 绘制
take on (1) 具有,呈现(某种性质、特征等) (2) 担任(工作), 承担(责任) (3) 雇用 (4) 接受...的挑战; 同...较量 (5) [口]伤心; 激动 (6) 装出某种样子 (7) [口]流行, 风行; 受欢迎 (8) 接受(乘客); 装载
take out (1) 取出, 拔 出; 除掉(污迹等), 擦去 (2) 邀(某人)出门, 带去 (3) 取得, 领 到(专利权, 执照等) (4) 【律】发出(传票), 传讯 (5) 摧毁, 消除 (6) 把...买出食用 (7) 启程, 出发
take over (1) 接收[管, 任] (2) 把...载送到 (3) 仿效, 采用 (4) 把...移入下一行 take sb. up on (1) 接受某人的(邀请, 挑战等) (2) 要求某人兑现...
take sb. short (1) 突然袭击某人; 使 某人大吃一惊 (2) 唐突地打断某人的话 take sb. up short (1) 突然袭击某人; 使 某人大吃一惊 (2) 唐突地打断某人的话 take sth. up with sb. (1) (口头或书面)向某人反映某事; 就某事向某人提意见
take to (1) 爱, 喜欢 (2) 嗜好, 沉迷于, 养成...的习惯 (3) 逃到..., 借助...逃 走 (4) 开始从事 take too much (1) [口]喝过多(酒), 喝 醉
take up (1) 举[拿, 捡, 拔]起 (2) 占(地方); 费(时间); 占据 (3) 接纳(乘客); (船)承装(货物)(4) 吸收(水 分); 溶解 (5) 打断某人的话; 责备, 申斥 (6) 开始; 着手处理 (7) 对...发生兴趣; 开始从事, 开始学 (8) 把(某人)置于自己的庇护之下; 收于(门下), 提携 (9) 继续, 接下去 说 (10) 逮捕 (11) 扎紧, 绕紧; 改短(衣服) (12) 接受(建议, 挑战等) (13) (学校)开学; 上课 (14) 定居, 安家 (15) 付清, 认购(公债); 募(捐) (16) [口](天气)变晴, 变好
take up with (1)和...交往[鬼混](2)一心一意想,醉心于(3)信以为真;采用,接受(4) [常用被动态]对...很喜爱 (5) 甘受, 忍 受
take upon oneself (1) 以...为己任; 主动承担(责任等); 把(过错)归咎自己 (2) 擅自; 毅然, 大胆 take on oneself (1) 以...为己任; 主动承担(责任等); 把(过错)归咎自己 (2) 擅自; 毅然, 大胆 take us as you find us (1) 我们就是 这样, 请你将就些吧
1. take after (不用进行式) -to look or behave like (an older relative) 长相或举止像(某个长辈)
2. take apart (1) to separate (a small machine, clock, etc.) into pieces 把(小型机器、钟表等)拆开;拆散(2) to defeat very severely in a sport or game (在体育运动或比赛中)把……彻底打败;speak angrily to or criticize severely 对…苛求;严厉批评 3. take as 看作,认为
4. take away 拿走;使停学,使离开;使消失;减去△ take away from -to lessen the effect or value of (something good or desirable) 贬低(有益或令人满意之事物)的作用
5. take back (1) to admit that one was wrong in (what one said) 承认说错了(话),收回(诺言,话语)(2) to cause to remember or think about a past time 使回忆起(3) 送回,还回去;退(货)
6. take down (1) 拿下,取下;记下来;褪下(裤子等穿于腰以下的衣物)(2) to separate (a large machine or article) into pieces esp. in order to repair it or move it (尤指为了修理或搬移而)把(大型机器或大物件)拆成零部件;把……拆卸开
7. take in (1) to receive into ones home; provide lodgings for (a person) 接待(某人)留宿(2) to deceive 欺瞒,欺骗(3) to understand fully; grasp 充分理解,掌握(4) to make (clothes) narrow 把(衣服)改窄(5) to include 包含,包括
8. take off (1) to remove (esp. clothes) 脱下,脱去(尤指衣服); 解(拿)掉 --- put on (反义词)(2) (of a plane, etc) to rise into the air at the beginning of a flight (飞机等)升空,起飞(3) to have a holiday from work on (the stated day) or for (the stated period) 在(某日或某段时间)休假;歇(……天)假; 请假(4) to begin to become successful, popular, or well-known 开始有成就;开始受
欢迎;开始成名(5) 打折扣(6) to copy the speech or manners of (someone), esp. for amusement(尤指为了逗笑而) 模仿 (某人)的谈吐、举止等
9. take on (1) to start to employ 开始雇用(2) to begin to have (a quality of appearance)开始具有/ 呈现(某种品质、面貌等); 露出(3) to accept
(work, responsibility, etc.)接受(工作等);承担(责任等)(4) to start a quarrel or fight with开始和…争吵(斗殴、作对、较量等)(5) 让上车,接受乘客
10. take out (1) to go somewhere with (a person) as a social activity 带(某人)去(某处参加社交活动等) (2) to obtain officially 正式取得,领得,获得(3) 洗去(污迹),使褪色△ take someone out of himself / herself 使(某人)从(失意、不愉快等)中解脱出来,给(某人)消愁△ take sth out on sb 向……发泄(情绪);拿……出气
11. take over --to gain control over and responsibility for (something)接手,接任;接管
12. take to (1) to feel a liking for, esp. at once (尤指立刻)对……产生好感,喜欢上(2) to begin as a practice, habit, etc. 染上……习惯(嗜好等)(3) to go to for rest, hiding, escape, etc. 到(某处)休息;到……躲藏;逃往
13. take up(1) to begin to spend time doing; interest oneself in 开始花时间从事(某项活动);对…产生兴趣;开始学习(某课程),选修 (2) (of things or events) to fill or use (space or time) (事物或事件)占用了(时间或空间)(3) to accept the offer of 接受…的建议(4) to continue 继续△ take up with和(某人,尤指讨厌的人)来往be taken up with - be very busy with 忙于; 喜欢 14. be taken ill 病倒了,生病了 15. take a chance 碰碰运气,冒……风险 16. take a deep/ long breath 深吸一口气(鼓起勇气或仔细考虑) 17. take a fancy / liking (dislike) to 喜欢(不喜欢) 18. take a hand in 干预 19. take a load / weight off sbs mind 使放心/ 安心 20. take a risk / risks 冒风险 21. take a seat 坐下 22. take a vote 投票表决 23. take an interest in 对……有兴趣 24. take steps /measures to do 采取措施做某事 25. take action (on) (对……)采取措施 26. take advantage of 利用;占……的便宜, 不正当地利用 27. take aim 瞄准 28. take by 握住(某处); 拉住 29. take ….by surprise 奇袭;出其不意做某事, 使惊奇 30. take care 当心 31. take care of 照顾,料理;处理,对付;当心 32. take charge of 负责,接管 33. take cold 感冒,伤风 34. take control of 控制住,管住 35. take delight / pleasure in 以……为乐;喜欢36. take effect 开始起作用;生效 37. take for / to be (错)当作,以为是 38. take ….for granted 想当然认为(会是某种情况),认为……是理所当然的;认为没有问题 39. take ….for instance / example 以……为例 40. take hold of 抓住;吸引住 41. take ….into account / consideration考虑到,把…考虑进去 42. take it / things easy 慢慢地,不要过于紧张/ 劳累 43. take it or leave it 要不要都行;要么要要么不要,不要还价 44. take note (of) 注意 45. take notice (of) 注意;理会 46. take notes 作记录;记笔记 47. take / come into office 就职,上任 48. take ones breath away 令人惊异,叹为观止
49. take ones chance(s) 碰碰自己的运气 50. take ones time 慢慢来,从容不迫 51. take pains 特别注意 / 努力,下工夫 52. take (the) trouble 费事,下工夫 53. take pare (in) 参加,参与 54. take pity on / upon 可怜,怜悯 55. take place 发生,举行 56. take pride in / be proud of 为……感到自豪/ 骄傲 57. take revenge on 向….报复 58. take ones place 代替某人 59. take the long view 看得远一些 60. take the opportunity 利用这个机会 61. take turns 轮流(做某事


偶然遇到.. 1. run into . run into 跑进;偶然遇到;共计 . 2. knock into sb. knock into sb. 撞到某人身上;偶然遇到 3. run across run across偶然遇到 4. come up against come up against 偶然遇到 run across偶然遇到 come up against 偶然遇到 偶然遇到某人..run into sb run into sb 偶然遇到某人 ... meet meet with 偶然遇到,符合 happen on偶然遇到或发现 happen to碰巧,偶然 ... runinto偶然遇到,撞上;共计 dump into 意外碰到,偶然遇到 Run across 偶然遇到/动词词组 stumble on/upon/across偶然发现,偶然遇到



v. (动词)
在否定句中,表示某人或某物过于令人烦恼,令人无法忍受,作此义解时bear可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,常与can, could的否定式连用,其后常接动词不定式、动名词或that从句,也可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。不用于被动结构。


pass along 沿...走, 路过 (= pass down)(公共汽车售票员用语)往里走, 往前走
pass around 分,分发, 传送
pass away 度过, 消磨时间 (时间等)过去 终止, 消失, 死亡
pass belief 使人不能相信
pass between 二人之间交换(言语、手势、暗号等)
pass beyond 超过
pass by从...旁边经过; 时间逝去 忽视, 遗漏 避开, 躲开
pass by on the other side 不帮助, 不同情
pass down (= pass along) (世代)相传, 传下来
pass for 被看做, 被认为, 冒充
pass into 考进 进入, 载入, 变成
pass from among us (丢下我们)死掉
pass off 进行到最后, 完成 停止, 消失 应付过去; 克服 不放在心上, 置之不理 骗入, 冒充, 诡称(as, for)
pass on前进, 继续下去, (时间)过去 传递; 留给; 转嫁 逝世 转入, 进入 使(人们)受益[分享, 分担] (pass on sth.)完全不要某物
pass out 死 出去 [口]昏过去, 醉得不省人事 不复(存在), 不再(出版), 不能(看见、听到) 毕业, 结业 分送(礼品), 分发
pass over 横过, 越过, 渡过 省略, 忽略, 回避 放过, 宽恕 复述, 回顾, 匆匆地看过[处理] 去世
pass (round) the hat 募捐
pass sb. off as 把某人[某物]充作...
pass sth. off as 把某人[某物]充作...
pass sb. off for 把某人[某物]充作...
pass sth. off for 把某人[某物]充作...
pass through 经过, 经历 修毕(课程) 刺过, 刺穿
pass to 传给, 转到, 通到
pass up 把...往上呈 放过, 放弃; 拒绝 修完课程
pass upon 判断, 鉴定, 发表意见
pass on判断, 鉴定, 发表意见
pass sth around 把---传递给(---中的)每个人
A picture was passed around the class.班上的同学传看一幅画
pass away 亡故;消失
She passed away peacefully in her sleep她是在睡梦中安详地过世的
pass between sb 在(两人的眉目,语言等)之间
A look of understanding passed between Ann and Carla安和卡拉心照不宣地交换了一下目光
pass by 过去;逝去
The weeks passed by and sha didnt call几个星期过去了,她没打电话来
pass by sb/sth 通过;经过
I saw the procession pass by我看见队伍走过
pass sb/sth by 未影响(某人或某事)
The whole business passed him by他没有察觉到发生了什么事
pass sth down 流传;使世代相传
Some of the furniture has been passed down through the family有些家具是一代一代传下来的
pass for /as sb 被当作某人,被看成某人
He speaks French well enough to pass for a Frenchman他说法语很流利,很容易被当作法国人
pass into sth 成为其中一部分;溶入;纳入
Many foreign words have passed into English许多外来词语已被英语吸收过来
pass off 事情---地过去;(疼痛,药效)逐渐消失
The symptoms should pass off within 24 hours症状应该在24小时内消失
pass on 开始下一项(活动,讨论等)
Lets pass on to the next item on the agenda我们进行下一个议程吧
pass sth on (用后)传递,传给
Ill pass this book on to you when ive finished with it我看完这本书就给你
pass sb on to sb 把某人交给他人;安排他人接手
Im afraid i cant answer your question,but ill pass you on to my colleague恐怕我不能回答你的问题,不过我可以请我的同事回答你
pass out 昏迷;失去知觉
He almost passed out with the pain他痛得快要昏了
pass sth out 分发;分配
The teacher asked me to pass the books out老师让我把书发给大家
pass over sb/sth 在---上方经过
The planes pass directly over the hospital飞机都从医院的正上方飞过
pass sb/sth over (to sb)将---交给(某人)
The doctor passed the baby over to the nurse医生把婴儿交给护士照料
pass through;pass through sth 经过;路过
Were not staying here,were just passing through我们只是路经此地,不会久留
pass through sth 经受;经历;遭受
She passed through s difficult period after her divorce她离婚之后一度倍受煎熬
pass sth up 放弃,不要(机会,帮助等)
She passed up the chance of a trip to Rome她放弃了去罗马旅游的机会


1 )a (large) number of / (large) numbers of + 可数名词复数 A number of birds have flown to the south. 许多的鸟已经飞去南方。 Large numbers of visitors are from all over the world. 很多旅游者都是来自世界各地。 2)a large/huge amount of / large amounts of + 不可数名词 A large amount of milk is overdue. 大量的牛奶都过期了。 Large amounts of money were spent on the subway. 这地铁费了很多钱。 3)a lot of/ lots of + 可数名词复数/不可数名词 There is a lot of water in the pool. 池子里有很多的水。 Lots of leaves of trees have fallen down the ground in the autumn. 秋天里,许多树叶已经从树上掉了下来。 4)plenty of +可数名词复数/不可数名词 There are plenty of cars on the freeway. 高速路上有很多的汽车。 I have plenty of time to do my homework. 我有很多时间去做家庭作业。 5)a good/great many + 可数名词复数 A great many people on the square are looking at a strange man. 广场上很多人都在看一个怪人。 6)many a + 可数名词单数 Many a scientist has gone to the lonely island. 不止一个科学家去过那个偏僻的小岛。 1.很多的: many 修饰可数 much 修饰不可数 a lot of =lots of 修饰可数,不可数均可 plenty of 修饰可数,不可数均可,一般用于肯定句中 a number of 修饰可数 the number of 的意思是“某物的数量”不是许多的意思,这个某物肯定是可数的,要不哪里来的数量 2.很少的: a little 修饰不可数 a few 修饰可数 3.几乎没有: little 修饰不可数 few 修饰可数 4.一些: some any 都可以修饰可数和不可数 但是some 用于肯定句,any用于否定句和疑问句 特别的用于征询对方,希望得到肯定答复时some可用于疑问句 例:Would you like some coffee? 另外这些是在学习网站上找到的。。 、修饰可数名词。表示“许多”的词和词组有:many,a great/good many,a great/large/small number of,scores of,dozens of。eg: There are many people in the park.公园里有许多人。 Im quite busy;I have a great many things to do.我非常忙,我有很多事情要做。 She bought dozens of eggs yesterday morning.她昨天上午买了许多鸡蛋。 I have heard that scores of times.那件事我已听过很多遍了。 注意:1.many用作代词,表示“许多人,许多”的意思。 Many of them have left for the countryside.他们中有许多人到农村去了。 2.Many a/an也表示“很多的,许多的”的意思,后接可数名词单数,谓语动词用单数形式。 Many a young man wants to speak English.许多年轻人想说英语。 3.a great/good many用作代词,表示“很多东西/人”的意思。 A great many of them are out of work.他们中的很多人失业了。 4.the number of...表示“...的数目”’谓语动词用单数形式。 The number of books missing from the school library is large.学校图书馆丢失书的数目很大。 二、修饰不可数名词。表示“许多”的词和词组有:much,a great/good deal of,a large/small amount of。 There is a great deal of snow on the ground.地面上有很多雪。 I have spent a good deal of time/money on stamp collecting.我在集邮上花费了很多时间/钱。 A million dollars is a large amount of money to me.100万美元对我来说是一笔钱。 There is only a small amount of food.只有一点食物。 注意:1.much用作代词,表示“许多,大量”的意思。 I couldnt write much into days exam.在今天的考试中我没答出多少。 2.a great/good deal用作代词,表示“很多,大量”的意思。 He ate a great deal.他吃了很多。 3.a great/good deal用作副词,作状语,修饰形容词,特别是形容词比较级,意思是“非常,...得多”;也可修饰动词,意思是“很多”。 He ran a good deal faster than I.他跑得比我快得多。 “Do you walk much?”“Yes,a good deal.”“你常步行吗?”“是的,次数很多。” 4.the amount of...作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 The amount of money spent on the bridge was large.这座桥耗资巨大。 5.1arge amounts of...作主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式。 Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge.建这座桥花费了大量资金。 三、修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。表示“许多”的词组有;a lot of,lots of,plenty of,a great/1arge/small quantity of, A lot of/Lots of people went swimming yesterday.昨天很多人去游泳。 A lot of/Lots of work is to be done this week.本周将有许多工作要做。 We have plenty of cakes.Take some more.我们有很多蛋糕,多吃些吧! Dont hurry.There is plenty of time.不用急,还有充足的时间。 注意:1.a lot用作名词,表示“很多,多数”的意思。 He knew a lot about it. 关于那件事他知道得很多。 2.a lot用作副词,修饰形容词和动词,表示“非常,相当”的意思。 He is feeling a lot better today.他今天感觉好多了。 I like him quite a lot.我非常喜欢他。 She laughed a lot.她笑得很厉害。 3,plenty of只用于肯定句,在疑问句或否定句中一般用enough表示“足够”。 Do you have enough time?你的时间够用吗? They dont have enough time.他们没有足够的时间。 4,a large(great,small)quantity of后面跟不可数名词,亦可跟可数名词的复数。跟不可数名词时,谓语动词要用单数形式;跟可数名词的复数时,谓语动词要用复数形式。 A small quantity of water is needed.需要少量的水。 There are a large quantity of flowers in the garden.庭园里有很多花。 5.great/large quantities of无论跟不可数名词,还是跟可数名词的复数,谓语动词都要用复数形式。 Large quantities of food were on the table.桌子上有很多食物。


实现自我价值的英文:achieve self-worth
1、achieve a lot 收获很多
2、achieve ambition 如愿以偿
3、achieve balance 达到平衡
4、achieve distinction 成名
achieve 读法  英 [əˈtʃiːv]   美 [əˈtʃiːv]
There are many who will work hard to achieve these goals.

2、achieve有暗示“成功所需付出的努力”的意思,所以achieving the age of 21 中表示到达21岁是不可用的,年龄的增长不需付出努力。
attain, acquire, achieve, gain这组词都有“获得,取得”的意思,其区别是:
1、attain 指经过不懈的努力获得未曾预料到的结果;也可指达到某一目标。
3、achieve 得到,获得,多指成就、目标、幸福的取得。
4、gain 指通过较大努力获得某种利益或好处;亦可指军事上的武力夺取等。


就....而言in so far as就…….而言Regarding就.而言as far as.be concerned就......而言as far as;as far as ...be concerned
