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写一篇英语作文,题目为:Welcome to our club 英语作文。题目:I am proud I am a Chinese

写一篇英语作文,题目为:Welcome to our club

welcome to our club ! our "Easy-to-Learn" English club aims at helping college students to study English in easier ways . There may be a lot of colourful activities almost every week in our club , such as English Talk Show ,English Corner ,English lectures , English Songs Competition, etc.

英语作文。题目:I am proud I am a Chinese

Seeing the negative things in China does not affect my proud of being a Chinese. There must be some optimistic people within a country to try everything he/she can to help, or make progress (no matter how small it is). A real confident nation, just like a confident person, should not shy away from facing the negative things.
For example, history is part of the identity of a country. By facing the history, no matter it is good or bad, demostrates the confidence of the country. It is the same for the bad things.
I feel bad about peoples misbehavior, but I dont feel bad to live with them. Just because I care, I write, and I bring the topic. I hope more people care about what is going on, and encourage people to write about it and talk about it.”
I find it amusing. Chinese say "I am proud to be a Chinese..." too often. Americans dont say that. And sometimes it can be politically incorrect to declare "I am proud to be an American...". So, few people say that. Why do Chinese say that often? I guess that back in average Chinese minds, there may be some inconfidence..., or insecurity.
One day, Chinese will not say such amusing line. That day, we know that Chinese can really be proud of themselves. Despite the recent material advancement, such day hasnt arrived yet, but it will be one day.

一篇以man can conquer nature为题目的英语作文

Man can conquer nature
As the saying goes: "man will triumph over nature."
Perhaps in the eyes of the world, human beings are insignificant, but in some ways, you will find that as long as our intentions to do, you will find the door to win for you are open.
Zhang Haidi, Shi Tiesheng! They are good examples, let us know that a persons strength is infinite, a persons perseverance things infinite.
In my opinion, our lives, though full of difficulties and hardships, but you have to trust the world has been very good, as long as you do not give up there will be hope.自己写的啊!可以借鉴哈!有什么不懂的都可以问我!


There has been much talk rece ntly about whether we should learn f rom books or we should learn from p ractice. Some people think that learn ing by practicing is more important w hile others hold the different opinion s. Personally, I side with the former, in the belief that practice is the best t eacher.
Admittedly, learning from books has its active role to play in our acad emic life. It can put us in touch with t he great minds and arm our heads w ith massive knowledge.
However, there are numerous merits for learning by practicing, too. Firstly, practice is the source of kno wledge and understanding as well a s meaning. Nowhere can the import ance of learning by practicing be des cribed so vividly and accurately as in the old saying—“Nothing ever beco mes real till it is practiced”. Take the human progress as an illustration. D ating back to hundreds of thousands years ago, we human beings were u tterly ignorant. But by incessant prac tice, our ancestors cumulated massi ve practice, from which they acquire d a great amount of knowledge, tran sforming our world from a primitive s ociety into a highly-developed one. Secondly, unlike the theories record ed in books, practice can be applied to practical use. When we are at wor k, what we need is the practice of ap plication instead of the abstract theo ries in our books.
All in all, we can draw a conclusi on that learning from practice is mor e important than learning from books . Always remember the old saying gi ven by Einstein——“The only source of knowledge is practice. ”

谁帮我写篇英语作文:题目:The most valuable tradition of ma family

Autobots! Transform and roll on!!!!!
This is my favourite dialogue in Transforms .
I get to known these fantasty living machings when I was a little boy, and in the very moment I saw them I became a big fans of it. I dream of a transformer that belongs to me and I can help to protect the earth, and destory the evil forces.
One day, after scchool, I was on my way home, my sight was attracted by a toy shop. These was a G1 Optimus Prime--the gratest leader of the autobots showing in the shopwindow. I counldt move a step, because I saw my dream waving her hand to me. I stood infront of the shopwindow at least 10 minuts and the ran home as fast as I could. I told myself nobody can take the Prime expect me!
I tried every thing I can to let my parents undertand how I wish to have that toy and I can do anything for it, even an A in the final exam. My parents love as I love the Prime, thanks to them, I got my precious back from the toy shop. From then, I had my first Transformers Toy.
When I was older, I got some other transformers, such Starscream, Roadblock, Ironhide, Soundwave and of course Megatron--the mighty lord of the Decepticons. I awalys put Optimus Prime and Megatron
together and let them point each other with their gun, imaging this is the final battle that can only discribed with the words -- One shall stand one shall fall .
Some people say: You are too old to have toys, you are not a junior now! or Look at you, just like a big boy that never grow up, its childish. To these people, my only response is a kindly smile. I know they say those words are for my best. They just cant understand my strange hobby. Infact, some people like to collecting stamps, some like MJs CD and I just like transfomers! We have nothing in difference.
I love Optimus Prime, because he is powerfull, handsome, wise and full of conscientiousness. He have all the good merits a grate lead should have and also the weeknesses. He died in the last battle (and came back) just like a hero should be. Optimus Prime is a legend of the Cybertron.
I love Megatron, he was once a hero of Cybertron. He was the one who liberated Cybertron and fallen after that. Megatron have the grate ambition -- conquer the universe, just like other evil lords. He failed thousands of times but never give up, not even think of that. As the leader of the Decepticons, Megatron must be the most powerfull of them, as an evil lord, he is rigorous, tough and easy to getting angry. Megatron is a perfect bad guy.
I love transformers and the toys because there dosent need to have a reason.
I never give up to collect any Transfomers Toys I can get. They have became the part of my life.

机电专业英语作文 题目machine tools谢谢

Mechanical and electrical integration to intelligent direction of.
20 in the late 90s, the major developed countries began a new stage electromechanical integration technology to intelligent direction.
On the one hand, the optical communication technology into the mechanical and electrical integration, micro machining technology in Mechatronics in coming to the fore, the emergence of a new branch of optical mechanical electrical integration and microelectromechanical integration;
on the other hand, modeling design, analysis and integration method of mechatronics system, discipline system and the development trend of the electromechanical integration of further research.
At the same time, because of the great progress of artificial intelligence technology, neural network technology and fiber optic technology and other fields, has opened up a vast world for the development of the electromechanical integration technology, but also for the industry to provide a solid foundation.

英语作文 题目:如何管理时间 步骤:1、管理时间的意义 2、如何有效的管理时间 3、结论

want to talk about how to manage time.
Every day should start to develop a good days work plan, specific to what each hour to complete what, to complete the most important, and so on. Then follow the plan strictly enforced.
What is the significance of time management it?
This benefit is only improve efficiency, and not waste time can not do anything. Whether in school or jobs in the community, to do each task is time-limited, for example, the examination to answer within the time frame, the work will get a month wages. So when the rational use of exam time, then it can have more room to focus on issues like, a months time can be reasonably allocated to work, can be done relatively high, in the workplace more competitive, easy to upgrade and so on.



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