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英语如何对交通方式进行提问,要详细解答!!!! 介绍一种你最喜欢的交通工具。(说明原因)英语作文


首先介词in ,on和by都可以与表示交通工具的名词搭配,表示交通方式,但其用法各不相同:
1.用“by+交通工具名词”表示交通方式。此时交通工具的名词只能用单数,不能用复数,也不能被冠词或物主代词等限定。如:by bike(骑自行车),by bus(乘公共汽车),by car(乘出租车),by train(乘火车),by ship(乘轮船),by plane(乘飞机)等。如:
They often go home by bus.他们经常坐公共汽车回家。
I come here by taxi.我乘出租车来这儿的。
He goes to work by bike.他骑自行车去上班。
2.用“by+交通路线的位置”来表示交通方式。如:by land(从陆路),by water(从水路),by sea(从海路),by air(乘飞机)等。如:
They go to England by air.他们乘飞机去英国。
He often goes to school on a(his)bike.他经常骑自行车去上学。
Dont come here on /in the ship.不要坐船来这里。
We go there in a car.我们乘小汽车去那里。
4.用“take a(the)+交通工具名词”表示交通方式。如:take a bus(乘公共汽车),take a train(乘火车),take a ship(乘轮船),take a plane(乘飞机);但“骑自行车”要用 ride a bike来表示。如:
Will you take a bus to go there?你乘汽车去那儿吗?
(1)go to +某地+ on foot。如:
She g oes to w ork on foot.她步行去上班。
注意:on foot不可说成 on feet,on a /the /my foot,by foot等。
(2)walk to +某地。如:
He walks to school every day .=He goes to school on foot every day .
a.walk不可与on foot连用。如上述例句不可说成:
He walks to school on foot every day .
b.walk to后接地点副词 here,there,home时,介词to要省去。如:
I usually walk home.我通常步行回家。
Mr Green goes to the post office by bike.(对划线部分提问)
→How does Mr Green go to the post office?
Ann is going shopping on foot.(同上)
→How is Ann going shopping ?


I like bike very much,because its easy and comfortable,I can go anywhere If possible,I never worry about rush hour and traffic jam.Meanwhile , I can enjoy the sight ,Bike isnt do harm to the environment too.


1、Dont Drink and Drive 严禁酒后开车
示例:Consider your safety. Dont drink and drive. 
2、Road Work Ahead 道路施工
示例:Theyre doing road work up ahead. 
3、No left turn 禁止左转
示例:The picture is a sign for no left turn. 
4、no turns 禁止掉头
示例:Now, the only thing I suggest is that you dont make no sharp turns. 

5、No Horn 禁鸣喇叭
示例:Hey! No horn honking allowed here! 
6、School Zone 前方学校
示例:It warns that you are coming to a school zone. 




Worldwide the bicycle is probably the most common commuter vehicle, and the second most common form of commuting after walking. While the absolute number of bicycles in existence globally may not be known, it is clear that significantly more bicycles are produced than automobiles.
Transport is the number two cost after housing for most households in rich countries. Automobiles are particularly expensive, as seen in Economics of automobile ownership and people who use cheaper transport can use the money elsewhere. Bike can save on gas, oil changes, brake repairs, tires, car washes, parking fees, and a gym membership.
Some people are enjoying a bike ride. But this isnt just a leisurely ride. It is actually between home and work place .
One of the biggest reasons is the amount of savings on transportation. Looking at the bank account at the end of few months, you start to realize you havent been buying gas and oil for car and repairs for car and other payment.


Walk on the road, walk on the sidewalk; no sidewalk, rely on the road to walk.
2、穿越马路,要听从交通民警的指挥;要遵守交通规则,做到“绿灯行,红灯停” 。
Across the road, to obey the traffic police command; to comply with the traffic rules, do the green line, the red light stop".
Dont climb the security fence and isolation pier in the middle of the road.
Dont go to school on the road to ride a bicycle; children under twelve years of age, do not ride a bicycle in Shangjie.
In the absence of traffic police command section to avoid motor vehicles, motor vehicle road and does not struggle to grab the line.


Take it with you in the car(你在车上也要带着它)这里用 in 是指在车里,内部;是一种状态,在车里的时候;
on 一般是 在……之上
By doing that can reduce your cost on the car(这样做可以减少你花在车上的钱)这里用 on 是指对车这个对象,比如在车的保养等方面
