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介绍心脏病的英语文章 以心脏病发作拨打急救电话编一个英语短对话


How long did the first recipient of an artificial heart live? Barney Clark, the retired dentist who received the first artificial heart on December 2, 1982, lived with it for 112 days, when physical complications caused by the artificial implant caused his death. In 1986, William Schroeder became the second person to get an artificial heart, also called a Jarvik-7; he lived for 620 days. The Jarvik-7 was named for its inventor, Dr. Robert Jarvik. He made a device from aluminum and plastic to replace the two lower chambers of the natural heart. Two rubber diaphragms were used to pump the new organ. The entire mechanism was attached to a very large external compressor which kept the heart beating. Since the patient had to be constantly connected to this machine, his freedom of movement and quality of life were limited. The Jarvik-7 came to be used to keep a patient alive until an appropriate donor of a natural heart was found.


A:Hello, this is the emergency medical service center.
B:Someone here has heart attack.
A:Where is the patient now?
B:At the east entrance of Xin Yuan Street(可以随便改个具体地点), can you come quickly?
A:The ambulance will be there soon, keep the patient in place, don’t let them move.

在心脏的血管中,英语简写分别对应哪些中文 OM PDA LPL RPL

dia 对角支 OM 钝缘支 LM 左主干 PDA 后降支 LAD 前降支 LCX 回旋支 LPL 左冠状动脉 RPL 右冠状动脉


"The poor boy was born with a heart attack." "