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介绍百科全书英语作文 英语翻译四书五经六艺书名


Encyclopaedia is a reference book which summarises one or all of the knowledge categories of human being. Encyclopaedia is in exceed of scale and content than other type of reference books. The major function of encyclopaedia is provide people the neccesary knowledge and facts, its completeness is that it almost contains all the content of different kinds of reference books. It often be honoured as a university without walls. A high quality encyclopaedia is a symbol to meature the level of a countrys development of science and culture. 百科全书是一个总结的参考书一个或所有的知识类别的人。百科全书在规模超过比其他类型的参考书和内容。百科全书的主要功能是提供人们必要的知识和事实,其完整性是它几乎包含了所有不同类型的参考书的内容。它常被誉为“没有围墙的大学”。高质量的百科全书是一个符号meature水平的科学和文化的一个国家的发展。


The Four Books and the Five Classics 四书五经
四书五经的英文译名为Four Books and Five Classics,注意,不管是“四书”的译文Four Books,还是“五经”的译文Five Classics,由于是专有名词,它们都是每个词的词首大写。
四书 Four Books
《大学》:The Great Learning
《中庸》: The Doctrine of the Mean
《论语》:The Analects of Confucius
《孟子》:The Words of Mencius
五经 Five Classics
《诗经》:The Book of Songs
《尚书》:The Book of History
《礼记》:The Book of Rites
《周易》:The Book of Changes
《春秋》:The Spring and Autumn Annals
