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“如果我有幸被贵校录取,我将尽我的最大努力来学习所需的专业知识。”用英文翻译是? 求英语辩论稿the younger generation knows better than parents


If I am lucky enough to be admitted by your university, I will try my best to learn the required professional knowledge
If 作为连词,引导条件状语从句,它表示的意思是“假如”“如果”等。在复合句中如果主句用将来时,则if引导的状语从句用一般现在时。
admit 读法  英 [ədmɪt]  美 [ədmɪt] 
1、vt. 承认;准许进入;可容纳
2、vi. 承认;容许
1、admit error 承认错误 
2、admit excuse 允许申辩 
3、admit ones guilt 认罪
4、admit the reality 承认现实 
5、admit the truth 承认事实

concede, acknowledge, recognize, admit这组词都有“承认”的意思,其区别是:
1、concede 指在事实与证据面前勉强或不得不承认。
2、acknowledge 通常指公开承认某事的真实情况或自己的过错。
3、recognize 作“承认”解时,系书面用词,主要指合法的或外交上的承认,也指公认。
4、admit 强调因外力或良心驱使或经判断而明确承认,多含不情愿或被迫意味。
recognize 读法 英 [rekəɡnaɪz]  美 [ˈrɛkəɡˌnaɪz] 
1、vt. 认出,识别;承认
2、vi. 确认,承认;具结
1、recognize universally 普遍地承认
2、recognize unofficially 非正式承认,非官方公认
3、recognize widely 广泛地承认
4、recognize as 认为是… 
5、recognize from 根据…认出

求英语辩论稿the younger generation knows better than parents

Does the Younger Generation Know Best?
The Younger Generation Knows Best
Old people are always saying that the young are not what they were. The same comment is made from generation to generation and it is always true. It has never been truer than it is today. The young are better educated. They have a lot more money to spend and enjoy more freedom. They grow up more quickly and are not so dependent on their parents. They think more for themselves and do not blindly accept the ideals of their elders. Events which the older generation remembers vividly are nothing more than past history. This is as it should be. Every new generation is different from the one that preceded it. Today the difference is very marked indeed.
The old always assume that they know best far the simple reason that they have lieen around a bit longer. They dont like to feel that their values are being questioned or threatened. And this is precisely what the young are doing. They are questioning the assumptions of their elders and disturbing their complacency. They take leave to doubt that the older generation has created the best of all possible worlds. What they reject more than anything is conformity.
Office hours, for instance, are nothing more than enforced slavery. Wouldnt people work best if they were given complete freedom and responsibility? And what about clothing? Who said that all the men in the world should wear drab grey suits and convict haircuts? If we turn our minds to more serious matters, who said that human differences can best be solved through conventional polities or by violent means? Why have the older generation so often used violence to solve their problems? Why are they so unhappy and guilt-ridden in their pexsonal lives, so obsessed with mean ambitions and the desire to amass more and more material possessions? Can anything be right with the ratrace? Havent the old lost touch with all that is important in life?
These are not questions the older generation can shrug off lightly. Their record over the past forty years or so hasn t been exactly spotless. Traditionally, the young have turned to their elders for guidance. Today, the situation might be reversed. The old - if they are prepared to admit it-coutd learn a thing or two from their children. One of the biggest lessons they could learn is that enjoyment is not "sinful".
Enjoyment is a principle one could apply to all aspects of life. It is surely not wrong to enjoy your work and enjoy your leisure; to shed restricting inhibitions. It is surely not wrong to live in the present rather than in the past or future. This emphasis orr the present is only to be expected because the young have grown up under the shadow of the bomb: the constant threat of complete annihilation. This is their glorious heritage. Can we be surprised that they should so often question the sanity of t.he generaiion that bequeathed it?


山西位于太行山之西,黄河以东。春秋时期,大部分地区为晋国所有,所以简称“晋”;山西的土特产品种类繁多。杏 花村汾酒是我国古老的历史名酒,色如水晶美玉,清香纯正,味美无穷,畅销内外;山西老陈醋甜绵酸香,不仅调味上佳,还可消食、美容、杀菌;有国家重点风景名胜区五台山、恒山、黄河壶口瀑布、北武当山、五老峰等。欢迎大家来山西旅游观光。我为我是山西人而感到骄傲!


Shanxi is located west of the Taihang Mountains, east of the Yellow River. Spring and Autumn Period, most of all for Jin, therefore referred to as "Jin"; Shanxi, a wide range of native products. Xinghuacun fen ancient history of our wines, the color of Crystal Jade, fragrance pure, delicious infinite, best-selling domestic and foreign; Shanxi mature vinegar sour sweet and fragrant cotton is not only a good flavor, but also digestion, beauty and sterilization; a national key scenic spots Wutai, Hengshan, the Yellow River Hukou Waterfall, North Wudang, Wu Laofeng so. Welcome to Shanxi tourism. I am proud that I was from Shanxi!

