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日语作文 我的家乡 日语作文,我的家乡和一篇自我介绍。

日语作文 我的家乡


我出生在上海。 我觉得家乡是上海。 上海是中国最有城市特色的城市。 上海虽然名胜古迹很少,但作为中国的商业、工业、港湾地区很有特点。
上海是开辟在长江南侧、支流黄浦江西侧的城市。 本世纪初被称为黄浦江西侧乐队的地区配备了港湾设备,其周边集中了各国的租界。
上海又被称为“冒险家乐园”,这个乐队不仅在国内,在海外也很有名,是游客必去的地方。乐队在上海吗? 也可以说是象征,排列在乐队周围的建筑物各有风格,被称为“万国建筑”。
有从乐队附近开始,延伸到市中心的世界有名的南京路。 比东京的银座人多热闹。 位于南京路的第一百货商店每天接待20万左右的客人,一到节日就超过30万人。
再者,晚上的乐队和南京路又特别。 霓虹灯闪闪发光,日本人对上海的夜景赞不绝口“五星级”。
每个人都有家乡。 我觉得离开故乡越想念故乡是人情。是我最喜欢的上海,我回上海的次数越多,我就越想念它。


私の郷里は黑龙江省牡丹江市にになって、水の地方がある山があって、景色はとても美しいです 彼女の隣接している長江、しかしここの経済がそんなに繁栄していること過ぎたことではありませんががのんびりしていますと言えます ここも江南の名城で、多くの名所旧跡があります。 多くの有名人はとても多くて美しい文章を残しました 私は私の郷里を愛して、私彼女のために誇り




Introduction of my hometown
Yuncheng is seat in the south of Shanxi province, which is skirted on three sides by Lvliang Mountains and Taihang Mountains, with one side opening onto Yellow River, having the total area about 24,000 square kilometers. Yuncheng is the most famous place and local people believe that it was called China earliest in story.
This ancient city has a approximately 5000 years history. From Chinese myth of Nvwa to Guanyu, archaeologists find many valuable sites here. This wide piece of land reserves antiquity records of human’s using fire, making salt, growing crops, feeding silkworms and est. unexaggratingly speaking, Yuncheng, also named Hedong, which means in the east of river, is the cradle of Chinese civilization.
Compared with other cities, Yuncheng is the most richly endowed with some major natural resources for industry, especially energy resources such as iron, coal, and magnesium. Because of the abundance of sunshine and mild climate, Yuncheng has an ideal environment for many kinds of north fruits, like apple, to grow.
Never showing his long life from the date of human’s birth, tourist industry benefiting from the well development of transportation system, becomes an important part in Yuncheng’s economy. You would find Buddhism in Wutai Mountain, enjoy your fantabulous view on Yellow River Bridge, touch those age-old compounds, and would also taste various kinds of delicious food made of flour.
Not only is it a historical city, but a modern city as well. Yon may like to find its beauty by your own.
Welcome to Yuncheng.

我的家乡新疆 英语作文80词

I Love Xinjiang Xinjiang is a very beautiful place. It has many nationality there. People there are very hospitable and friendly. And they are good at singing and dancing. Xinjiang is famous for "Tianchi". There is a good place. There have beautiful sky,green trees,colourful flowers and blue and big lake. Its really wonderful! Xinjiang is also famous for the fruit.,such as grapes,watermelons and pears. The fruit there are very juicy and sweet. A lot of people like to eat Xinjiangs fruit. I am very proud of my hometown! I love my hometown! I love Xinjiang! 【翻译】 我爱新疆 新疆是个很美丽的地方。那里有许多民族。那里的人们非常好客和友好。他们擅长唱歌和跳舞。 新疆是著名的“天池”。有一个好地方。那里有美丽的天空,绿色的树,五颜六色的花和蓝色和大的湖。真的很棒! 新疆也是著名的水果。,如葡萄,西瓜、梨。那里的水果非常多汁香甜。很多人喜欢吃新疆的水果。 我非常骄傲我的家乡!我爱我的家乡!我爱新疆!


Taizhou, ma ville natale, se trouve au centre de la province du Jiangsu. Riveraine du Changjiang, elle est parmi les 16 villes principales de la zone économique du delta du Changjiang.
Cette ville vieille de 2 100 ans dhistoire compte une population de cinq millions dhabitants et couvre une superficie de 5 800 km².
Taizhou se divise en deux arrondissements (Hailing et Gaogang) et quatre villes au niveau de district (Jiangyan, Taixing, Xinghua et Jingjiang).
Elle abrite de nombreux monuments historiques dont 134 sont inscrits sur la liste du patrimoine sous protectionprovinciale. Le tombeau de Shi Naian, lancienne demeure de Zheng Banqiao et le musée de Mei Lanfang sont connus du pays entier.


私の高校生活は皆のと大体同じはずでしょうか。一生悬命に勉强して理想的な大学に入ることを目指します。 毎日、授业があって、いろいろな新しいものを先生が教えてくれます。それから、宿题をしなければなります。皆、そんな生活がつまらないと思っていますけど、自分は高校の生活がつまらなくて面白いものもあると思います。例えば、もともと知らないものを先生に闻くか本を読んで分かるようになるとか、政治においての事件がよく理解ことができるとか。 毎日、毎日、自分の颜が広くなる一方だと思います。努力をして理想の大学に近くになります。そして、放课后、スポーツをして、体が强くなられるのとストレスを减されます。 もちろん、高校で勉强だけでなく、人と付き合うことも大切ですよ。高校时代に私はたくさん友达がいる、私は明るい人からです。友达と一绪に勉强したり、自分の趣味を话しあいたりします。気が落ち着いた时に、いつでも友达が慰めてあげます。 ここで、私の高校时代の生活がお话いたします。


My hometown
I from the Shandong Province Yantai, that am a very beautiful coast city. Has the glorious cultural history, reaches to the sky building, and is Chinese one of ten big charm cities. Not only that there also has Tashan amusement park, the Mt. Nan park, the Penglai Chinese style pavilion and so on many traveling entertainments scenic spot. is eating aspect Yantai is not inferior, has is well-known the national Yantai apple, the laiyang pear. Also has Zhang Yus grape wine, that is also widely known. Lives in Yantai, every day looks the deep blue sky, the limpid sea water, is blowing the neat sea breeze is one kind enjoys. I thought that this is also it is evaluated most suits one which of urban the humanity lives not to be able to separate. welcome your momentarily presence Yantai, there is the place which absolutely is worth you going.
