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哥特小说,属于英语文学派别,一般被认为随着贺瑞斯·华尔波尔的《奥特朗图堡》而产生。哥特小说可以说是恐怖电影的鼻祖,更重要的是,它使我们今天习惯地将哥特式与黑暗、恐怖联系在一起。 翻译成英语

哥特小说,属于英语文学派别,一般被认为随着贺瑞斯·华尔波尔的《奥特朗图堡》而产生。哥特小说可以说是恐怖电影的鼻祖,更重要的是,它使我们今天习惯地将哥特式与黑暗、恐怖联系在一起。 翻译成英语

Gothic fiction, belonging to the English literature faction, is generally considered as Horace Hua Er Boer "Ao Telang Fort map" and produce. Gothic fiction horror movie can be said to be the originator and, more importantly, it allows us today, accustomed to the dark and Gothic, linked to terror.
