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全新版大学英语听说教程2答案 全新版大学英语听说教程第二版学生用书第4册答案, 第一单元是One World


Unit One
Part A
1. 17 2. 1963 3. 1.98 4. 216 5. 1984 6. 1986 7. 30418. third 9. 1987
10. 1988 11. four 12. ten 13. 1998 14. six 15. 1990s16. 45 17. sixth
18. 1998 19. 1999 20. five 21. 1999 22. 2001
Part B
Exercise 1
1. d 2. b
Exercise 2
1. Because she wants to enjoy good health. She alsowants to stay in shape and look good
2. Both Peter and Laura like cycling and swimming.Laura also plays tennis regularly
Part C.
1. d 2. c 3. d 4. c 5. b
Unit Two
Part A.
1. Yes 2. No 3. Yes 4. No 5. Yes 6. No 7. No 8. No
Part B
Exercise 1.
1. for a while 2. plans, this Saturday 3. have dinner,weekend
4. Italian, too much food 5. Chinese, Japanese
Exercise 2
1. It usesnatural flavors, not much oil or cream or heavy sauces
1. They willhave dinner on Saturday at either a Chinese or a Japanese restaurant
Part C
1. b 2. c 3. d
Unit Three
Part A
1. a. Fine and pleasant b. 18℃(64℉) c. cloudy with heavy showers moving in from the west
2. a. It started around 8 p.m and lasted for about threehours
b. It caused foru deaths and serious damage includinga widespread power failure
Part B
Exercise 1
1. b 2. a 3. d
Exercise 2
1. They went to the department picnic but their funwas spoiled by the hot weather
1. Because hethinks itll only be a short shower that cools things off a little
Part C
1. a 2.b 3. c 4. d 5. b
Unit Four
Part A.
1. However; a 2. Because; d 3. Firtly; then, finally;c 4. In short; b
Part B.
Exercise 1
2 4 5 10 12 13 16 17
Exercise 2
1. b 2. d 3. c 4. a
Part C
1. enrouraged 2. talent 3. composed 4. conquest 5.steady 6. enthusiastic 7. investing
8. her real breakthrough in America came when she was selectedby Disney to sing the theme song of Beauty and the Beast
9. In 1996 she performed at the opening ceremony of the1996 Atlanta Olymic Games
10. She sings the depth and the power of love in agreat many of her hits such as “Love Can Move Mountains”, “Because YouLoved Me”, “The Power of Love”
Unit 5
Part A
1. c 2. d
Part B
Exercise 1
1. d 2. d 3. c 4. d
Exercise 2
1. She hassuffered from insomnia for several months and lately has had a lot ofindigestion
1. He gavethe patient some medicine for insomnia and indigestion. He also advised thepatient to have a proper diet and begin a regular exercise program
Part C
1. d 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. d
Unit 6
Part A
1. They areprobably business partners
1. One isshowing the other the buidling where her company has offices
1. 2nd 8th9th 1st
introduction history business markets
Part B
Exercise 1
1. They arediscussing which candidate is more suitable for a vacant position in thecompany
1. Leader ofa group
1. Beingdynamic
1. Because hehas no experience in leadership
1. Because hehas always been a follower, not a leader
Exercise 2
Loyal, twenty No experience Peter
personnel management experience Joan Peter and Clive
Experienced, solid reliable caustious, dynamic Peterand Clive
Part C
1. c 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. c
Unit 7
Part A
a medium-sized white T-shirt, a slogan on the front, ashop assistant in getting what he wants
Part B
Exercise 1
1. b 2. c 3. d
Exercise 2
1.interesting, handsome, successful, sporty, fashionable, fun
1. great,terrible
1. the highstatus group, taste and style, image
1. brightens,good, face another day, energy
1. highfashion, practical, the image, the reality
Part C
1. significant 2 relatively 3. concentrate 4. iberal5. editor 6. ready-to-wear 7. expand
8. Vera Wang herself is a very good skater and she hadOlympic dreams too
9. However, her love for the sport never ceased
10. I dont know if designing costumes for Nancy has been good interms of actual sales, but it has been tremendous for name recognition
Unit 8
Part A
1. Learn tolike yourself
1.Self-esteem grows out of achieving realistic goals
1. Takeoccasional days of rest
1. Exercise
1. Get enougsleep to feel rested
1. Buildclose relationships
Part B
Exercise 1
1. b 2. d 3. d 4. b 5. c 6.d
Exercise 2
millions, dream of swimming, one million, receive,$25000 to $40000, twenty, taxes, different
pursue their own interests, home, travel, theirchildrens college education Most
a small number stay on their jobs securityopportunities happiness
Part C
1. c 2. b 3. d 4. d
Unit 9
Part A
1. b 2. c 3. d
Part B
Exercise 1
1. c 2. b 3. a
Exercise 2
1. His beliefthat one day he would become a movie star
1. Parkingcars for one of Hollywoodsbig restaurant
1. No, hispay was only basic. But he got generous tips from guests driving into therestaurant
1. Larryparked the car of a famous film director and was able to introduce himself to theman
1. a. Manybig film companies are interested in me
b. Many big companies are pressing me to pay theirbills
Part C
1. b 2. d 3. b 4.a
Unit 10
Part A
1. 1. earthquake 2. three days ago 3. Turkey 4. 100005. 34000
2. 1. explosion 2. early this morning 3. 108 4. 38 5.11
Part B
Exercise 1
1. Three months ago 2. In the middle of a jungle 3. Aterrible storm
4. All on board the plane except the narrator 5. One(the narrator)
Exercise 2
1. It rolledand shook in the wind
1. No. Itarrived nine days later because it was raining heavily and the helicopterscouldnt fly in the heavy rain. To make the matter worse, the plane crashed ina swamp in the middle of a jungle.
1. Yes. Shewas in terrible pain and couldnt move
1. Bydrinking dirty floodwater
Part C
1.c 2. d 3. a 4. b
Unit 11
Part A
1. Neutral 2. Positive 3. Positive, respectful
Part B
Exercise 1
1. a 2. b 3. d 4. c 5. a
Exercise 2
1. stockbroker 2. retailing 3. March 6, 1926 4. New York
5. music school 6. economics 7. Commerce 8. mastersdegree 9. PhD
10. Industrial 11. economic consulting 12. FederalGovernment
Part C
1. Microsoft 2. farewell 3. software 4. toughest 5.legal 6. long-term
7. impactful 8. which is that the day-to-day work isfun and enjoyable
9. So its a special group of people who put so muchinto it
10. There wont be a day of my life that Im notthinking about Microsoft, and the great things that its doing, and wanting tohelp.
Unit 12
Part A
1. computerlabs for the schools, poor rural
1.cooperating, India,software professionals
1. computervirus, attack
Part B
Exercise 1
1. b 2. b 3. d 4. b 5. c 6. a
Exercise 2
1. anambulance crew
1. hadtrouble breathing and moving
1. therescuers came to her help
1 surfing the Net for fun
3 the international, put a call through to thestudents country
Part C
1. c 2. b 3. b 4. a
Unit 13
Part A
1 f 2 e 3. d
Part B
Exercise 1
1. a 2. c 3. d 4. a 5. b
Exercise 2
58, unemployed, tire, suitcase, dropped, scene, pickedup Next, TV, winner, return, keep prize conscience, return the money to itsowner radio hundreds trick
Into cash, 60 handed over expectation tears
Part C
1. b 2. d 3. b 4. d
Unit 14
Part A
1893 kindergarten teachers students
Title Good children to greet their teacher
1924 book of music added writer unknown
1930s appeared movies radio shows permission
Won the copy right Happy Birthday to You differentlyrics
Publicly gets paid
Part B
Exercise 1
1. parkingspace, grocery cart, in line
1. Phone-InDrive-through Market
1.drive-through convenience, banks, fast food, catalog shopping
1. save time
1. goods,ordered, good quality $1.5 each other
Exercise 2
in the item numbers of the goods you order
makes a print-out of your list
the goods on your list in a warehouse
drive up to the market, and punch your code into aterminal
write a check
Part C
1. b 2. c 3. c 4. d
Test One
Part A
1. b 2. c 3. b 4. c. 5. b 6. c 7. a. 8. b
Part B
9. d 10. b 11. d 12. c 13. c 14. b 15. d
Part C
16. stocks 17. exhibition 18. techniques 19.activities 20. research
21. modem 22 software
23. Delivery time for e-mail from Europe to the USA is about 10seconds
24. Whats reallyextraordinary about the Internet isthe aount and variety of information available
25. Services are also available that allow you to doyour banking, reserve airline tickets, and even shop for a Mothers Day gift
Part D
26. c 27. d 28. c 29. c 30. c 31. a 32. d 33. b 34. c35. a
Test Two
Part A.
1. d 2. c 3. d 4. c 5. d 6. b 7. c 8. a
Part B
9. d 10. d 11. a 12. b 13. c 14. b 15. c
Part C
16. forecast 17. unusual 18. Fortunately 19. extreme20. rarely 21. global
22. rush 23. People enjoy discussing the snow,compaining about the cold
24. Contrary to popular opinion, it does not rain allthe time
25. Thanks to the rain, Britain has a rich countryside,which is famous for its deep green color
Part D
26. a 27. d 28. b 29. b 30 a 31. c 32. c 33. a 34. d 35. b

全新版大学英语听说教程第二版学生用书第4册答案, 第一单元是One World

One World One Minute One World One Minute is a unique film project that invites participants in every country around the globe to record, simultaneously, one minute of their lives, one minute of our world. Sponsors of this project have chosen 12:48 GMT, September 11th 2002 as the one minute to record. At that moment exactly a year earlier began the terrorist attacks that led to the deaths of more than 2,000 people from over 60 countries. For many this will be a time of remembrance and reflection. And for others this will be an appropriate time for international communication, cooperation and sharing. It will offer them an opportunity to share a moment of their world and their life with others, an opportunity to both talk to and listen to the world, to join with others around the globe and create a truly unique record and experience. This is the idea behind the project One World One Minute. Participants are free to choose what and how to record their One Minute. Some may want to take photographs, some paint or draw pictures, while others may want to write something and record their readings. The material can be submitted to the project organizers in Scotland via e-mail or post within 6 weeks of September 11th. All the material will then be made into a feature-length film, which will capture that One Minute of our existence. The film will explore the rich diversity that is both humanity and our world. It will allow a voice to all people regardless of nationality, religion, race, political viewpoint, gender or age. The rich diversity that is Humanity shall be there for all to see. Participants will not only be kept informed of the progress of the film and the release process but will be invited to actively participate through newsletters and discussion forums. When the film is finished, it will be shown in every country of the world, both in cinemas and on TV. Contributors will be invited to attend the premiere of the film in their respective countries and will receive a full screen credit on the finished production. 

新视野大学英语视听说教程第二册答案 仅要答案 不要原文

新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 1 International
Clock Talk
Short Conversations
1.B 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.C
Long Conversation
1.D 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C
Understanding a Passage
1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.B
Movie Speech
1.upset 2.sick 3.law 4.harmless 5.break
6.replaced 7.memories 8.natural 9.birthday 10.appreciate
1. Sit quietly and listen to him 2. A blank stare
3. Put it a different way 4. speak up in class
5. In turn/ a great deal of
Homework Listening
Task 1 1.D 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.B
Task 2 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.C
Task 3
1.the age, size and future 2.seventy years ago
3.increase with distance 4.late that month
5.a light year 6.distances in space
7.other measurements 8.support the idea
9.slow down and break up 10.or possibly even older
新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 2 All that Glitters Is Olympic Gold
Short Conversations
1.B 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.A 8.A 9.C 10.A
Long Conversation
1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.D
Understanding a Passage
1.C 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.D
Movie Speech
1.training 2.touch 3.understand 4.appreciate 5.trouble
6.fighting 7.three 8.honest 9.cry 10.borrow
Homework Listening
Task 1 1.D 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A
Task 2 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.D
Task 3
1.on the ball 2.did something unexpected
3.at the job or activity 4.hit it out of the park
5.think it over 6.is very successful
7.complete a job or activity 8.did something wrong
9.how much it is worth 10.close to my selling price
新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 3 Pros and Cons of mixed Marriages
Short Conversations
1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.D 8.B 9. A 10.B
Long Conversation
1.A 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.A
Understanding a Passage
1.B 2.D 3.D 4.A 5.B
Movie Dialog
1.night 2.definitely 3.love 4.wise 5.My wife
6.26 7.died 8.youngest 9.goes by 10.gotten old
Listening and Speaking
1.physically OK 2.To the kitchen 3.a bowl of ice cream
4.I don’t need to write it down 5. a plate of bacon and eggs
Supplementary Listening
Task 1 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.D
Task 2 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A
Task 3
1.they care about 2.performed marriages .
3.wait longer to get married 4.bring people together
5.plan a blind date 6.follow their cultural traditions
7.meant for the other 8.establishing a relationship
9.improve their chances 10.meet someone over the Internet
新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 4 A Hunk of Burning Love
Short Conversations
1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.C 10.B
Long Conversation
1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.B
Understanding a Passage
1.C 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.A
Movie Speech
1.certain 2.occasionally 3.come along 4.receiving 5.delight
6.gathering 7.natural 8.special 9.welcoming 10.reminding
Homework Listening
Task 1 1.A 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.B
Task 2 1.D 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.B
Task 3
1.answer a question 2.to be admitted
3.copies of all school records 4.the results of the TOFEL
5.minimum acceptable TOFEL score 6.additional English training
7.conditionally accept students 8.taking regular class
9.provides more information 10.successfully pass classes
新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 5 Enough of worries and tears
Short Conversations
1.C 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.D 9.D 10.C
Long Conversation
1.B 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.A
Understanding a Passage
1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C
Movie Speech
1.everything the light touches 2.rises and falls 3.will rise with you 4.shadowy place 5.never go there 6.getting your way
7.exists together 8.respect all creatures 9.let me explain
10. in the great circle of life
Homework Listening
Task 1 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C
Task 2 1.A 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.B
Task 3
1.one million new cases 2.have increased 3.drug treatments
4.gathered results 5.145,000 6.before it has spread
7.from coming back 8.reduce by half 9.within 15 years
10.middle-aged women
新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 6 What’s in a name?
Warming up
1.T 2.F 3.T
Short conversations
1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.C
Long conversation
1.A 2.D 3.D 4.C 5.B
1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D
Movie dialog
1.important decisions 2.As in 3.agreed on
4.What’s wrong with 5.I mean 6.wait a minute
7.what a challenge 8.what he’s doing? 9.gets his way
10.ever imagined
Task 1 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.C
Task 2 1.B 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.D
Task 3
1.federal government 2.education reform law 3.be forced to
4.place top importance on 5.calls for 6.main goal
7.by 40 percent 8.low-income and minority
9.poorly performing students 10.free after-school help
新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 7 Relax or Die
Short Conversations
1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.C 9. D 10.C
Long Conversation
1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B
Understanding a Passage
1.C 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.B
Movie Speech
1.flight 2.heartbroken 3.tries real hard
4.witnessing a miracle 5.completely 6.marriage
7.special occasions 8.sacrifices 9.dream
Homework Listening
Task 1 1.D 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.A
Task 2 1.D 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.D
Task 3
1.severe mental health 2.published the findings
3.examined the results 4.gathered the information
5.learn what treatment 6.nervous anxiety
7.illegal drugs 8.less likely to admit
9.with serious disorders 10.prevent many serious cases later
新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 8 Life Outside of Work
Short Conversations
1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.B 9. A 10.B
Long Conversation
1.B 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.C
Understanding a Passage
1.B 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.B
Movie Speech
1.the light had gone 2.should remember
3.don’t go the right way 4.when we suffer defeat
5.you’re really tested 6.on the highest mountain
7.served this government and this country 8.always give your best
9.high hopes and good spirits 10. in our hearts
Homework Listening
Task 1 1.C 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.B
Task 2 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.C
Task 3
1.how much they expect to learn 2.dishonest reporting
3.are charged with 4.under pressure
5.include a warning 6.should not be held responsible
7.have influenced that decision 8.no reason to stop
9.estimate earnings 10.to hide bad news
新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 9 Only Losers Quit
Short Conversations
1C 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.C
Long Conversation
1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.C
Understanding a Passage
1.B 2.D 3.C 4.C 5.B
Movie Speech
1.come on in 2.sweetheart 3.a part of life
4.your own destiny 5.God gave you 6.figure that out
7.a box of chocolates 8.explaining 9.had got the cancer
10.with little flowers on it
Homework Listening
Task 1 1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.B
Task 2 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A
Task 3
1.develop a plan 2.reduce cancer rates
3.cancer prevention and control 4.a leading cause of death
5.on the rise 6.cancer-producing chemicals
7.aging populations 8.most common forms,
9.more action is needed 10.early cancer testing
新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 10 The Tragedy of War
Warming up
1.F 2.F 3.T
Short Conversations
1.D 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.A
Long Conversation
1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D
Understanding a Passage
1.B 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.A
Movie Speech
1.guarded 2.a greater responsibility 3.Marines
4.probably saved lives 5.existence 6.parties
7. honor 8.spent defending something 9.freedom
Listening and Discussion
1. A Japanese pen friend. 2. He had always criticized the nuclear attacks.
3. Around 140,000 people. 4. Open-ended.
5. Open-ended.
Homework Listening
Task 1 1.D 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B
Task 2 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.A
Task 3
1.monthly payments 2.more money than
3.is expected to 4.be out of money
5.born out of 6.pay for itself
7.start with 8.survived the death
9.for the poor 10.all federal workers


光盘上好像有答案啊 你看下是这个不 下边还有俩网址 这个要不是你进那里找下
Key to Listening CourseBook
Unit 1
Exercise 1: 1. D 2. B
Exercise 2:
1. Peter likes cycling and swimming. Laura likes these two sports too. Besides, she plays tennis regularly.
2. Because she wants to enjoy good health; she wants to stay in shape and look good.
Unit 2
Exercise 1: 1. B 2. A 3.A
Exercise 2:
1. They went to the department picnic but their fun was spoiled by the hot weather.
2. Because he thinks it will only be short shower that cools things off a little.
Unit 3
Exercise 1:
1. ...for a while
2. ...plans for this Saturday
3. ...dinner...weekend
4. ...Italian...too much food
5. ...Chinese...Japanese
Exercise 2:
1. It uses natural flavors, not much oil or cream or heavy sauces.
2. They will have dinner on Saturday either at a Chinese or a Japanese restaurant.
Unit 4
Exercise 1: 1. d 2.d 3. c 4. d
Exercise 2:
1. He has suffered from insomnia for several months and lately has had a lot of indigestion.
2. She gave the patient some medicine for insomnia and indigestion. she advised the patient to have a proper diet and begin a regular exercise program.
Unit 5
Exercise 1: tick: 2,4,5,10,12,13,16,17
Exercise 2: 1. b 2.d 3. c 4.a
Unit 6
Exercise 1:
1. They are discussing which candidate is more suitable for a vacant position in the company.
2. Leader of a small group.
3. being dynamic
4. because he is always a follower
5. because he has no experience in leadership.
Exercise 2:
1. John: Loyal; with the company for 20 years/ No experience in being a leader/ Peter/ Joan and Clive
2. Rita: Has personnel management skill/ lacks experienc/ Joan/ Peter and Clive
3. Susan: Experiences, solid and reliable/ a bit too cautious, not dynamic enough/ Peter and Clive; Joan (agrees with reservation)/ Joan (at first)
Unit 7
Exercise 1: 1.b; 2.c; 3.d
Exercise 2:
1. interesting/handsome/successful/sporty, fashionable/fun
2. the high status group/taste and style/image
3. brightens/good/face another day/energy
4. great/terrible/average buyers
5. high fashion or not/image and reality
Unit 8
Exercise 1: 1.b; 2.d; 3.d ; 4.b; 5.c; 6.d
Exercise 2: (ommited)
Unit 9
Exercise 1: 1.d; 2.c; 3.c ; 4.d; 5.a
Exercise 2:
1. about 63 years ago
2. about three years old
3. in 1970
4. 92 years old
Unit 10
Exercise 1:
1. 3 months ago
2. in the middle of a jungle in Burma
3. a terrible storm
4. all aboard the plane except the narrator
5. 1 (narrator)
Exercise 2:
1. It rolled and shook in the wind.
2. No. It arrived nine days later because it was raining heavily and the helicopters couldnt fly in the heavy rain. To make the matter worse, the plane crashed in a swamp in the middle of a jungle.
3. Yes. She was in terrible pain and couldnt move.
4. By drinking dirty flood water.
Unit 11
Exercise 1: 1.a 2.b 3.d 4.c 5.a
Exercise 2:
1) stockbroker
2) retailing
3) March 6, 1926
4) New York
5) music school
6) economics
7) Commerce
8) Masters degree
9) PhD
10) Industrial
11) economic consulting
12) Federal Government
Unit 12
Exercise 1: 1.a 2.d 3.b 4.b 5.d
Exercise 2: (ommited)
Unit 13
Exercise 1: 1.a 2.c 3.d 4.a 5.b
Exercise 2: (ommited)
Unit 14
Exercise 1: 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F
Exercise 2:
1. a wonderful world
2. loss/ change/ balance
3. direct benefits/ plants/ air/ breathe
4. economic/ health/ raw material / things / medicine
5. unless/ later/ valuable/ threat
Unit 15
Exercise 1: 1.c 2.a 3.d
Exercise 2: 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.F 6.T
Unit 16
Exercise 1: 1.b 2.a 3.b 4.b 5.b
Exercise 2:
1. 65%
2. 30%
3. 33%
4. 47%

全新版大学英语第二版听说教程3答案 是14单元的,只要最后test1和test2的答案。

Test One
6-10 ACCCB
11-15 DBCBD
16. Researchers
17. murder
18. Fortunately
19. harmony
20. advantage
21. boxers
22. brains
23. Even the most ordinary household items such as irons or can-openers are designed for right-handed people.
24. you can buy anything from left-handed pocket calculators to knives and coffee mugs.
25. People who buy things from the shop say it just makes their everyday life much easier.
26-30 BCDBD
31-35 AABDC
Test Two
6-10 CBDCD
11-15 DCDBB
16. course
17. prevent
18. technology
19. benefits
20. particular
21. Due
22. communities
23. they are to be seen flying freely in the sky.
24. Recycling should be put into consideration
25. consumers themselves have to be responsible for the proper disposal of their garbage.
26-30 CDAAD
31-35 BDCAB


——hey,buddy! (拍肩膀) hey!what r u doing ?
——oh, sorry, Im listening to Justin Bieber on my ipod.
——Justin Bieber? who is this guy?
——I cant believe you dont know him. He is the hotest singer around the world now, I think, and....oh, he is only 16 years old.
——wow! souds cool~so whats his best-known song? I think, er..maybe Ive heard some of his songs.
——since you asked,er..well, my favorite song is "baby". also due to this song, Justin got the best new comers award.
——baby? well...Im not sure whether ive heard this...can you sing some lines for me? please~~
——er...OK. if you dont mind.(唱两句拖时间,哈哈)"Oh woooah, oh woooooah, oh wooooah You know you love me, I know you care. You shout whenever and I’ll be there. "... I cannot move on. I do have a terrible voice. really,buddy, you should listen to the the original sound, that is wonderful.
——why dont you lend me your ipod? there are many Justins songs in your ipod,doesnt it?
——its a good idea. here it is~(把mp3道具递过去)remember to give it back to me tomorrow.
—— you are such a nice person! oh, its time for class, see you tomorrow~
——see you.