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星巴克英语点餐对话 “词性”用英语怎么说?


Waiter: Good morning, what can I get for you today?(今天要什么)
Customer: Can I get a grande Latte?(来个大杯拿铁)
Waiter: Of course, would you like skim milk or low-fat milk?(你要换成脱脂或者低脂牛奶么)
Customer:I will get skim milk(脱脂奶)
Waiter:what is your name sir?(你叫什么,问名字是因为要把名字写杯子上,以防搞错)
Waiter:Thank you,have a nice day!
Customer:You too!


词性nominal词性与解释Speech and interpretation这个词的词性The word of the speech


开户行 Account with Bank简写式:A/C with Bank或Bank
帐户名 Beneficiarys Name简写式:Beneficiary
帐号 Account Number 简写式:A/C No.
有时候,还需写上"税号" Tax ID Number。
Bank: Bank of China, Chengjiang Office
Beneficiary: Zhang San
A/C No.: 33265805054885
在实际进行名片排版时,为了节省空间,可以将开户行和帐号合并,用一个with连接,或者干脆不用连接词,如上例可写成:A/C No.: 33265805054885 with B.O.C, Chengjiang Office. B.O.C 是中国银行的缩写形式,中国的几家大银行都有其通用的缩写形式。
我国的几家老牌大银行还都拥有一套与行政区划相对应的结构,从中央到地方分别是:总行(Head Office)-省分行(Provincial Branch)-地市分行(Prefecture Branch)-县市支行(County Sub-branch),中国人民银行的地市级分支机构又称"中心支行"(Central Sub-branch)。
中国建设银行北京市分行安华支行 China Construction Bank, Beijing (Branch), Anhua Sub-branch
中国银行上海市分行虹桥支行 Bank of China ,Shanghai (Branch), Hongqiao Sub-Branch
中国人民银行大连市中心支行蓬莱支行 The Peoples Bank of China, Dalian Central Sub-branch, Penglai Sub-branch
支行以下,又有营业所(Operation Office)、营业部(Operation Department)、分理处(Office)、储蓄所(Savings Office),在名片上,Operation Office和Savings Office均可简单译为Office。
如:中国工商银行朝阳区支行朝外大街分理处 ICBC Chaoyang Sub-branch, Chaowai Office
中国建设银行台州市分行黄岩支行天长北路储蓄所 CCB Taizhou (Branch), Huangyan Sub-branch, North Tianchang Road Office
在中国复杂的银行体系里边,还有一个信用社系统,如:三门县农村信用合作社联社 Sanmen Rural Credit Cooperatives Union
台州市泰隆城市信用社 Tailong Urban Credit Cooperative, Taizhou


positive side 正方
negative side 反方
As is known to everybody, we can not live a happy life without enough food and clothes. Therefore a poor man will have to suffer from hunger and cold. On the other hand, if one is rich, he can afford to buy the necessities.What is more, the riches could pave the road to further learning as well as further personal development. However, poverty harms us both physically and mentally.why does the present political policy focus on the economical development? That is because a poor China provides its people but miseries and unhappiness.Only when China gets richer, can it make its people happier.