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狄更斯 《大卫 科波菲尔》人物分析 《大卫 科波菲尔》中贝西姨婆的人物分析?

狄更斯 《大卫 科波菲尔》人物分析

在人物的塑造上,大卫·科波菲尔无疑倾注了作者的全部心血。不论是他孤儿时代所遭遇的种种磨难和辛酸,还是他成年后不屈不挠的奋斗,都表现了一个小人物在资本主义社会中寻求出路的痛苦历程。经历了大苦大难后尝到人间幸福和温暖的大卫,靠的是他真诚、直率的品性,积极向上的精神,以及对人的纯洁友爱之心。安妮斯也是作者着力美化的理想的女性。她既有外在的美貌,又有内心的美德,既坚韧不拔地保护着受希普欺凌的老父,又支持着饱受挫折之苦的大卫。她最后与大卫的结合,是“思想和宗旨的一致”,这种完美的婚姻使小说的结尾洋溢一派幸福和希望的气氛。他们都是狄更斯的资产阶级人道主义理想的化身。这种思想的形成与狄更斯个人的经历和好恶是分不开的。他始终认为,处于受压迫地位的普通人,其道德情操远胜于那些统治者、压迫者。正是基于这种信念,小说中许多普通人如渔民辟果提、海穆,尽管家贫如洗,没有受过教育,却怀有一颗诚朴、善良的心,与富有的斯提福兹及其所作所为形成了鲜明的对比。 当然,这种强烈的对比还反映着狄更斯本人的道德观:“善有善报,恶有恶报”。这部小说里各类主要人物的结局,都是沿着这种脉络设计的。如象征着邪恶的希普和斯提福兹最后都得到了应有的惩罚;而善良的人都找到了可喜的归宿。狄更斯希翼以这样的道德观来改造社会,消除人间罪恶,这是他的局限性所在。

《大卫 科波菲尔》中贝西姨婆的人物分析?



The story is told almost entirely from the point of view of the first person narrator, David Copperfield himself, and was the first Dickens novel to do so.
Critically, it is considered a Bildungsroman and would be influential in the genre which included Dickenss own Great Expectations (1861), Thomas Hardys Jude the Obscure, Samuel Butlers The Way of All Flesh, H. G. Wellss Tono-Bungay, D. H. Lawrences Sons and Lovers, and James Joyces Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.
As a bildungsroman, it has one major theme throughout, the disciplining of the heros emotional and moral life. We learn to go against "the first mistaken impulse of the undisciplined heart", a theme which is repeated throughout all the relationships and characters in the novel.
Characters in the novel generally belong to one of three categories: Those who have disciplined hearts, those who lack disciplined hearts, or those who develop disciplined hearts over time. Characters who fall into the first category include the mature and caring Agnes Wickfield and the selfless and forgiving Mr. Peggotty. The greedy, scheming Uriah Heep and the egotistic and inconsiderate James Steerforth are examples of characters who belong in the second category. Members of the third category include David Copperfield himself, who learns to make wiser choices in his relationships through personal experience, and his aunt Betsy Trotwood, who lacks consideration for others early on, but becomes less inconsiderate over time. Dickens uses characters and events throughout the novel as comparisons and contrasts for each other in terms of wisdom and discipline. A good comparison is Agnes Wickfield and Dora Spenlow: Dora lacks maturity and is unable to handle stressful situations, often breaking out in tears, while Agnes remains calm and collected even when troubled, yielding to her emotions only rarely. Another good comparison is Ham and Mr. Peggotty, and Mrs. Steerforth and Miss Dartle: The latter two become distraught at the loss of Steerforth, allowing it to trouble them their whole lives, while the former two bear the loss of Emily with dignity and reservation. Despite the premise of this work, Dickens does not give David Copperfield a stiff or unnatural feel, making this novel a supreme display of his genius at work.[citation needed]
Analysis of Major Characters
David Copperfield
Although David narrates his story as an adult, he relays the impressions he had from a youthful point of view. We see how David’s perception of the world deepens as he comes of age. We see David’s initial innocence in the contrast between his interpretation of events and our own understanding of them. Although David is ignorant of Steerforth’s treachery, we are aware from the moment we meet Steerforth that he doesn’t deserve the adulation David feels toward him. David doesn’t understand why he hates Uriah or why he trusts a boy with a donkey cart who steals his money and leaves him in the road, but we can sense Uriah’s devious nature and the boy’s treacherous intentions. In David’s first-person narration, Dickens conveys the wisdom of the older man implicitly, through the eyes of a child.
David’s complex character allows for contradiction and development over the course of the novel. Though David is trusting and kind, he also has moments of cruelty, like the scene in which he intentionally distresses Mr. Dick by explaining Miss Betsey’s dire situation to him. David also displays great tenderness, as in the moment when he realizes his love for Agnes for the first time. David, especially as a young man in love, can be foolish and romantic. As he grows up, however, he develops a more mature point of view and searches for a lover who will challenge him and help him grow. David fully matures as an adult when he expresses the sentiment that he values Agnes’s calm tranquility over all else in his life.
Uriah Heep
Uriah serves a foil to David and contrasts David’s qualities of innocence and compassion with his own corruption. Though Uriah is raised in a cruel environment similar to David’s, Uriah’s upbringing causes him to become bitter and vengeful rather than honest and hopeful. Dickens’s physical description of Uriah marks Uriah as a demonic character. He refers to Uriah’s movements as snakelike and gives Uriah red hair and red eyes. Uriah and David not only have opposing characteristics but also operate at cross-purposes. For example, whereas Uriah wishes to marry Agnes only in order to hurt David, David’s marriages are both motivated by love. The frequent contrast between Uriah’s and David’s sentiments emphasizes David’s kindness and moral integrity.
While David’s character development is a process of increased self-understanding, Uriah grows in his desire to exercise control over himself and other characters. As Uriah gains more power over Mr. Wickfield, his sense of entitlement grows and he becomes more and more power-hungry. The final scenes of the novel, in which Uriah praises his jail cell because it helps him know what he should do, show Uriah’s need to exert control even when he is a helpless prisoner. But imprisonment does not redeem his evil—if anything, it compounds his flaws. To the end, Uriah plots strategies to increase his control. Because he deploys his strategies to selfish purposes that bring harm to others, he stands out as the novel’s greatest villain.
James Steerforth
Steerforth is a slick, egotistical, wealthy young man whose sense of self-importance overwhelms all his opinions. Steerforth underscores the difference between what we understand as readers and what David sees—and fails to see—in his youthful naïveté. David takes Steerforth’s kindness for granted without analyzing his motives or detecting his duplicity. When Steerforth befriends David at Salem House, David doesn’t suspect that Steerforth is simply trying to use David to make friends and gain status. Though Steerforth belittles David from the moment they meet, David is incapable of conceiving that his new friend might be taking advantage of him. Because Steerforth’s duplicity is so clear to us, David’s lack of insight into Steerforth’s true intentions emphasizes his youthful innocence. Steerforth likes David only because David worships him, and his final betrayal comes as a surprise to David but not to us.