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英语信件中常用问候语 请用英语列出一些表达问候的常用语


英语中常见的问候语  英语中常见的问候语  GreetingsareusedtosayhelloinEnglish.It’smontousedifferentgreetingsdependingonwhetheryougreetafriend,familyorabusinessassociate.Whenyoumeetfriends,useinformalgreetings.Ifit’sreallyimportant,useformalgreetings.Formalgreetingsarealsousedwithpeopleyoudonotknowverywell.  在英语中,问候语被用跟别人打招呼。根据与你会面的是朋友,家人还是商业伙伴,我们常会使用不同的问候语。如果确实是在重要的场合,我们会使用正式的问候语。正式的问候语也可以用于那些不太熟悉的人。  Greetingsalsodependonwhetheryouaresayinghello,oryouaresayinggoodbye.  在打招呼或者告别的时候,我们使用的问候语也不同。  Learnthecorrectphrasesusingthenotesbelow,andthenpracticeusinggreetingswiththepracticedialogues.  利用下面的提示,学习正确的短语用法,然后利用下面的对话来练习问候语。  FormalGreetings:Arriving  正式问候语:到达  Goodmorning/afternoon/evening.  早上好/中午好/晚上好  Hello(name),howareyou?  嗨(人名),你好吗?  GooddaySir/Madam(veryformal)  先生/太太日安(非常正式)  Respondtoaformalgreetingwithanotherformalgreeting.  使用正式问候语来回应


2、glad to see you 认识你很高兴
3、may i introduce myself to you ?我能进行自我介绍吗?
4、its a pleasure to know you .认识阁下,倍感荣幸。
5、is everything going on well ? 一切还好吗?
6、how is it going?近况如何?
7、are you having fun ?你过得愉快吗?
8、how is your day going ?过得如何?
9、how are you doing these day ?Well,about the same.
10、did you sleep soundly last night? 你昨晚睡得好吗?
1、long time no see: 好久不见了。
2、how is your family? 你的家人好吗?
3、how have you been? 你最近怎么样?

英语用天气问候语 急!!!

GREETINGS: It’s a nice day today.
问候语: 今天天气真好。�
A Good morning, Neil.
A 早上好,尼尔。
B Good morning, Wei.
B 早上好,薇。
A It’s a nice day today.
A 今天天气真好。
B Yes, it is.
B 是的。
A Let’s take a taxi.
A 我们坐出租车去吧。
B OK. We can get one here.
B 好的。在这里可以打到车。
注释 Notes�
People often comment on the weather when they meet, especially if it is fine. It’s really a nice day today.
人们见面时常常谈论天气,尤其当天气好的时候。It’s really a nice day today(今天天气真好)。
You can agree with someone�s comment about the weather with a simple response: Yes, it is.
你可以简单地回答 Yes, it is (是的),来对某人对天气的评论表示赞同。
If you want to suggest something, you can use Let’s... , e.g. Let’s take a taxi.
如果你要提出建议,你可以用Let’s... (让我们……),如 Let’s take a taxi (我们坐出租车去吧)。
To agree with a suggestion, you can say OK.
要表示同意某项建议,你可以说OK (好的)。
Let’s get one here. / Let’s get a taxi here.
Let’s get one here(让我们在这里打一辆/让我们在这里打一辆出租车)。
重要的短语和句子 Key phrases & sentences
It’s really a nice day today. 今天天气真好。
Yes, it is. 是的。
Let’s take a taxi. 咱们坐出租车去。
OK. We can get one here. 好的。咱们在这里可以打到一辆。


how is it going? 过得怎么样呀?
how do you do ?还好吗?
how are you?您好吗?
do everything well? 一切都顺利吧?
I miss you very much,are you happy?
how is it going? 过得怎么样呀?
how do you do ?还好吗?
how are you?您好吗?
do everything well? 一切都顺利吧?
I miss you very much,are you happy?

用英语问好 打招呼

  How do you do?(初次见面通常用语)
  How are you?(比较熟悉的人之间用语)
  How are you getting along with...?(你近来...可好?)
  How are you doing?(您工作还顺利吧?)
  How is everything?(一切还好吧?)
  How is your vacation/holiday(s)/Christmas Day/weekend?(假期怎么样?)
  Whats up?(近来可忙?)
  Whats going on?(近来可好?)
  How is life?
  How is it going?anything new?
  Pleased to meet you again!
对以上问候的对答通常有How do you do!
  Fine!Thank you,and you?
  Every is fine!
  Im just great!
  Very(quite)well,thank you!
  Couldnt be better,thank you!
  Not bad!
  Cant complain!
  Just so so.
A:Good morning, Ms Lucy. This is Betty, can you still remember me?
B:Betty? Is it really? Surely I remember you. You are my good friend, and I
haven??t seen you for ages, but how are you?
A:Fine, I??m just fine, Ms Lucy...
  Good bye! (Bye bye! Bye!)
  See you (tomorrow)! See you later!
  So long! Farewell!
  Id like to say goodbye to everyone.
  Im afraid I must be going now.
  Im calling to say goodbye.
  Ill look forward to seeing you soon.
  Lets hope we ll meet again.
  Hope to see you again.
  Drop in anytime you like.
  Mind how you go, bye!
  Take care of yourself, and dont forget to keep in touch.
  Do keep in touch!
  My regards to your family.
  A pleasant journey to you!
  Ill miss you!
  M: Im afraid Ive got to go now。
  W: Cant you stay just another minute?
  M: Oh, dear, I really have to...
  W: Ok, take care of yourself, and I will miss you. Bye!
  M: Bye!...


·1. Im glad to meet you. ·很高兴认识你。 ·2. Nice meeting you. ·很高兴认识你。 ·3. How nice to meet you. ·认识你真高兴。 ·4. Ive heard so much about you. ·我知道很多关于你的事儿。 ·5. Helen has told me all about you. ·海伦对我将了好多你的事儿。 ·6. Ive been wanting to meet you for some time. ·很久以来我一直想见你。 ·7. Im delighted to make your acquaintance. ·认识你我觉得非常高兴。


老师们、同学们下午好!的英语是:Teachers and classmates,good afternoon!
  ①Hello! / Hi! 你好!
  ②Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早晨(下午/晚上)好!
  ③See you tomorrow. 明天见。
  ④See you later. 待会儿见。
  ⑤I have to go now. 我必须走了。
