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关于家风的英语作文(初中英语作文) 关于家风的作文题目新颖一点


用There is an old saying;+名言开头(例如自信) 写我因为在一次 show 失败。 之后再也不敢去尝试。又一次show 到来。 家人鼓励我去参加(说一些语重心长的话)然后我cheer up 然后获得了first prize 。我懂得了Its important to be confident I want my family trait inheritance。 总体大纲望采纳










首先的高级用法可以用“first of all”
“然后 "为  “afterwards”
"其次为"“in the next part ”
"最后" 为“in the end”或“ finally”
first,firstly,first and foremost,to begin/start with,most importantly
二、表对比 与转折:
yet,however,nevertheless,in contrast (to),whereas,
in spite of(despite),instead,on the contrary,even if(though),
and,as well as,then,moreover,futhermore,in addition
,additionally,besides,whats more
as a result,consequence,for this reason,
in a word,in belief,in short,in all,above all,to conclude,
on the whole,to sum up,in summary

增加文采小窍门: 如果说第一、二步是对文章的构思,第三、四步骤则是真正地“写”了,用词是否贴切,文法是否正确,句式是否多变,文采是否有生气,关系到写作者的语言功底和水平,但也有些窍门是需要长时间累积的。


nowadays in china, many students are the only child in their family. they are the apple of their parents eyes or even their granparents, so they are free of any house work or menial labor. and moral education is no more than some bookish thing. studentsare largely dependent on their parents and teachers.
to educate them to be independent, the most effective way is to let them experience on their own. therefore,they are better to be given the opportunity to get some train at school-to clean the washing room,which can be regarded as part of the moral education.


These days I have been leisure but bored after finishing the final exam. In fact, I really don’t like the way I have lived in these days, because I feel like a foolish that cant find my values and have to be supported by others. That’s made me crazy. Therefore, I consider that people should find and achieve their values in lives, especially female. Obviously, work is an important way to achieve our values. However, why is work important in our life?
Firstly, work is the only way for us to satisfy our basic needs. In order to get food, clothes and other living conditions to live happily, we have to work hard. In this aspect, work is a natural responsibility for us, for our families. But usually, those who just consider work as a kind of responsibility regard work as a heavy burden in their life and they will feel really tired after a period of time, even some of which will choose to renounce the responsibility they have.Therefore, work must have other positive meanings in deeper respect. 更多资料参考英语写作文网:


Poetry shows us a strong power and makes us feel subtle emotion. It may be read like nosense, but if we be aware of its inner function by our soul, it will helps define our respongses to them. Herry James called poetry as the felt sense of life.
There are many famous poetrys that we`ll never forget around the world. We herad it from books, teachers and even history. For centuries people have tried to define and characterize poetry in many different ways. The following quotation may suggest part of the features of poetry。
What is Poetry? Who Knows?
  Not a rose, but the scent of the rose;
  Not the sky, but the light in the sky;
  Not the fly, but the gleam of the fly;
  Not the sea, but the sound of the sea;
  Not myself, but what makes me
  See, hear, and feel something that prose
  Cannot: and what it is, who knows?
             by Eleanor Farjeon (1881-1965)


Among all the important skills of human beings, social skills are regarded as the most important. In an information age, communication with others in all walks of life plays an important role. No wonder that many students are deliberately working on their social skills.
Common sense has told us that those who have successful love affairs usually possess excellent social skills. They are good at promoting an easy-going relation with their partners, which naturally result in a romantic affair. The same is true for family life. Good social skills are essential to keep family member on good terms with each other, bringing about a happy family life. Secondly, statistics show that ones career success depends heavily on his or her social skills. Professional skills are necessary, but without good social skills, a good teamwork is hardly imaginable, which would undoubtedly hinder the full play of professional skills. Examples are not rarely seen from people who are talented and have reached high level of academic development, but have finally come to nothing due to their poor social skills.
In conclusion, if we are to lead a happy life and succeed in career, we must improve ourselves in such social skills as the skill in communicating on a feeling level, the skill in developing and using interpersonal relations and so on.


Communication is an important mean of expressing yourself because it exists different ways of expression and so different kind of communication depending on the culture you belong to .
The way of communicating will not be the same as other countries and it is important to know some values of other cultures and so of other ways of communicating for, first of all, avoiding some misunderstandings and then knowing better some aspects of different cultures .
That is why cross-cultural communication is an essential exercise to do; a person who come from a certain country does not necessarily get the same ideas about time, death, identity, as an other one from a different country because each person has its own identity .
First, a national identity, defned by a surname, a first name, citizenship, and a "personal" identity perceived as what are your activities, your opinions about issues or your experience in life .
Sometimes, your own identity can be modified or influenced by different factors, for example religion, your environment, your family.
The latter example seems to be a paradox because you can get your own opinions about something but you can be "influenced" by your familial surrounding or the society where you live(especially some notions that parents and even society teach you when you are a child, as patriotism or nationalism) .
This influence can replace your previous vision of life and changing your way of expressing yourself and so your way of communicating but you can also adapt this influence to your own way of thinking and it can be resulted in a different way of communicating .
In spite of a certain influence coming from a close surrounding, everyone can develop its own identity through its opinions and experience and this is interesting to notice that even within a close group of people, each person get different
