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英语作文 题目:如何管理时间 步骤:1、管理时间的意义 2、如何有效的管理时间 3、结论 英语作文。。题目《你相信一见钟情吗?》Do you believe in love at the first sight?

英语作文 题目:如何管理时间 步骤:1、管理时间的意义 2、如何有效的管理时间 3、结论

want to talk about how to manage time.
Every day should start to develop a good days work plan, specific to what each hour to complete what, to complete the most important, and so on. Then follow the plan strictly enforced.
What is the significance of time management it?
This benefit is only improve efficiency, and not waste time can not do anything. Whether in school or jobs in the community, to do each task is time-limited, for example, the examination to answer within the time frame, the work will get a month wages. So when the rational use of exam time, then it can have more room to focus on issues like, a months time can be reasonably allocated to work, can be done relatively high, in the workplace more competitive, easy to upgrade and so on.

英语作文。。题目《你相信一见钟情吗?》Do you believe in love at the first sight?

Love and attraction are two different things. I do believe in attraction at first sight. You can definitely see someone from across the room, like the way they look and want to meet them. After you meet, you could start dating which could eventually lead to falling in love, but I feel as if you cant truly love someone unless you know him or her
Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?

写2篇英语作文,题目是《A friend in need is a friend indeed》 80到100词的,要高一的英语水平,要快点,待会要交

1) Chinese people like to say "Staying at home, you rely on parents; going outside, you rely on friends". It is true, its difficult to do everything by youself, and often we need other peoples help.  Thats what friends are for, to help others when they are in need. Many people would be your friends only if there is something to get, but when you need their help, they often finding a lot of excuses to turn you down.  Only few people will stay with you and support you in the good time, or the bad time, and those are the ones you should be treating them preciously, because they are your friends for life.

2) What are friends for?   Sometimes when you need help, no matter if you need their support, or simply just need someone to be there with you, thats when friends come into place.  No matter how independent you are, you will need help sometime.  Often we expect people we consider "friends" to help us unconditionally, but often we would be surprised to find out its not so. They like to be with you when you are up and having a good time, but when you are in trouble, not everyone would be there, or even try to avoid you.  There is no need to feel sad about it because its just human nature, in fact, think other way, it will show you who is your true friend because "a friend in need is a friend indeed".


American writer Margaret Mitchells "Gone with the Wind" (There is also a Chinese translation of "Gone with the Wind"), it gave me deep impression. I like the novel, mainly because theres heroine, Scarlett, a fraction of a fraction vanity a little selfish and greedy image of women. Even if her shortcomings I like. This is because the image of her true character, a living, unlike some of the works of the main character is perfect. I really like the novel of the main reasons is because the figures Scarlett tenacious vitality, though she has all sorts of shortcomings, but the persistent love earnestly for the survival of today we are born in the era of peace who do not. She will always be that kind of dynamic, that kind of dynamic. Her life is a natural pores circulated by each. In order to keep alive against her to be married, but this is the fundamental motivation for family and a lover of entrusted. This is today, I think many people would be hard to do. When discovered as a result of his stubbornness has lost the most precious love, she will lay down their efforts to find dignity. (In the sequel, "Scarlett" has shown). All in all the vitality of the girl whom I admire. I think she is not the charm pressure on the Hemingway novel who Ying Hanzi image, nor inferior to Jack Londons "Martin Eden," Martin Eden. Although I am a cowardly situation individuality, but every time I read Scarlett courageously to help the United States and Lanny birth mother and son safely escort them out of Atlanta, I think all of lifes disappointments are unhappy about what is not. I can be invincible. 中文:美国女作家玛格丽特米切尔的《飘》(中文也有译作《乱世佳人》),它给我的印象颇深。我喜欢这部小说,主要是因为里面的女主人公,斯嘉丽,一个有几分虚荣几分自私几分贪婪的女性形象。即使她的缺点我也喜欢。因为这一人物形象她真实可信,活生生的,不像有些作品中的主人公是完美的。 我真正喜欢这部小说的重要原因是因为斯嘉丽这个人物顽强的生命力,她虽然有着种种缺点,但是对爱情的执着对生存的热切都是今天我们出生在和平年代的人所没有的。她永远是那样的生机勃勃,那样的充满活力。她的生命力是由每个毛孔自然散发出来的。 为了活命她可以违心地嫁人,但这样做的根本动机是为了家人和爱人的一句托付。这在今天,我想很多人是难以做到的。当发现了由于自己的固执失去了最可宝贵的爱情时她又会努力放下尊严去寻找。(在续集《斯嘉丽》中有所表现)。 总之这个女孩儿的旺盛生命力让我为之佩服。我觉得她的魅力并不压于海明威小说中那些硬汉子形象,也不逊于杰克伦敦的《马丁伊甸》中的马丁伊甸。虽然我是个性情懦弱的人,但每当读到斯嘉丽勇敢地帮助美兰妮接生并把她们母子平安护送出亚特兰大时,我就觉得生活中所有的不快不如意都不算什么。我是都可以战胜的。

克服思乡英语作文,题目是overcoming homesickness


I left my home to go to a senior high school three years age, which is a boarding school far from my home. I was homesick at the beginning of the new school life. I missed my parents, my relatives, and my old friends at home. At the same time, I didn’t like the foods in the new school. As the result of this, I couldn’t help being absent-minded in classes. And I felt sick then. I even had the idea to quit school.
Meanwhile, I knew I have to overcome the homesickness and concentrate on my study. I began to make new friends and share their feelings. We studied and played together. After quite some time, I recovered gradually and went through the school life successfully.


首先的高级用法可以用“first of all”
“然后 "为  “afterwards”
"其次为"“in the next part ”
"最后" 为“in the end”或“ finally”
first,firstly,first and foremost,to begin/start with,most importantly
二、表对比 与转折:
yet,however,nevertheless,in contrast (to),whereas,
in spite of(despite),instead,on the contrary,even if(though),
and,as well as,then,moreover,futhermore,in addition
,additionally,besides,whats more
as a result,consequence,for this reason,
in a word,in belief,in short,in all,above all,to conclude,
on the whole,to sum up,in summary

增加文采小窍门: 如果说第一、二步是对文章的构思,第三、四步骤则是真正地“写”了,用词是否贴切,文法是否正确,句式是否多变,文采是否有生气,关系到写作者的语言功底和水平,但也有些窍门是需要长时间累积的。


Digital age, written record form has revolutionary transformation, the keyboard "knock on words such as fly" often instead of a painting of a Chinese writing. But along with the more time using the computer, mobile phone, "thought the phenomenon of the word" forget is also more and more see. In addition to "forget" to write words, some people have these "symptoms" : easy to write a wrong character, handwritten difficult to express his views, the worse the written word even fear handwritten. This is because the computer technology and network technology, especially the developed increasingly has been in the people who work in daily life, due to the nature of the work or the fast pace of life, gradually ignore the constraints of writing skills exercise, many people so that the shape of the Chinese characters can only roughly, but can not write to write correctly specific radical and structure. Putting pen to write a wrong character, word frequency forget, is becoming a worrisome cultural phenomenon.中文翻译:数字化时代,文字记录方式发生革命性变革,键盘上“敲字如飞”常常代替了一笔一画的汉字书写。而随着使用电脑、手机时间越多,“提笔忘字”的现象也越来越多见。除了“提笔忘字”,有些人还有这些“症状”:手写容易写错字、用笔难以表达自己的观点、字越写越差甚至惧怕手写。这是因为当今电脑技术和网络技术日益发达,特别是已经参加工作的人,在日常生活中由于受工作性质或生活快节奏的约束,逐渐忽视了书写技能的锻炼,许多人因此只能大致记住汉字的形状,提笔却无法正确写出具体部首和结构。提笔忘字、频写错别字,正成为一个令人忧心的文化现象。

英语作文题目是介绍一个地方150 180词

London is a place that is not easily forgotten. Anyone who visited the capita city would know. The Big Ben, Londons Eye and the ferry trip that I took was most exhilarating. I saw the entire London as Londons eye revolved slowed and peacefully. I admired the structure of the Big Ben. The sound of the clock as it struck twelve was magnificent as it echoed throughout London to let the people know the time.
I also went to parks and saw a string orchestra performing Scottish tunes, it was breathtakingly beautiful, as the music juxtaposed with the lovely sceneries in the park. How can anyone forget such memorable scenes?


When the tone sounded again and memorable study of middle school coming to an end of life, happy life is about to start vacation, you must want to do something, right? Please: something id most like to do for the title, write a post in the test you want to do the most. Requirements: 1. A brief description of the specific things you do and the reasons for you to do this. 2. Want to master language, logical, a few words 60-80 3. Do not use paper with the names of the real names of those schools.



