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五分钟的英语演讲大概需要说多少单词 2分钟的英文演讲稿大概要多少字?


演讲语速难以一直保持一致,因为根据内容有时需要字字清楚速度很慢,有时为了表达内在的比较强烈的感情时可能非要快一点。你听听martin Luther King 的演讲就非常清楚了。


演讲稿也叫演讲词,它是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。 演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,是对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,它体现着演讲的目的和手段。演讲稿需要注意的是根据时间来控制内容的长短。例如以下英文演讲稿:
good morning teachers and classmates.                                                            
im glad to be here for self-introdution.                                                     
my name isand you can also call me                                            
.    我来自八年级
i am a local person who is 14 years old,and im of the opinion that my hometown 
is a beautiful city.                                                                 
i have  a family of four  my mother、father、brother and me.
we are getting along with each other. 
its tired for anyone to be successful.     
however, i have the confidence because i have such ability! 
i am kind-hearted, patient, outgoing and creative.     



Smile(微笑) Dear classmates,my topic is "smile".In this world,people easily lose temper.They often quarrel with one another over trivial matters.But the fast is that many times,things can be settled easily if they are a little more tolerant and a smile is sometimes the best way.亲爱的,同学们:我今天演讲的题目是"微笑".在这个世界上,很多人特别容易发脾气,他们常常会为了鸡毛蒜皮的事大吵一架.但是大多时候,只要你宽容一些,一个微笑就可以使这些事情过去. I remember when i was a child my family went for an outing by car.When we were driving on the way,a red car in front of us suddenly stopped.We had to stop all of a sudden as well.This blocked the cars behind us as well.All the horns began to scream to show their anger.I quickly stepped out to say sorry to the one just behind me.But before i could say anything,i heard the driver was saying something very unpleasant.This made me angry-it was not we who caused all this!However,i controlled myself and smiled to her.The driver was surprised at first and then she smiled back.Then the car before us started to move,and we started to go too.Imagine what would happen if i spoke ill words when i saw her angry face?It might take hours before we started to move again,and a happy weekend would end up with angry and revenge.记得小的时侯,我们一家开车出去玩.在路上,前面有一辆红色的车突然停下来了,我们也不得不突然停下来,于是我们后面的车也不得不急刹车.一时笛声四起.我赶紧下车,本来想向后面的司机道歉,但看见她正非常生气地说着什么.这使我也很生气-这一切并不是我们引起的呀.但我控制住自己,对她笑了.她很惊讶,没再说什么,并且也冲我笑了笑.后来,前面的车开走了,我们也顺利的离开了.可以想象,如果我当时和她对骂起来会是什么情况.我们可能几个小时也走不了,一个快乐的周末就会以愤恨和报复告终. In this way,a smile settles a lot of troubles.This is very good,isnt it?就是这样,一个微笑解决了问题,这样不是很好吗? I like the saying:"if you smile to the world,the world will smile back to you."A smile world is nice to live in,isnt it?我很喜欢这样一句话:你向世界微笑时,世界也在对你微笑.生活在一个充满欢笑的世界不是很幸福吗?

英语演讲稿(3 5分钟)大概需要多少字?

这个是要看你的语速的。 我一分钟大概能说100个字。 正常的考试听力大概一分钟90个字左右。 国外的英语新闻大概在120 。 你可以测试一下自己的速度。掐上10秒钟,说一段话看看多少个字…


韩国研发出会跳舞的机器人 SKoreas dancing robot can also tackle the chores South Korean researchers said Monday they have developed a robot which can dance and get emotional when its not tackling the chores. Mahru can move its lips, eyebrows and even pupils freely to make faces and can emit two kinds of fragrances to match its emotions. It can move upper body parts freely while walking on its legs. The robot was developed by a research team at the state-funded Korea Institute of Science and Technology. "Mahru, which can dance while walking on its legs, was developed as a humanoid robot capable of working in place of a human," team leader You Bum-Jae said in a statement. "It will open the way for the commercial use of humanoid robots doing housework." Mahru is programmed to follow various human movements through an advanced motion capture system, he said, adding it can move its hands freely to cope with any interference or obstacles. You said his team has also developed a variant Mahru-M robot with sensors which can differentiate faces and objects and deliver things to humans on request. However, Mahru-M uses a tricycle wheel system to move about. 韩国研究人员于本周一称,日前他们研制出了一种在做家务之余还会跳舞和“闹情绪”的新型机器人。 这个名叫Mahru的机器人能动嘴唇、眉毛和眼球来做出各种表情,并能根据它的心情变化释放出两种不同的香味。而且它在行走时还能够灵活地移动上肢。 这款机器人是由韩国国立科技学院的一个研究小组研发出来的。 研究小组负责人You Bum-Jae在一份声明中说:“Mahru是一款具有人类特点的机器人,它会跳舞、能走路,是被开发用来代替人从事一些工作的。” “它的问世将为人型家务机器人的商业应用开辟道路。” 据介绍,Mahru在一个高级动作捕捉系统的远程控制下,能够做出人的各种动作,而且能灵活地运用双手来应对障碍和干扰。 You Bum-Jae以及研究小组还研发出了一款 Mahru-M型机器人,这款机器人带有传感器,能够识别人脸和物体,并能根据人的要求传递物品。 不过,Mahru-M型机器人只能借助一个三轮装置移动身体。




The Wizard of Oz 绿野仙踪
桃乐丝回到家后跟她的阿姨的独白,不过是很老很老的片子了。 所以比较。。。老旧。。。不过最后一句很经典Theres no place like home!
Dorothy: But it wasnt a dream. It was a place. And you and you and you...and you were there. But you couldnt have been could you? No, Aunt Em, this was a real truly live place and I remember some of it wasnt very nice, but most of it was beautiful--but just the same all I kept saying to everybody was "I want to go home," and they sent me home! Doesnt anybody believe me? But anyway, Toto, were home! Home. And this is my room, and youre all here and Im not going to leave here ever, ever again. Because I love you all. And... Oh Auntie Em! Theres no place like home!
The Princess Diaries 公主日记
Mia: Hi, um... hello. Im Mia. Um, its stopped raining! Im really no good at speech-making. Normally I get so nervous that I faint or run away, or sometimes I even get sick. But you really didnt need to know that... But Im not so afraid anymore. See, my father helped me. Earlier this evening had every intention of giving up my claim to the throne. And my mother 0helped me, by telling me it was ok, and by supporting me like she has for my entire life. But then I wondered how Id feel after abdicating my role as Princess of Genovia. Would I feel relieved, or would I feel sad? And then I realized how many stupid times a day I use the word I. And probably all I ever do is think about myself. And how lame is that when theres like seven billion other people out there on the planet, and... sorry, Im going too fast. But then I thought, if I cared about the other seven billion out there, instead of just me, thats probably a much better use of my time.
See, if i were Princess of Genovia, then my thoughts and the thoughts of people smarter than me would be much better heard, and just maybe those thoughts could be turned into actions. So this morning when I woke up, I was Mia Thermopolis. But now I choose to be forevermore, Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi, Princess of Genovia.
Isabel: I never wanted to be a mom. Well, sharing it with you is one thing, but caring alone the rest of my life, always being compared to you. Youre perfect. They worship you. I just dont want to be looking over my shoulder everyday, for twenty years, knowing that someone would have done it right, done it better, the way that I cant. Youre mother-earth incarnate, you ride with Anna, you know every story, every wound, every memory Their whole lifes happiness is wrapped up in you. Every single moment. Dont you get it? Look down the road to her wedding. Im in a room alone with her Fitting her veil, fluffing her dress. Telling her, no woman has ever looked that beautiful. And my fear is that (pause) shell be thinking "I wish my mom was here".


