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有关于冬奥会的英语单词(并附上中文) 有关于冬奥会的英语单词(并附上中文)


Alpine Skiing 高山滑雪 Biathlon 冬季两项 Bobsleigh 雪车 Cross-country Skiing 越野滑雪 Curling 冰壶 Figure Skating 花样滑冰 Freestyle Skiing 自由式滑雪 Ice hockey 冰球 Luge 雪撬 Nordic Combined 北欧两项 Short Track Speed Skating 短道速滑 Skeleton 钢架雪车 Ski Jumping 跳台滑雪 Snowboard 滑板滑雪 Speed Skating 速度滑冰 参考资料:英语之家


Alpine Skiing 高山滑雪 Biathlon 冬季两项 Bobsleigh 雪车 Cross-country Skiing 越野滑雪 Curling 冰壶 Figure Skating 花样滑冰 Freestyle Skiing 自由式滑雪 Ice hockey 冰球 Luge 雪撬 Nordic Combined 北欧两项 Short Track Speed Skating 短道速滑 Skeleton 钢架雪车 Ski Jumping 跳台滑雪 Snowboard 滑板滑雪 Speed Skating 速度滑冰 参考资料:英语之家


Man has been fascinated by outer space for thousands of years. It has been
almost over forty years since mans first landing on the moon. Now, some people
believe that space exploration is a sheer waste of time and money. They point
out the fact that it cost billions of dollars to carry on the space research,
but a little information was brought back.
   However, every coin has two
sides. There are still a majority of other people who believe that space
exploration has more advantages. And I agree with those people. Many new
products, such as weather and communication satellites, are also products of
space programs, and they have benefited people all over the world. And whats
more, scientific knowledge about outer space has been acquired by mankind.
We believed that it wi!/bring more benefits in the future, which we can not
even imagine now. Space exploration is a challenge to human beings. Thats why
several nations try hard to carry out space exploration continuously.(英语作文)



1、英文释义 Study hard;work hard;swot at;work hard at sth
努力学习中 thanosx
努力学习专业知识 Strive to acquire expertise ; Efforts to learn professional knowledge ; Efforts to learn the knowledge
我们可以努力学习 We can work hard ; We can work to learning ; We can strive to learn
努力学习它 To study it ; Effort to learn it ; strive to learn it
放弃努力学习 Give up trying to learn ; To give up learning ; Abandon the effort to learn
他正在努力学习 He is trying to learn ; He are trying to learn
努力学习/工作 work hard
努力学习各个科目 To study various subjects ; strive to learn various subjects
他很努力学习 He is working hard ; He is very hard learning
You should study hard.
We study hard for our country.
He thinks he should study hard.
I hope you can understand that if you do not study hard, you will be as useless as the oldgardener who can only do this humble job!
Everything is not easy at the beginning, but if you study hard, it will get better.


——hey,buddy! (拍肩膀) hey!what r u doing ?
——oh, sorry, Im listening to Justin Bieber on my ipod.
——Justin Bieber? who is this guy?
——I cant believe you dont know him. He is the hotest singer around the world now, I think, and....oh, he is only 16 years old.
——wow! souds cool~so whats his best-known song? I think, er..maybe Ive heard some of his songs.
——since you asked,er..well, my favorite song is "baby". also due to this song, Justin got the best new comers award.
——baby? well...Im not sure whether ive heard this...can you sing some lines for me? please~~
——er...OK. if you dont mind.(唱两句拖时间,哈哈)"Oh woooah, oh woooooah, oh wooooah You know you love me, I know you care. You shout whenever and I’ll be there. "... I cannot move on. I do have a terrible voice. really,buddy, you should listen to the the original sound, that is wonderful.
——why dont you lend me your ipod? there are many Justins songs in your ipod,doesnt it?
——its a good idea. here it is~(把mp3道具递过去)remember to give it back to me tomorrow.
—— you are such a nice person! oh, its time for class, see you tomorrow~
——see you.



A:Hey,guy.Whats going on?
B:I am so coufused of something.Actually,Im in trouble now.
A:What happen to you?I remember you were just fine this moring.Tell something about it.Maybe I can help you.
B:Well,you know,I am a sophomore now and I will be a junior soon--just only in two month.But I have never had my goal so far.
A:Your goal?What goal?Arent you studying with us for our major,you can be a lawer,or you may be a good counselor in a bank,or you can... you can do many things...
B:I know,but.. to tell you the truth,I dont love my major at all.I want to be a businessman.
A:Fine,that sounds great.If you like it,just do it.You have a goal,and this its goal,isnt it?I will support you,you can make it.
B:Really,dont you think its a bad idea,I am a school student now?
A:Of course not,a dream of your own is most valuable than any other thing.Dont worry about it,but first of all,before you make up your mind,you should consider one thing that if you can do your best to achieve your dream.
B:Kidding?Of course I will.
A:a...uh,,,well,good job.Now you know how to do now?
B:Absolutely yes.Thank you very much.


A: Hey, Joe! Where have you been these past few days?
A: 嗨,乔,这些天去哪儿了?
B: Ive been busy with a first aid course that I started about a week ago at the Red Cross.
B: 我一周前在红十字会那里参加了一个急救课程,现在在学呢。
A: Cool! Ive always wanted to do something like that! Have you learned anything useful?
A: 真酷,我也一直想做点那样的事。你学到什么有用的东西了吗?
B: For sure! I mean weve learned how to apply pressure to stop bleeding, how to check for a pulse, and even how to apply CPR!
B: 当然。我学会了如何通过按压来止血,如何来检查脉搏,还学了如何用心肺复苏法。
A: Have you treated any real emergencies?
A: 你处理过实际的紧急事故吗?
B: Well, they took us along with some paramedics. There was this guy who fell off his motorcycle and suffered a concussion as well as a couple of compound fractures. His wounds were pretty serious so they had to rush him to the hospital. It was intense!
B: 他们让一些护理人员带我们去处理过。有一个人从摩托上摔下来,他有点脑震荡,还有几处复合骨折。他伤得很严重,所以他们必须飞速将他送往医院,真是很紧急。
A: I can imagine! I tend to faint when I see blood, so I think I wont be taking up a course like that anytime soon!
A: 我能想象得到,但是我一看到血就晕,所以我想我近期应该不会去参加那样的课的
