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英语中,时间的表达方法!!! 每隔两天 每隔一天 英语有哪几种说法


英语中表示时间的词语主要分为以下几类:时间点、时间段、动作发生的频度、动作或事件发生的先后。一般可用单个副词来表示,也可以用带有介词in, at, on和for的短语来表示。此外,一些不带介词的短语也可以用来表示动作(事件)发生(状态持续)的时间。
1. 表示动作(事件)发生的时间
这类副词常见的有:ago, before, lately, later (on), now, recently, then, today, tomorrow, tonight, yesterday等。例如:
1)It’s beginning to rain now! (时间点)现在开始下雨了!
2)I haven’t seen her recently. (时间段) 最近我没见到她。
3)Will you be free tonight? (时间段) 你今晚有空吗?
4)See you later. (时间点)回头见。
2. 表示频度
这类副词常见的有:always, constantly, continuously, continually, ever, frequently, generally, hardly ever, much, never, normally, occasionally(偶尔), often, periodically(定期地,偶尔), rarely, regularly, repeatedly, seldom(很少), sometimes, usually, now and then(偶尔,有时)等。例如:
1)She is constantly changing her mind. (频度)她老是改变主意。
2)We do meet now and then, but not regularly. (频度)我们确实偶尔也见面,但不经常。
3)Lester rarely left his room. (频度)莱斯特很少离开他的房间。
3. 其他一些表示时间的副词:
主要有:already, early, finally, first, immediately, just, late, long, presently, shortly, since, soon, yet等。例如:
1)I’ll be back presently(shortly). 我一会儿就回来。
2)What decision did you finally arrive at?你们最后做出了什么决定?
3)Nancy was up early. 南希很早就起来了。
4)He has just had an operation. 他刚动过手术。
句1)中的presently (shortly)(不久,一会儿),强调从现在算起到将来的某一时刻,时间持续很短;句2)中的finally(最终)强调事件的最终结果;句3)中的early(早)表示动作发生的时间比通常所认定的时间早;句4)中的just表示从过去的某个时间算起到现在,时间持续很短。
二、前面带有介词in, at, on和for表示时间的短语
1. 带有介词in的时间短语:
in a flash(瞬时), in a lucky hour(在幸运时刻), in an evil hour(在不幸的时刻), in a minute, in a second, in a short time, in a while, in advance(预先), in an instant, in broad day(在大白天), in due course(及时地), in future, in good season(及时地), in no time(马上), in one’s childhood, in one’s spare time, in one’s teens, in one’s youth, in re-cent years, in some cases(有时候), in spring, in the beginning, in the daytime, in the end, in the long run(最后), in the meantime, in the morning, in the past, in this period, in those days, in time等。例如:
1)He was born in1980. 他生于1980年。
2)The policeman arrived intime and caught the thief in a flash. 警察及时赶到,瞬时抓住了那个小偷。
2. 带有介词on的时间短语:
on a certain day, on Christmas Day, on night shift, on one’s birthday, on schedule(按时), on Sunday, on the moment, on that date, on the eve of, on the following day, on the Monday morning, on the New Year’s Eve, on the point of(正在……时候),on this day, on this occasion, on time等。例如:
1)There are varieties of celebrations on Christmas Day. 圣诞节那天有多种庆祝活动。
2)When he heard the bad news, he burst into tears on the moment. 听到那个坏消息,他的眼泪立刻夺眶而出。
3)He always arrives on time in time of an appointment. 约会时他总是很准时。
3. 带有介词at的时间短语:
at a time(在某时), at a wedding(婚礼), at all times(一直), at any moment, at Christmas, at dark (天黑时), at dawn(在黎明), at daybreak, at dinner-time, at dusk(在黄昏), at first sight, at first, at last, at night, at nightfall, at noon, at present, at six o’clock, at sunrise, at sunset, at that moment, at that time, at the age of, at the beginning of , at the end of, at the last minute, at the moment, at the same time, at the stage(眼下), at the start, at this point(此时), at this sea-son, at times(有时)等。例如:
1)At that time, Mary earned so little money that she could hardly af-ford a coat like this. 那时玛丽挣钱很少,几乎买不起这样一件大衣。
2)At times, Robert is seen to be walking along with a beautiful girl. 有时可以看到罗伯特和一个漂亮女孩走在一起。
3)At the stage, Tom doesn’t have enough time to write such a long paper. 眼下汤姆没有时间写那么长的一篇论文。
句1)中的at that time(那时)表示某种境遇存在的时间段;句2)中的at times(有时)表示事件发生的频度;句3)中的at the stage(眼下)表示离说话前后不久的一段时间。
4."介词for + 表示时间的名词短语"表示动作持续或状态存在的时间段:
for ten seconds, for five minutes, for an hour, for two days, for six months, for a year, for a decade, for a whole century, for a long time, for a short while等。例如:
1) On hearing the news, Helen stood there for ten seconds without saying a word. 听到这个消息后,海伦站在那里十秒钟没说出一句话来。
2) I feel as if I had left school for a whole century. 我觉得我好像离开学校整整一个世纪了。
just now, so far, last night, right away, the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday, five days ago, five days before, this week, next week, a week ago, a week before, last month, next month, this year, next year, three months ago, this century, last century等。例如:
1)The old couple haven’t heard from their son so far. 那对老夫妇目前还没收到儿子的来信。
2) Susan will take the college entrance examination the day after tomorrow. 苏姗后天要参加大学入学考试。
3) He said his father had died three years before. 他说他父亲三年前去世了。分析:
句1)中的so far(到目前为止)是副词短语,表示到现在为止的时间段;句2)中的the day after tomorrow(后天)表示事件将要发生的时间;句3)中的three years before(三年前)表示过去某件事发生的时间,用于间接引语中。选择最合适的选项完成句子。

每隔两天 每隔一天 英语有哪几种说法

1. 每隔两天every three days, every third day

2.  每隔一天every two days, every other day, every second day 

“在什么前面和在什么后面” 英语怎么说

翻译:In front of and behind what
1、in front of
英 [in frʌnt ɔv]   美 [ɪn frʌnt ʌv]  
英 [bɪˈhaɪnd]   美 [bɪˈhaɪnd]  
英 [wɒt]   美 [wɑ:t]  

1、above 英 [əˈbʌv]   美 [əˈbʌv]  
英 [prɪsi:dɪŋ]   美 [prɪˈsidɪŋ]  
3、at the head
英 [æt ðə hed]   美 [æt ði hɛd]  
1、in the front of sth 在某物内部的前面
2、in the front of C 在C的前部
4、in front of you 在相近 ; 在您的面前 ; 在你的面前
5、be in front of 在……之前 ; 在…前面


1 )a (large) number of / (large) numbers of + 可数名词复数 A number of birds have flown to the south. 许多的鸟已经飞去南方。 Large numbers of visitors are from all over the world. 很多旅游者都是来自世界各地。 2)a large/huge amount of / large amounts of + 不可数名词 A large amount of milk is overdue. 大量的牛奶都过期了。 Large amounts of money were spent on the subway. 这地铁费了很多钱。 3)a lot of/ lots of + 可数名词复数/不可数名词 There is a lot of water in the pool. 池子里有很多的水。 Lots of leaves of trees have fallen down the ground in the autumn. 秋天里,许多树叶已经从树上掉了下来。 4)plenty of +可数名词复数/不可数名词 There are plenty of cars on the freeway. 高速路上有很多的汽车。 I have plenty of time to do my homework. 我有很多时间去做家庭作业。 5)a good/great many + 可数名词复数 A great many people on the square are looking at a strange man. 广场上很多人都在看一个怪人。 6)many a + 可数名词单数 Many a scientist has gone to the lonely island. 不止一个科学家去过那个偏僻的小岛。 1.很多的: many 修饰可数 much 修饰不可数 a lot of =lots of 修饰可数,不可数均可 plenty of 修饰可数,不可数均可,一般用于肯定句中 a number of 修饰可数 the number of 的意思是“某物的数量”不是许多的意思,这个某物肯定是可数的,要不哪里来的数量 2.很少的: a little 修饰不可数 a few 修饰可数 3.几乎没有: little 修饰不可数 few 修饰可数 4.一些: some any 都可以修饰可数和不可数 但是some 用于肯定句,any用于否定句和疑问句 特别的用于征询对方,希望得到肯定答复时some可用于疑问句 例:Would you like some coffee? 另外这些是在学习网站上找到的。。 、修饰可数名词。表示“许多”的词和词组有:many,a great/good many,a great/large/small number of,scores of,dozens of。eg: There are many people in the park.公园里有许多人。 Im quite busy;I have a great many things to do.我非常忙,我有很多事情要做。 She bought dozens of eggs yesterday morning.她昨天上午买了许多鸡蛋。 I have heard that scores of times.那件事我已听过很多遍了。 注意:1.many用作代词,表示“许多人,许多”的意思。 Many of them have left for the countryside.他们中有许多人到农村去了。 2.Many a/an也表示“很多的,许多的”的意思,后接可数名词单数,谓语动词用单数形式。 Many a young man wants to speak English.许多年轻人想说英语。 3.a great/good many用作代词,表示“很多东西/人”的意思。 A great many of them are out of work.他们中的很多人失业了。 4.the number of...表示“...的数目”’谓语动词用单数形式。 The number of books missing from the school library is large.学校图书馆丢失书的数目很大。 二、修饰不可数名词。表示“许多”的词和词组有:much,a great/good deal of,a large/small amount of。 There is a great deal of snow on the ground.地面上有很多雪。 I have spent a good deal of time/money on stamp collecting.我在集邮上花费了很多时间/钱。 A million dollars is a large amount of money to me.100万美元对我来说是一笔钱。 There is only a small amount of food.只有一点食物。 注意:1.much用作代词,表示“许多,大量”的意思。 I couldnt write much into days exam.在今天的考试中我没答出多少。 2.a great/good deal用作代词,表示“很多,大量”的意思。 He ate a great deal.他吃了很多。 3.a great/good deal用作副词,作状语,修饰形容词,特别是形容词比较级,意思是“非常,...得多”;也可修饰动词,意思是“很多”。 He ran a good deal faster than I.他跑得比我快得多。 “Do you walk much?”“Yes,a good deal.”“你常步行吗?”“是的,次数很多。” 4.the amount of...作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 The amount of money spent on the bridge was large.这座桥耗资巨大。 5.1arge amounts of...作主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式。 Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge.建这座桥花费了大量资金。 三、修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。表示“许多”的词组有;a lot of,lots of,plenty of,a great/1arge/small quantity of, A lot of/Lots of people went swimming yesterday.昨天很多人去游泳。 A lot of/Lots of work is to be done this week.本周将有许多工作要做。 We have plenty of cakes.Take some more.我们有很多蛋糕,多吃些吧! Dont hurry.There is plenty of time.不用急,还有充足的时间。 注意:1.a lot用作名词,表示“很多,多数”的意思。 He knew a lot about it. 关于那件事他知道得很多。 2.a lot用作副词,修饰形容词和动词,表示“非常,相当”的意思。 He is feeling a lot better today.他今天感觉好多了。 I like him quite a lot.我非常喜欢他。 She laughed a lot.她笑得很厉害。 3,plenty of只用于肯定句,在疑问句或否定句中一般用enough表示“足够”。 Do you have enough time?你的时间够用吗? They dont have enough time.他们没有足够的时间。 4,a large(great,small)quantity of后面跟不可数名词,亦可跟可数名词的复数。跟不可数名词时,谓语动词要用单数形式;跟可数名词的复数时,谓语动词要用复数形式。 A small quantity of water is needed.需要少量的水。 There are a large quantity of flowers in the garden.庭园里有很多花。 5.great/large quantities of无论跟不可数名词,还是跟可数名词的复数,谓语动词都要用复数形式。 Large quantities of food were on the table.桌子上有很多食物。


1.It is+数词+里程单位+from…to…
It is 1,500 kilometers from Beijing to Guangzhou.从北京到广州有1500公里。
The town is twelve miles from here. 那个镇距这里12英里。(由远及近)
You are now only seven miles from the city of Yichang.你现在距宜昌市仅7英里。(由远及近)
The city is three kilometers to the station. 这个城市到车站有3公里远。(由近及远)
Australia is thousands of kilometers away. 澳大利亚由数千公里远。(由近及远)
His home is two miles away. 他的家有两英里远。 (由近及远)
1.It is+时间单位(用所有格形式或表示度量的复合词)+行进方式(名词)+from…to…
It is a week’s ride in train from Beijing to Moscow. 从北京到莫斯科坐火车需要一星期。
It’s an eight-hour drive from here to Chongqing. 从这儿驾车去重庆需8小时。
The zoo is twenty minutes walk from here. 从这儿到动物园要步行20分钟。
3.It takes (sb.) +时间量+不定式+行进方式(介词短语)
It takes about ten minutes to get to my school by bike. 骑自行车到我的学校要花大约10分钟。
4.It is +时间量+from…to+行进方式(介词短语).
It is three days from here to Guangzhou by train. 从这儿坐火车到广州3天。
5.地点+is+时间量+ (+from&hellip +行进方式(介词短语).
My house is about twenty minutes (from here) by bus. (从这儿)坐汽车到我家大约需要走20分钟。
The house is ten minutes away. 那个房子距这儿有10分钟的路程。
It is+钱票数+行进方式(名词)+from/to…
It is a one-yuan ride in a bus to Clock Tower. 从这里到钟楼坐汽车需要1元。

用英文回复邮件:确认没有问题 怎么说?

Thank you for your email.
We have checked what you mentioned in the email. Everything (it) is confirmed. No problem.


价格是否含税应在价格之后注上如下内容: 含税价格: (VAT inclusive) (含增值税),“VAT”为“Value Added Tax”的缩写。 (GST inclusive) (含商品及服务税),“GST”为“Goods and Services Tax”的缩写。 不含税价格: (Tax excluded) (不含税) 有时可以把两种价格并列,以便客户作出选择。如: Price: ¥100 per unit (Tax excluded), or ¥115 per unit (GST inclusive) [价格: 每件100元(不含税),或每件115元(含商品及服务税)。] price before/after taxation 税前/后价 price without tax But there is no tax savings on the year s earnings 但是这个年收入是不含税的储蓄。 But there is no tax savings on the year s earnings 但是这个年收入的存款是不含税的。 2 persons , extra bed at 18 euros per night 加床每间夜18欧元。不含税。 We would like to know the price exclusive of tax of your pda 我们想要知道你们的pda不含税的价格。 All prices excl . sales tax 不含税价格:所有价格不含税 All esd prices are fob rmb price without tax , and the payment terms is l / c 委托人所有价格均为人民币不含税fob价格,定单结算方式为l / c 。 The photo is just for reference . when your order is more than 10 pieces , you can enjoy a wholesale price . the wholesale price is settled , not including tax and shipping fee 所有商品都是以实物拍摄,统一批发价,不含税和运费。款到发货。十件起批,可混批。 According to determined ore dressing technology , we have studied the building of the dressing - works for technology and economy and conclude that if the iron ore dressing - works will be set up , which could produce 138 , 000 tons of iron ore fine at the cost of 204 . 92rmb yuan / mt ( without taxes ) for jisco . its raw material is the lean iron ore and high phosphor content iron ore in stock 根据确定的选矿流程进行了选矿厂方案的技术经济、建厂条件、公辅设施论证,得出:如果投资建厂,可利用黑鹰山堆存贫矿和高磷富矿,每年为酒钢供应成本为204 . 92元吨(不含税)的13 . 8万吨铁精粉,经济效益和社会效益较为显著,建议酒钢公司在资金容许的条件下可以投资黑鹰山选矿厂建设。 Taxation rebate is a mechanism that entitles the enterprises or companies , based on the laws and regulations of a country , to get back some indirect tax from the government after exporting their products , value added tax and excise tax for example , so that they could sell their products in the international market at a more competitive price . generally , the mechanism is implemented in the hope that the export sales of the whole country would be improved , and the macro economic condition could be ameliorated as a result 出口退税是指一个国家根据本国税收法律的规定,对已经报关离境的出口商品,将其在出口前生产和流通各环节已经缴纳的国内增值税或消费税等流转间接税的税款退还给出口企业,使出口商品以不含税的价格进入国际市场,从而促进该国的对外出口贸易,同时调节与控制经济运行的做法。


The following lines have been edited: L16 (p6), L5 (p7), L16 (P9), L10 (p10).
Regarding the topic, the following changes have been made: L16 (p6), L5 (p7), L16 (P9), L10 (p10).
