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英语作文一篇,关于粮食短缺问题 食物短缺的英语作文


Most Americans take food for granted. Even the poorest fifth of households in the United States spend only 16 percent of their budget on food. In many other countries, it is less of a given. Nigerian families spend 73 percent of their budgets to eat, Vietnamese 65 percent, Indonesians half. They are in trouble. Last year, the food import bill of developing countries rose by 25 percent as food prices rose to levels not seen in a generation. Corn doubled in price over the last two years. Wheat reached its highest price in 28 years. The increases are already sparking unrest from Haiti to Egypt. Many countries have imposed price controls on food or taxes on agricultural exports. Last week, the president of the World Bank, Robert Zoellick, warned that 33 nations are at risk of social unrest because of the rising prices of food. “For countries where food comprises from half to three-quarters of consumption, there is no margin for survival,” he said. Prices are unlikely to drop soon. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization says world cereal stocks this year will be the lowest since 1982. The United States and other developed countries need to step up to the plate. The rise in food prices is partly because of uncontrollable forces — including rising energy costs and the growth of the middle class in China and India. This has increased demand for animal protein, which requires large amounts of grain. But the rich world is exacerbating these effects by supporting the production of biofuels. The International Monetary Fund estimates that corn ethanol production in the United States accounted for at least half the rise in world corn demand in each of the past three years. This elevated corn prices. Feed prices rose. So did prices of other crops — mainly soybeans — as farmers switched their fields to corn, according to the Agriculture Department. Washington provides a subsidy of 51 cents a gallon to ethanol blenders and slaps a tariff of 54 cents a gallon on imports. In the European Union, most countries exempt biofuels from some gas taxes and slap an average tariff equal to more than 70 cents a gallon of imported ethanol. There are several reasons to put an end to these interventions. At best, corn ethanol delivers only a small reduction in greenhouse gases compared with gasoline. And it could make things far worse if it leads to more farming in forests and grasslands. Rising food prices provide an urgent argument to nix ethanol’s supports. Over the long term, agricultural productivity must increase in the developing world. Mr. Zoellick suggested rich countries could help finance a “green revolution” to increase farm productivity and raise crop yields in Africa. But the rise in food prices calls for developed nations to provide more immediate assistance. Last month, the World Food Program said rising grain costs blew a hole of more than $500 million in its budget for helping millions of victims of hunger around the world. Industrial nations are not generous, unfortunately. Overseas aid by rich countries fell 8.4 percent last year from 2006. Developed nations would have to increase their aid budgets by 35 percent over the next three years just to meet the commitments they made in 2005. They must not let this target slip. Continued growth of the middle class in China and India, the push for renewable fuels and anticipated damage to agricultural production caused by global warming mean that food prices are likely to stay high. Millions of people, mainly in developing countries, could need aid to avoid malnutrition. Rich countries’ energy policies helped create the problem. Now those countries should help solve it.


Recently, some Western politicians and scholars interested in the world attributed to Chinas food crisis, saying the crisis is mainly due to the Chinese people more and more consumption of beef, and beef production need to consume more food, more, will be "millions of Chinese, Indians and Africans to improve the standard of living" as food prices an important factor. Sadly, this extremely absurd logic has also become some of the Western mainstream medias "basis", adding fuel to the flames, speculation frenzy.
In that case, caused by the crisis in world food prices is mainly due to what? WTO Secretariat officials today accepted Xiaodong reporters.
Said Wang Xiaodong, China is not the worlds rice, wheat, coarse grains and meat products of the major trading countries. Since 2003, Chinas consumption growth to meet their own needs, it also exports to the international market, rice, wheat and meat products. Although China is a net importer of coarse grains, but Chinas import volume is much smaller than the European Union, Japan, Korea, Mexico and other countries over the past two years have not import surge. Traditional exports such as Australias exports of large countries because of drought and the sharp drop in EU imports in 2007, a sharp increase.
Analysis Xiaodong Road, first of all, rising world oil prices break through the historical level has greatly increased the cost of agricultural production, resulting in agricultural production necessary for the price of fertilizer and diesel prices as well as the significant increase in transportation costs.
Second, the adverse weather in major food-producing countries caused by production, exports have fallen significantly. As the worlds major grain-exporting countries of Australia, for several consecutive years of drought climate and reduced wheat exports, only the volume of exports in 2007 on the reduction of 4,000,000 tons. That same year, Ukraines wheat exports also decreased by 3 million tons. In addition, the typhoon victims in Bangladesh, resulting in three million tons of rice production.


How many times I have seen a company or organisation habitually waste good food?! Too many times! They are well-meaning people, and theyd like to give away the food instead of wasting it by putting it in the dustbin. Theyd maybe like to give the food to the needy or the poor, and theres probably a few beggars just along the road if anyone was kind enough to go along and see if they are hungry. So why dont they do it? Reason: Too many stupid rules! Just as surely as theres no pig bin anymore for food to be recycled as pork (because of various illconceived ideas about the health of pigs if they eat other peoples sunday lunches and leftovers), theres no "well lets give it to the beggars!". Apparently, beggars can in theory take the company to court if they are made ill by the food. Not that they are seriously going to be made ill by perfectly good food, and not that most beggars have the money to start a legal case.


粮安天下。手中有粮,心里不慌。国不可一日无粮,家不可一日无米。立足粮食基本自给的方针、强化粮食扶持政策、严格保护粮食生产资源、健全粮食储备体系和手中有粮、心里不慌以及粮食是安天下、稳民心的战略产业等,构成了中国特色粮食安全理念及格局。中国特色粮食安全理念,蕴含着中华民族在长期发展和斗争中形成的粮食安危意识,蕴含着党和政府强农重粮的战略思想,蕴含着中国特色粮食储备流通格局。   手中有粮,来自何方?来自长期坚持粮食自给为主的方针,来自强农惠农政策,来自农业科技创新的有力支撑,来自健全安全的国家粮食储备体系,来自我国传统的农村农户储粮。
Food Ann the world. Hands is a food, and a light heart. Not a day without food kingdom, the home not one day no rice. Based on the basic principle of food self-sufficiency, strengthening food support policy, strictly protect food production resources and improve the food of the reserve system and hands is a grain, a light heart, and food is under the whole heaven, and the affections of the firm strategic industries, constitute the food safety concept Chinese characteristics and structure. Chinese characteristics food security concept, contains the Chinese nation in the long-term development and the struggle of the formation of the food safety in consciousness, contains the party and the government JiangNong heavy food the strategic thinking, contains the Chinese characteristic food reserves circulation patterns. Hands is a food, and where you are from? From food self-sufficiency insist for a long time as policy, benefit from JiangNong policy, from agriculture science and technology innovation of the strong support from the national food safety laws of the reserve system, from our traditional rural farmer storage.



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