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用英语原级造句 英语 用方位词造句


This is a very exciting book. 这是一本非常扣人心弦的书。 I wonder why its so quiet. 真奇怪,这儿怎么这么静啊。 Its too early for getting up. 现在起床还太早。 希望可以帮到你哦

英语 用方位词造句

1、on:My books are on that table.我的书在那张桌子上。
2、in:What is in the box?盒子里有什么?
3、under:My book is under the chair.我的书在椅子下面。
4、inside:I am inside the house now.我正在房子里。
5、beside:You sat beside me.你在我身旁坐下。
6、near:The ball is near the door.球在门旁边。

7、in front of:There are some big trees in front of our classroom.我们教室前面有几棵大树。
8、behind:The broom is behind the door.笤帚在门后。
9、middle:Your finger should be under the middle of the line .你的手指应当放在一行中间的下方。
10、east:I go east.我去东方。
11、south:All the houses there face south.那里所有的房子都朝南。
12、west:So what can the West do?那么西方能做些什么呢?
13、north:Go north on this road.沿着这条路往北走。


1the book is on my desk

2he is in the classroom

3the key is under the table

4his house is near to the river

5 dont leave behind

6there is frienship between us

7the chair is in front of the room

8he is next to her

9I looked for it everywhere

10Here I am


★ adverse
Sales of the product have been seriously hurt by the adverse publicity.
该产品受到了反面宣传, 销量大受影响.
Voters have been distanced from the party by adverse publicity.
选民受到反面宣传的影响, 对这个政党冷淡了.
The development was adverse to our interests.
★ title
The title passes by inheritance to the eldest son.
He is the eldest son and thus heir to the title.
他是长子, 因此是头衔的继承人。
The title just wont come to mind.
★ rest
He will never rest until he knows the truth.
Rest the ladder against the wall.
Ensure that our traditional markets are looked after; for the rest, I am not much concerned.
一定要满足我们传统市场的需要, 其他方面倒无所谓。
Well eat some of the bread and keep the rest for breakfast.
我们将吃一点面包, 剩下的留到早饭时吃。
★ classical
Beethoven is regarded as one of the immortals of classical music.
Some young people like pop music, while still others like classical music.
一些年青人喜欢流行音乐, 但仍有其它人喜欢古典音乐。
An orchestra usually plays classical music.

★ outlook
As prices have dropped lower and lower, the outlook looks black for many companies in the city.
当价格一再下跌, 对市内许多公司来说前景大为不妙。

Circumscribed and detached in outlook and experience; narrow or provincial.
思想狭隘的眼界和经验受限制和孤立的; 狭窄得或见解偏狭得
An American university president once commented that Einstein has created a new outlook, a new view of the universe.
一位美国大学校长曾经评论说爱因斯坦创立了一种新的观点, 即一种新的宇宙观。
★ figure
John isnt here today.That figures, he looked very unwell yesterday.
‘约翰今天没来.’‘怪不得, 他昨天就好像不太舒服.’
The skater executed a perfect set of figures.
Mahatma Gandhi was both a political and a religious figure in Indian history.
★ moral
She regards his moral faults with charity.

We differ about moral standards.
His behavior transgressed the moral rules of the social conduct.

★ lively
Shes a lively child and popular with everyone.
她是个活泼的孩子, 大家都喜欢她.
The patient seems a little livelier/more lively this morning.
The style is lucid and lively.
The band played a lively tune.
She had a lively sense of humor.


1.They broke in and made off with all the furniture.

2.Please bring forth your ticket.

3.The meeting has been brought forward from 10 May to 3 May.

4.The book brought out yesterday.

5.He called for a sports meeting last summer.
6.My father has been brought John up for 10 years.

7.I called off this plan.

8.Please call on next time.

9.I called him up just now.

10.Dont carry off my dog.

11.Dont carry the letter on to the next line.

12.I carry out my mission.

13.Dont cut down trees!

14.Dont cut in when I am talking with the others.

15.The price of the car is cut off by 30%.

16.Dont cut out the wire.

17.Cultural exchanges make for mutual understanding.

18.I made out a cheque just now.

19.The youth neednt make up.

20.Please help me look after my sister.

21.Look at this picture.

22.I always look back her.

23.I am looking for my watch.

24.I looked in my grandma just now.

25.They stopped to look into the window.

26.I Looked on them as incompetents.

27.Look out!

28.When you dont understand a word,you can look up the dictionary.

29.He came off at eleven oclock.

30.Come on,baby.

31.In summer,sunflower come out.

32.They came through the danger.

33.I came to in the hospital .


1、This pen is less expensive than that one.


2、He has less strength than I.


3、I had fewer pencils than him. 我铅笔比他少。

4、There will be fewer thieves in the future.将来小偷会变少- -。

be busy doing sth.忙于做某事,用英语造句

be busy doing sth.忙于做某事用英语造句如下:
  They are busy doing their homework.


its rainy today今天有雨 walk long ...沿着什么什么走 I decide to go there 我决定去那 we discuss about the problem 我们讨论关于这个难题 My mother make me do my homework 我妈妈强迫我写作业(make在这里翻译成强迫) this thing is made by me 这个东西是我做的 初一吧??


He said he remembers the film yesterday. Why did the child run away? I will finish the book in a week. He becomes the most popular writer as soon as it is off the press.