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英文中有分号(;)吗?怎么用呢?谢谢! 英语作文music fuels my mood


楼上"英语中不用分号的" ?!! 英语中当然用分号, 只是用法和中文里很不一样的, 而且中国英语教学中很少讲到的. 我这里简单说一下. 英语里分号最常见的用法是用来连接两个独立的句子, 如下: It is nearly half past five; we cannot reach town before dark. 注意这里用分号. 楼主看了是否惊讶, 因为国内很少有英语课程教这一点的. 上面的句子用句号分开完全可以: It is nearly half past five. We cannot reach town before dark. 区别在于用分号的那句强调了两句句子的紧凑关系. 再如: It is time to vote; we are sick of waiting. 注意这两句之间是有关系的, 可以用分号. 再看下面这句: It is time to vote; I brought my lunch. 这两句话之间没有关系(或关系很远), 这里用分号就不对. 英语里分号还有还有别的用法, 这里不详细讲了. 以上说的是最常用的. 我是美籍华人英语老师, 有问题在线找我/留言,QQ也行, 注明英语学习.

英语作文music fuels my mood

Claiming that music is expressive of mood and that it can elicit emotions in the listener does not seem highly disputable at first glance. However, this claim gives rise to a number of questions.
How can a piece of music (when we consider purely instrumental music without any vocals, text or title) appear emotional, as a piece of music is no psychological agent?
Why would we respond emotionally to music knowing that there is nobody undergoing the emotion expressed?
What are psychological mechanisms that lead to the emotional reaction in the listener?
What is the nature of these emotions?
The first question deals with how emotions are transported in the music, questions 2-4 with emotions in the listener. (Not mentioned here are emotions in the composer or the performer.) However, perceiving a piece of music as to be emotional and being moved by this emotion mostly go in hand.
We don’t find it hard to explain why and how we respond emotionally to something expressing an emotion, e.g. a person expressing joy or sadness (or indirectly to an event like an earthquake that affects people as to express an emotion, which ends up being the same). A stone rarely moves us to tears, so why would music do that? Thus, the core of this problem is the question how music can be expressive at all. This problem is examined by the field of aesthetics.


优点:merit;strong point;advantage;virtue 每个人都有自己的 优点。 Each person has his own strong points. 它具有价格便宜、便于携带和易于操作的三重 优点。 It possesses the triple advantage of being inexpensive,portable,and easy to operate. 缺点:shortcoming;defect;weak point;weakness;disadvantage;draw back 克服缺点 overcome ones short comings; 这种药的主要 缺点 是使胃不适。 The chief drawback of this medicine is that it spoils your appetite. 我们大家都有 缺点。 We all have our weaknesses. 这个杯子一点儿 缺点 也没有。 Theres nothing at all wrong with this cup. 不守时间是他最大的 缺点。 Not being punctual is his greatest shortcoming. 助听器有助于克服听觉上的 缺点。 A hearing-air helps to overcome defects in hearing. 有利:advantageous;beneficial;favourable 有利于健康 beneficial to health 不利:unfavourable;disadvantageous;harmful;detrimental 不利因素 unfavourable factors; 不利条件 adverse conditions; 出师不利 in war or sports lose the first battle; 那将对我们双方都 不利。 It will be to our mutual disadvantage. 希望这是你要的回答!
