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Are you ready to help others英语作文 速求Living in the City or in the Countryside,的一篇英语作

Are you ready to help others英语作文

你好,如下:are you ready to help others?
one cant do all the jobs and complete all the things by himself,and a cooperation and a help are needed.looking back,we can know the history of human beings is a history of helping each other.first,helping others is essential,as ones ability is limited and cant finish everything.we needs a help in order to do the thing well.second,to help others means to help ourselves.we cant live in a single world.when we help others in trouble someday,they will do us a favor in return.on the contrary,if we dont offer a help,we wont get a help.third,helping others is not only a good quality,but also a happy thing.we can get much happiness by helping others.
friends,dont grudge your love or help,for helping others is just helping yourselves .满意请速采纳,多谢合作!

速求Living in the City or in the Countryside,的一篇英语作

Living in the city or country has been the question on many peoples minds. Living in the city is more convenient. We are access more foreign products and services and we are more connected to the world. Also, we expose ourselves to more knowledge and culture. Living in the country will provide you with peace and tranquility. Life is slower and more calm. There is less stress than in the city and you can enjoy fresh air and green pastures.

求英语范文 The role of creativity in children's education

The Role of Creativity in Childrens Education
As we all know , Many scientists are creative thinking . And there are many useful things in the world that were invented by the thought of creativity . So if you want to have success in the future , you must try yourself to add your creativity in order to have a big success in the near future . For the reason , the role of creativity in childrens education is very important .
In our country , the fact is that many young students dont have a chance to have a good command of the way of creativity . And I think that is the reason that our country dont have many very famous scientists . So if we Chinese want to have many successful scientists , we must put the education of the creativity in a very important place .
So the way of our gaining the knowledge must be changed . And the teacher must realize the role of Creativity in Childrens Education and must teach in a different way . We should have a lot of time to have a good time rather have a lot of homework . I also think our school should create more chances for us to have fun .

求一篇it's never too old to learn的英语作文120字左右

the most important things in this society is keeping learning. Only by doing this can we catch up with the pace of the time.  I think it necessary for people of all ages to learn.  Firstly, with the development of science and technology, knowledges are updated every day. If we doesnt want to learn, our knowledge will be out of date. Because of there is not standing still in the world, one must keep learning.  Secondly, learning is an experience of gaining, seeking and owning. Its great fun to learn. Only by learning can one finds the joy in life. Otherwise, our life will be very boring.  Thirdly,Yesterday is history, and tomorrow is mystery. Only by seeing in the mystery of knowledge can one keep his knowledge from becoming yesterday. So why not keep learning all our life? Knowledge is to a person what petrol is to a car. So it is pretty important for one to spend time and efforts to gain knowledge. The
more one learns the more ignorant he will find himself, and thus what one has learnt can never be enough.

以my troublesome apartment为题的英语作文

I rented an apartment when I was studying at my university. It was a very annoying apartment.
First, My roomates were a party animal. They hold parties every night after they drank at the bar. They were loudly chatting at the living room, and they were disrupting my sleeping. Moreover, My roomates were not likely to clean up the mess after they hold a party. The apartment was look like a pigsty as a result the landlord was very angry and kicked my roomates out of the apartment.
Second, my apartment dint have a fridge and washing machine. It made me very difficult to clean up my clothes and cook the food. Therefore, I had to wash my clothes by hand, and I had to eat out every day.
Right now, I have my own apartment. I have learnt lots of lessons from my troublesome apartment, and made my place a nice and clean apartment.

英语作文 my pocket money

Kids begin to ask their parents for allowances when they go to school. Take me for example,I always ask my parents for allowances when I was a child.But it brings a poblem is that how parents give their childs allowances?
In my opinion,parents may divide their kids’allowancesinto two parts.One part is which kids could be got by doing housework.Through it ,kids will understand that no hard work ,no money.The other part ,rewards for kids’ good behaves ,such as getting upon time ,tidying their bedroomsthemselves,is favorable for them to form good living habits.
How to make use of allowance reasonably?There are many approaches.For example,parents may make a budget with kids.Generally,parents should not give money,which has the power of getting anything easily and conveniently,to kids casually.
Usually,these childs who born from the rich families always get a great amount of allowances,hundreds even thousands and their demands never be refused anytime. Spoiling kids like this will let them forming wrong idea of money.
一些短语:攀比气氛 拜金主义思想
childs are interested in comparing anything,no matter they have or not,with their classmates or friends.to find out whose is better.
money is foremost,money is all

写英语作文Can Money Buy Happiness?

Money makes the mare go. People nowadays attach two much importance to money and they devote all their lives to making money. Is money so important? Can money buy happiness?
Some people believe money can buy happiness. With money, you are no longer worried about hunger, living, and clothes. With money, you can have a nice wife and you can give your children good education and living environment.
However, different people hold different ideas. Some others think money cant buy happiness. Happiness is a kind of emotion.Even if you are very rich, you will still feel sad or lonely because you dont have friends to share with your sorrows. Even if you have much money, you will still live in tragedy if you use the money in a wrong way.
In my opinion, happiness cannot be bought. It is earned. Even if you are poor, you still can be happy if you love your life. If you are rich, you can also be sad if you dont know how to live a life. Everyone has happiness as long as he loves his life and makes every count.
我认为,幸福不是买来的,是你努力去得到的。即使你很穷,你仍然可以幸福,如果你爱的生活。如果你富有,你也仍然可能会悲伤如果你不懂得如何生活。只需要热爱你的生活, 充实的过每一天,每个人都可以幸福。

九年级英语作文 急!should students be allowed to bring mobile phones to school ?


求四级英语作文Part time Jobs for College Students

Part-time Jobs for College Students
Nowadays,more and more college students are taking part-time jobs. On this phenomenon, different people hold different viewpoints.
Some people think after-school work is beneficial to the students. On the other hand, it helps cultivate indepenence in young people and make them more matrure;on the other hand,
students who have part-time jobs can relieve, to some extent,the economic burdens of their parents.
But after-school work has brought a lot of problems. For example, part-time jobs often distract students attention from their studies, so some students have shown a decline in their studies, and some even play truant.
As for me, I think the main task of students is to studey hard and learn what is needed for the development of our society. Though students who have part-time jobs may relieve their parents economic burdens, their early contact with society adds greatly to the worries of their parents.

英语作文大全be a worker or do a interest job

I want to be a teacher because I think they are great. If I become a teacher,I will work hard to teach my students. I will work with the children. I love children very much,so I will be happy every day. I will also be able to work outside sometimes. but I will work hard every day,sometimes I will be tired. I can also get more experience from my job. I think I will be a good teacher.