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怎样将英语同义词词典下载到手机上? 英语同义句转换



金山词霸要收费的,但是网上有破解版,可以用,只不过要弄个破解补丁有点麻烦。我推荐你试试灵格斯词霸。这个软件不错,没有金山词霸那么冗杂。灵格斯词霸小巧(主程序只有3M,相比金山的几百M,小巧多了),功能非常强大,读音,双语解释,例句,同义词近义词反义词,时态样样俱全。不占用太大内存,可以选择需要的词典下载(官网上有很多词典可供选择,英语,中文,外文词典都有)。网址: /


同义句转换: 1.She was happy when she heard the news. She was happy ___to__ __hear____ the news. 2.Please tell me how I can get there. Please tell me ___how___ ___to___ get thete. 3.This factory opened twenty years ago. This factory __has____ __been____ for twenty years. 4.Miss Gao left an hour ago. Miss Gao _has___ __been__ __away___ _for____ an hour. 5.Her mother has been a club menber for three years. Her mother ___joined_ the club three years ago____. 6.The Green Family moved to France two years ago. ___Its_ two years _since___ the Green family moved to France. 改为感叹句: The preseng is very nice. __What___ ___a__ nice present it is!
