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关于疾病预防的英语作文 如何预防疾病,保持健康的英语作文


Prevention is better than cure: Out of a country’s health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures. 预防胜于治疗,出于对国家的卫生预算,很大一部分:应该从治疗转移到健康教育和预防措施的开支。The rising costs of health care have become an issue for many countries in the world. To deal with this problem, it is recommended that a big part of the state health budget be used for health education and disease prevention instead of treatment医疗费用的上涨已经成为世界上许多国家的问题。为了解决这个问题,建议在国家的卫生预算的很大一部分用于健康教育和疾病预防,而不是用于治疗First of all, many kinds of diseases are preventable and preventing a disease is usually much cheaper than treating it. For example, people could prevent catching a cold if they dress warmly and get good rest when the weather first gets cold in the winter. But many people get sick because they fail to do so and have to spend much more money seeing a doct123 Another case in point is cancer, the leading cause of death in the world. But lung cancer, liver cancer and many other kinds of cancer could all be effectively prevented if people take measures for their health in an early stage. Small things such as smoking less or eating more healthy food would have kept millions of families from becoming bankrupt if the patients took measures for early cancer prevention. 首先,许多类疾病是可以预防和防止疾病的治疗,通常比它更便宜。例如,人们可以预防感冒,如果他们穿暖,并获得良好的休息时,首先获取的天气,冬天寒冷。但许多人生病是因为他们没有这样做,必须花更多的钱看到doct123另一个例子是癌症死亡的世界领先的原因。但是,肺癌,肝癌和许多其他类型的癌症都可以有效预防的,如果人们需要为他们的健康处于早期阶段的措施。例如吸烟或吃少更健康的食品小事情会一直成为破产,如果患者服用早期癌症预防措施,数百万家庭。In addition, health education also plays a key role in improving people’s health. By giving people more information about health, countries could help people understand the importance of disease prevention and ways to achieve it.此外,健康教育也可在增进人民健康方面发挥关键作用。通过为人们提供更多有关健康的信息,国家可以帮助人们了解疾病的预防措施以及如何实现它的重要性。In conclusion, we could save money in health care and treat patients more successfully if our country uses more money on health prevention and education. 最后,我们可以节省医疗保健和治疗病人的钱更成功,如果我们的国家以预防保健和教育更多的钱。


英语期中考试优秀作文:《How to stay healthy》Every people want to keep healehy.But a lot of people are unhealthy because they dont have a good diet and they dont have enough sleep.If you want to stay healthy,you should not eat too much fried food.You should eat some vegetables instead.And you should go to bed early and get up early.The most important ting is to exercise rugularly.But I dont have enough exercise,so I should exercise every day.In this way,I can stay healthy. 参考: /


Prevention is better than cure: Out of a country’s health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures. The rising costs of health care have become an issue for many countries in the world. To deal with this problem, it is recommended that a big part of the state health budget be used for health education and disease prevention instead of treatment. First of all, many kinds of diseases are preventable and preventing a disease is usually much cheaper than treating it. For example, people could prevent catching a cold if they dress warmly and get good rest when the weather first gets cold in the winter. But many people get sick because they fail to do so and have to spend much more money seeing a doct123 Another case in point is cancer, the leading cause of death in the world. But lung cancer, liver cancer and many other kinds of cancer could all be effectively prevented if people take measures for their health in an early stage. Small things such as smoking less or eating more healthy food would have kept millions of families from becoming bankrupt if the patients took measures for early cancer prevention. In addition, health education also plays a key role in improving people’s health. By giving people more information about health, countries could help people understand the importance of disease prevention and ways to achieve it. However, emphasizing on disease prevention is not downplaying the significance of medical treatment. After all, prevention and treatment are just two different means toward the same e12 In conclusion, we could save money in health care and treat patients more successfully if our country uses more money on health prevention and education.

克服思乡英语作文,题目是overcoming homesickness


I left my home to go to a senior high school three years age, which is a boarding school far from my home. I was homesick at the beginning of the new school life. I missed my parents, my relatives, and my old friends at home. At the same time, I didn’t like the foods in the new school. As the result of this, I couldn’t help being absent-minded in classes. And I felt sick then. I even had the idea to quit school.
Meanwhile, I knew I have to overcome the homesickness and concentrate on my study. I began to make new friends and share their feelings. We studied and played together. After quite some time, I recovered gradually and went through the school life successfully.

假定你是中学生李华。美国一个中学校长代表团即将访问你校并出席英语周的一项活动。请根据 写作要点 和

One possible version:
Dear American Guest,
On behalf of our school, I would like to express our warm welcome to you. We are lucky to have you here in the middle of our English Week Activities.
As scheduled, we have English Talent Show today. The purpose of this program is to develop our interest in English learning and practical abilities in listening and speaking. The programme consists of the following activities: recitation, singing, word spelling, story telling and so on. The Show will begin at two o’clock this afternoon at the Student Centre. Dear guests, you are welcome to take part in some activities. I hope we students will benefit from your presence.
I sincerely wish you a pleasant time with us. Thank you.

试题分析:本文是篇材料作文,材料非常简单,学生很容易把握写作要求和写作目的。考生在写作之前必修认真审题,首先要注意文章的时态,要求是对美国代表团的欢迎词,所以要用一般现在时。考生成文时应注意:1. 结构上:采用三段成文,第一段欢迎美国朋友的到来;第二段介绍英语周的活动;第三段表达愿望:希望获准。2. 时态:以一般现在时为主;3. 人称:第一人称;4. 注意恰当使用一些连词,使文章自然、流畅。5. 适当使用一些高级句型和词汇7a64e58685e5aeb931333335336530以提高作文档次。
【亮点说明】文中使用了非常好的短语和句子为文章增色不少,比如on behalf of,As scheduled, consist of, benefit from等等;还运用了不定式to have作状语,to develop作表语等,动名词listening等作宾语,hope后宾语从句等等。


Experts suggest that in peacetime should pay attention to indoor ventilation windows to keep the air fresh, seasonal reduction in popular outdoor activities of the group, the elderly, the infirm and children to be as much as possible to avoid crowded public places, and vinegar can be carried out fumigation of indoor air Disinfection. Influenza vaccination is the best way to prevent influenza is the worlds most effective against influenza, the most economic measures. People over the age of 60, the chronically ill and infirm; infants and young children and students; health care; public transportation, commerce, services and personnel to focus more units of staff; organs, enterprises and institutions, such as the more important staff positions are vaccines The focus against the crowd, should be popular in the pre-season influenza vaccination in a timely manner.
1. Personal Protective I, nasal wash method: a vinegar plus water sub-equivalent of a hybrid, to be warm in the mouth and throat with the Department of
Rinse, and then use the remaining vinegar nasal wash, a day earlier, the first night, the prevalence of MS during the 5 days.
2.Space disinfection method: This method is suitable for family housing, a vinegar and water will be a hybrid, into the spray,
On the evening of rest before the doors and windows closed after spraying disinfectant. Or building new housing in every cubic meter of space to spray the original 2-5 ml vinegar,
Old-fashioned housing by 50-100 per milliliter is appropriate, disinfected once a day, spray a total of 3 times in a serious epidemic or the family has
Appear patient, the amount of vinegar should be increased to 150-250 ml per room.


 Fellow students, Summer holiday is coming. And swimming safety becomes a big problem. I know swimming is a great way to keep fit and relax. However, not every place is suitable for us to swim. And I’d like to give you some advice to keep off the danger. The most important thing you have to know is that you are not supposed to swim in a deep river. Also, you can’t go swimming by yourself. You’d better go with your friends or your families. And before you swim, you should get ready for it instead of jumping into the water in a hurry. What’s more, you also have to look after your friends while you are swimming. Of course, you mustn’t swim for too long so that you and your partner won’t feel tired. Besides, if your swimming skill is not very good. You’d better not swim. That’s all. Thanks. 三(3)XXXFellow students, Summer vacation is coming. The weather becomes hotter and hotter. Swimming is one of the best sports for us to get cool. But swimming is also a dangerous sport. Here is some advice that can help you to be safe. First, student shouldn’t swim in somewhere too deep, like rivers. Swimming pool is a good place. Second, students can’t swim alone. If you want to swim, you have to go with your parents or friends. Another important thing is that students should do some sports before swimming. Making your body hot can be safer. And you can’t swim for too long. When you enjoy yourself in the water, don’t forget to take good care of yourself. 三(6)XXX Fellow students, I’m Li Ming, now I’m going to talk about how to swim safely. You know, swimming is a sport that most of us like because it can help us keep in good health. But there are still some things we should care about. First of all, it’s dangerous for us to swim in rivers alone. So we had better go with our parents or friends. Next, before we get into the river, we should make sure that we have got enough preparations. Then, it’s dangerous to swim in a large circle. Swim in a small circle and you will get help quickly if you are in trouble and try to keep your swimming time a little shorter. Last but not the least, don’t swim in a river if there is a sigh says “No Swimming” . I hope all of us would do this sport in safe ways. That’s all. 三(6)XXX


2009-10-1 Dear teacher, I really want to say thanks to you because you not only teach ue a lot of knowledge, but also are concerned about us. I still remember that you worried about our health last spring, when influenza A spreaded rapidly around the city. You, my dear teacher, asked us to wash hand and take a bath frequently. You also suggested us to open the windows and not go to the place having many people. You recommended us to drink more water and form a good habit. You came early and back late to spray drug. It was very painstaking.My dear teacher, thanks again. Best wishes! Yours sincerely Mike
