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英语口语对话 话题:Love & Marriage 雅思考试是上午还是下午?

英语口语对话 话题:Love & Marriage

A: hows our handsome jacky doing recently ?
B: you know still bury himself into piles of papers. he is kind of working machine . but ,he always find time to go shopping with me . I love him .
A: oh ! B .I know he is a good man . but ,dont you think he is too old for you . I mean you have to stay with this guy for the rest of your life. you have to be careful. marriage is not a game .
B: I dont care about the age.Ilike his inside quality . you know he is so kind and virtuous . but ,thank you anyway .
A: but ......
B: .A lets stop arguing on this OK? I have made up my mind .
A: alright .but remember if you get any trouble I will always be ready for you.


听力部分(General Training和Academic试卷一致)
阅读部分 (General Traning和Academic试卷不同)
概况:60分钟 共3篇文章 每篇约1000左右,这部分的阅读量是很大的,共有40个题目。
写作部分(General Traning和Academic试卷不同)
包括两篇作文题目,Task 1和Task 2,前一篇150字,后一篇250字。后一篇文章分值更高建议考生前一篇作文用20分钟,后一篇用40分钟。
口语部分(General Traning和Academic试卷一致)


Career or Family: which is more important?
When asked about their opinion of career and family, people always
respond differently. Some people deem it more important to pursue their
career, while there are always other people who argue that family should
be the number one in one’s life.
It goes without any question that career plays a key role in our
life. In the very first place, career can give us an aim to live on.
Without career, much of our living time will be certainly wasted. What’s
more, career can provide us with a means to live on. Most of the people
earn their income from a job. On the other hand, family is also an
indispensable part of life, as many people will admit. Family is always
regarded as a place where we can escape from troubles in life. In
addition, we can obtain a sense of belonging to from family. Without it,
anyone will feel lonely and desperate.
In my opinion, career and family are not in opposition to each other.
Rather, they can enhance each other so that one’s life can become
better and better. Therefore, it’s not a choice between right and wrong,
but one between ideal and practical.


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A:Hey,guy.Whats going on?
B:I am so coufused of something.Actually,Im in trouble now.
A:What happen to you?I remember you were just fine this moring.Tell something about it.Maybe I can help you.
B:Well,you know,I am a sophomore now and I will be a junior soon--just only in two month.But I have never had my goal so far.
A:Your goal?What goal?Arent you studying with us for our major,you can be a lawer,or you may be a good counselor in a bank,or you can... you can do many things...
B:I know,but.. to tell you the truth,I dont love my major at all.I want to be a businessman.
A:Fine,that sounds great.If you like it,just do it.You have a goal,and this its goal,isnt it?I will support you,you can make it.
B:Really,dont you think its a bad idea,I am a school student now?
A:Of course not,a dream of your own is most valuable than any other thing.Dont worry about it,but first of all,before you make up your mind,you should consider one thing that if you can do your best to achieve your dream.
B:Kidding?Of course I will.
A:a...uh,,,well,good job.Now you know how to do now?
B:Absolutely yes.Thank you very much.


——hey,buddy! (拍肩膀) hey!what r u doing ?
——oh, sorry, Im listening to Justin Bieber on my ipod.
——Justin Bieber? who is this guy?
——I cant believe you dont know him. He is the hotest singer around the world now, I think, and....oh, he is only 16 years old.
——wow! souds cool~so whats his best-known song? I think, er..maybe Ive heard some of his songs.
——since you asked,er..well, my favorite song is "baby". also due to this song, Justin got the best new comers award.
——baby? well...Im not sure whether ive heard this...can you sing some lines for me? please~~
——er...OK. if you dont mind.(唱两句拖时间,哈哈)"Oh woooah, oh woooooah, oh wooooah You know you love me, I know you care. You shout whenever and I’ll be there. "... I cannot move on. I do have a terrible voice. really,buddy, you should listen to the the original sound, that is wonderful.
——why dont you lend me your ipod? there are many Justins songs in your ipod,doesnt it?
——its a good idea. here it is~(把mp3道具递过去)remember to give it back to me tomorrow.
—— you are such a nice person! oh, its time for class, see you tomorrow~
——see you.


besides比较随意,in addition比较正式,meanwhile的意思用在你的例子里有点不对,一般是换另外一个话题的时候用,你喜欢的话,也可以用also,plus之类


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