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用英语介绍福州 我最喜欢的城市南京用英语作文并翻译30词


Fuzhou is the capital and the largest prefecture-level city of Fujian (福建) province, Peoples Republic of China. 福州是中华人民共和国福建省的首府,也是福建省内最大的城市. It is also referred to as Rongcheng (榕城) which means "city of banyan trees." 福州也被称之为菩提之城 (菩提树,也就是banyan树,我估计就是咱国内的榕树吧?嘎嘎..),意为榕城. It is the capital of the province, and is situated on the north bank of the estuary of Fujians largest river, the Min River, which gives access to the interior and to the neighboring provinces of Jiangxi and Zhejiang. 福州是福建省省会,坐落在福建省最大的河北岸河口上 - min河.min河汇通于福州之内,也接壤江西,浙江两省. Fuzhou may not be as rich in history as some other ancient Chinese cities but still boasts a fair number of historical sights. 福州也许在历史上并没有其他城市那么富有,但他的迷人景色和悠久历史足以堪称中国旅游的首选城市. Sanfang Qixiang (三坊七巷) (a cluster of ancient resident buildings dated from late Jin Dynasty) (金朝时人们居住的房屋) West Lake (福州西湖) (an artificial lake built in 282 AD) 公元282年建造的人工湖 Hualin Temple (华林寺) (founding date uncertain) 历史悠久,但建造时间不详. Dizang Temple (founded in 527 AD) 建造于公元527年 Xichan Temple (西禅寺) (founded in 867 AD) 建造于公元867年 Wu Ta (乌塔) (Black Pagoda) (originally built in 799 AD, rebuilt in 936 AD) 起初建造于公元799年,于公元936年翻新重造 Bai Ta (白塔) (White Pagoda) is originally built in 905 AD, 67 m in height, collapsed in 1534 AD, rebuilt in 1548 AD, 41 m in height 起初建于公元905年,67米高,公元1534年倒塌,于1548年重建,如今41米高 Yongquan Temple (涌泉寺) is founded in 915 AD 涌泉寺建造于公元915年. Gu Shan (鼓山) (Drum Mountain) Fuzhou National Forest Park (福州国家森林公园) 还有鼓山和福州国家森林公园. 哥们,我一句一句给你写出来的!真不容易!!!!!!在景色名字后边加is,然后跟括号里边的连读就可以了!累死我了.给分吧!


Do you know Nanjing? I went to Nanjing in the holidays. If you don’t know it, I’ll tell you something about the beautiful city.
  Nanjing is very large. There are many tall buildings, and lots of flowers and trees. It takes 30 minutes to get to the center of the city by car. When you go there, you must be very excited.
  Fuzimiao is a good place to go shopping in Nanjing. There are many nice streets in it. On the streets there are lots of shops, like clothes shops, bookshops and shoeshops. You can buy anything you like in the shops and you can find souvenirs in Fuzimiao. I like going there because there are a lot of interesting things in it and they make me happy.
  I had a great time in Nanjing. If you can go to Nanjing, you must feel happy.


我最喜欢的城市(my favourite city) Shanghai is my favorite city. I like it because I was born in there, and a lot of my family members and my friends live there. The shopping in Shanghai is cheaper than here, but it’s expensive in China. I have a lot of things to do there, like: shopping, playing, going to my friend’s home… And there’re also a lot of places that are interesting. In Shanghai, people speak the same language as I do. I was there for 13 years! I left there on August, 18th, 2005. And I was there because I was born in there and I lived there. There’re a lot of people in Shanghai. The people are like me. We all speak the same language. The people in Shanghai are busy and friendly. And Shanghai is also and international city. It’s beautiful and fancy. There’re a lot of tall buildings. That’s why Shanghai is my favorite city. It’s my home city. I love Shanghai!!! I’d like to go back to Shanghai, but just for a visit. Although Shanghai is good, I’d like to live here because I’d like to study here. I only get a little homework and the air here is flasher than Shanghai. The weather is hot in Shanghai. And the best time of year to go there is spring, because in spring, the weather is cool and warm. But some people asked me:” Why don’t we go there in the fall? The fall is also cool and warm.” I don’t think so, because in Shanghai, the fall is still very hot. I’d like to recommend this place to other because I want more and more people to know and visit my hometown. I hope if I ask my friends:” Have you ever been to Shanghai? Do you like Shanghai?” The answers shouldn’t be:” No, I haven’t been to Shanghai. And I don’t even know anything about Shanghai!” Now, I’ll recommend you to go to visit Shanghai in summer vacation or winter vacation or spring break or every time you’d like, you’d want, because Shanghai is a very nice city. If you go there, you’ll soon like it!


  我的家乡 我的家乡是一座海滨城市--汕头。 汕头,地处祖国东南沿海,有着独特的自然和人文环境。 它是一个桥乡,游子的丝丝情愫,是鱼儿对海的依恋。 汕头更是个文化之都,文学渊源流长,内容丰富。它哺育了一代又一代的潮汕人民,其文化永垂不朽。 汕头也是个美食之都,它有多种多样的美味小吃,潮汕工夫茶更是闻名天下。 再加之,汕头优美的环境,吸引着无数游人来这旅游。 而且,进入“十一五”规划后,汕头更是朝着现代化海滨城市的目标不屑努力。 汕头,我可爱的家乡,它是个美丽的神化。我爱它! My hometown is a seashore city - - Shantou. Shantou, lands place motherland southeast coastal, have unique natural and humanity environment. It is a bridge town, swim the silk feelings of son Su, is fish for sea love. Shantou is also a culture city , literature origin flows out length , has rich content. It have fed a tide of acting another generation people, its culture is immortal. Shantou is also beautiful meal Zhi , it has the varied snack of delicious food, tide Shan congou is more famous world. Again besides, Shan the environment with graceful head, since attracting countless visitor this travel. after entering the program of " 115 " Shan head is more dynasty the goal of modern seashore city disdain with great efforts.


本科生 undergraduate student;硕士生 graduate student;博士生 doctorate student
BD,bachelors degree 或 the degree of bachelor
BA,即:bachelors degree of Arts, 文学士;
BS,即:bachelors degree of Science, 理学士。
2、硕士研究生获硕士学位:MD,masters degree;
MA ,Master of Arts ,文学硕士
MS, Master of Science 理学硕士
3、博士研究生获博士学位:Doctor of Philosophy,缩写成ph.D.
DA, Doctor of Arts, 文学博士;
DDS, Doctor of Dental Science, 牙科博士;
DE, Doctor of Engineering, 工程博士;


BD,bachelors degree 或 the degree of bachelor
2、硕士学位:MD,masters degree;
硕士是一个介于学士及博士之间的研究生学位(Master`s Degree),拥有硕士学位(Master`s Degree)者通常象征具有基础的独立的思考能力。
3、博士学位:Doctor of Philosophy,缩写成ph.D.


开户行 Account with Bank简写式:A/C with Bank或Bank
帐户名 Beneficiarys Name简写式:Beneficiary
帐号 Account Number 简写式:A/C No.
有时候,还需写上"税号" Tax ID Number。
Bank: Bank of China, Chengjiang Office
Beneficiary: Zhang San
A/C No.: 33265805054885
在实际进行名片排版时,为了节省空间,可以将开户行和帐号合并,用一个with连接,或者干脆不用连接词,如上例可写成:A/C No.: 33265805054885 with B.O.C, Chengjiang Office. B.O.C 是中国银行的缩写形式,中国的几家大银行都有其通用的缩写形式。
我国的几家老牌大银行还都拥有一套与行政区划相对应的结构,从中央到地方分别是:总行(Head Office)-省分行(Provincial Branch)-地市分行(Prefecture Branch)-县市支行(County Sub-branch),中国人民银行的地市级分支机构又称"中心支行"(Central Sub-branch)。
中国建设银行北京市分行安华支行 China Construction Bank, Beijing (Branch), Anhua Sub-branch
中国银行上海市分行虹桥支行 Bank of China ,Shanghai (Branch), Hongqiao Sub-Branch
中国人民银行大连市中心支行蓬莱支行 The Peoples Bank of China, Dalian Central Sub-branch, Penglai Sub-branch
支行以下,又有营业所(Operation Office)、营业部(Operation Department)、分理处(Office)、储蓄所(Savings Office),在名片上,Operation Office和Savings Office均可简单译为Office。
如:中国工商银行朝阳区支行朝外大街分理处 ICBC Chaoyang Sub-branch, Chaowai Office
中国建设银行台州市分行黄岩支行天长北路储蓄所 CCB Taizhou (Branch), Huangyan Sub-branch, North Tianchang Road Office
在中国复杂的银行体系里边,还有一个信用社系统,如:三门县农村信用合作社联社 Sanmen Rural Credit Cooperatives Union
台州市泰隆城市信用社 Tailong Urban Credit Cooperative, Taizhou


My English name is blablabla...
In Chinese, my first name is Xiaofeng and My family name is Zhang.
美国和加拿大喜欢用 whats up以及How is it going;如果是熟人,就用Hi。Good moring/afternoon之类的在不熟的人间用的比hello广泛。至于Nice to meet you, fine, and you?是标准的chinglish,现在很少有人用,尽量避免

早上, 中午,晚上英语的缩写是什么

上午的英文缩写词: A.M. 是指是从凌晨到中午十二点,包括早晨;
下午的英文缩写词:P.M.  是指从中午到凌晨,包括晚上。
英文晚上: evening 
noon 读法 英 [nuːn]     美 [nuːn]    
n. 正午;中午;全盛期;顶点
1、At noon, the sun is high in the sky.
2、We need to be there before noon.

2、用in the noon表示“晌午”前后一段时间,为非正式用法。
1、hot summer noon 盛夏的中午
2、at noon 在中午
3、little before noon 将近中午
4、from noon to evening 从中午到傍晚
5、from morning till noon 从早晨到中午
6、toward noon 临近中午