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人际沟通的重要性英语作文3000字数 英语跨文化交流的重要性


With the development of our society, the connection between people becomes inevitable.People need to communicate with others as long as they are in the world.As a result, the interpersonal relationship becomes more and more important.
First of all, a good interpersonal relation promote people become successful.Through the human history, we can summarize that no one can do everything well and become successful alone.Most of the great men have a good relationship among people.For many peole, interpersonal relationship and their ability are equal important to their success.Keeping a good relationship with others, peole can easily get assistance from others when facing difficulties.In other words,excellent interpersonal communication skills can help remove obstacles on the way to success.Secondly,a good interpersonal relation can help people live a happy life.Living in a harmonious environment need people keep a good relationship with the people around.The friendly people will form a happy atmosphere.That will make people work efficient and keep a good mood in the daily life.It is certain that people will receive happiness in the end.
To sum up, as interpersonal relationship is so essential to people’s success and happiness, I advocate people get along well with with others.The first thing is smile more everyday.
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Communication is an important mean of expressing yourself because it exists different ways of expression and so different kind of communication depending on the culture you belong to .
The way of communicating will not be the same as other countries and it is important to know some values of other cultures and so of other ways of communicating for, first of all, avoiding some misunderstandings and then knowing better some aspects of different cultures .
That is why cross-cultural communication is an essential exercise to do; a person who come from a certain country does not necessarily get the same ideas about time, death, identity, as an other one from a different country because each person has its own identity .
First, a national identity, defned by a surname, a first name, citizenship, and a "personal" identity perceived as what are your activities, your opinions about issues or your experience in life .
Sometimes, your own identity can be modified or influenced by different factors, for example religion, your environment, your family.
The latter example seems to be a paradox because you can get your own opinions about something but you can be "influenced" by your familial surrounding or the society where you live(especially some notions that parents and even society teach you when you are a child, as patriotism or nationalism) .
This influence can replace your previous vision of life and changing your way of expressing yourself and so your way of communicating but you can also adapt this influence to your own way of thinking and it can be resulted in a different way of communicating .
In spite of a certain influence coming from a close surrounding, everyone can develop its own identity through its opinions and experience and this is interesting to notice that even within a close group of people, each person get different


The Olympic is coming near,so in the street you can see some foreign tourists going sight-seeing.In order to improve my English,I decided to talk with them and I made it.
"Hello,Welcome to China,may I have a talk with you?"I walked toward to a foreign lady with a smile."Oh,nice to meet you,I just need help if youre not busy."She gave back me a smile."Please say out,Ill try my best."I felt I was more confident after hearing this."I wonder if theres a bank I do want to exchange some money.""Thats easy,Ill lead you there.""Really?Youre so kind,thanks alot.""Its my pleasure,lets go?""OK"Finally I took her to the bank and she prized my English was good.


1、I think it is important for everyone to learn English well. 
我认为学习英语对于每个人而言都很重要 。
2、Firstly, if you can speak English, you can do business with foreigners and earn more money. 
首先,如果你能说英语,你能与外国人做生意,挣很多钱 。
3、Secondly, you can make more friends if you can speak English. That will bring you more happiness. 
其次,如果你能说英语你能交到很多朋友。那会带给你更多的乐趣 。
4、Finally, if you learn English well, you can get a better job and a higher salary. That means you can enjoy a better quality of life. 
1、英语是当今世界上主要的国际通用语言这一,也是世界上最广泛使用的语言。据1986年的统计, 世界上以英语为母语的人近4亿,差不多每十个人中就有一个人讲英语。英国、美国、加拿大、澳 大利亚、新西兰等国家的人都讲英语。
2、英语的使用范围非常广泛。世界上70%以上的邮件是用英文写或用英文写地址的。全世界的广播 节目中,有60%是用英语进行的。国际上的资料绝大部分是用英语发表的。绝大部分的国际会议是以英语为第一通用语言,它也是联合国的正式工作语言之一。
3、在国际政治、军事、经济、科技、文化、贸易、交通运输等领域,英语是一个重要的交际工具。 随着我国对外开放的不断扩大化,科学技术的不断进步,国际地位的不断提高,迫切需要造就一大批 精通外语的专门人才,以加速我国“四化”进程,使我国在国际事务中发挥更大更积极的作用。因此, 学好英语对实现上述目标具有重要大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。


How important is memory to learning“the memory is mother of the wisdom” “the memory is mother of the wisdom”, did not understand that the memory mechanisms ancient times humanity the mother who regarded as the memory the wisdom, thought that the memory might produce innumerable wonderful and the noble thing. ancient and moderns in China and abroad many celebrity devote to the memory research, stayed behind has inspired posteritys feeling to become aware, like China Zhang Zai “not records, then cannot think of” and so on. The modern age, has much becomes aware to the memory important feeling is spread widely as the famous saying: the all wisdoms root lies in remembered. - - Xieqienuofu (Russia) all knowledge obtains is remembered. The memory is all intelligence activity foundation. - - Bacon (UK) , if does not have the memory, we will then become are written in water the thing. From the future looked that saw then can be a deathly stillness. But the so-called present, passes along with its one minute one second place, also will never to return vanishes during the past. The knowledge which and the skill produced based on the past were impossible to exist, in our life in fact the incessancy carries on, and causes us to turn today this appearance learning activity not to be impossible to exist.    - - C · л · Rubinstein a lot of years, the humanity depends upon the memory accumulation experience, relies on ability which the memory obtains to conquer the nature, arrives at the ideal other shore. Does not have the memory, the human is similar to the good-for-nothing - - past and the present accepts and stores in brains all information, passed along with time one minute one second place, will never to return vanishes during the past, the intelligence and the skill will be also nothing left.
.“记忆是智慧之母”  “记忆是智慧之母”,不了解记忆机理的远古人类把记忆看成智慧的母亲,认为记忆可以生发出无数美妙而高贵的事物。  古今中外许多名人都致力于记忆的研究,留下了启发后人的感悟,如中国张载的“不记则思不起”等。现代,有更多对记忆重要性的感悟被作为名言广为流传:  一切智慧的根源都在于记忆。   ——谢切诺夫(俄)   一切知识的获得都是记忆。记忆是一切智力活动的基础。  ——培根(英)   假如没有记忆力,我们便会成为转瞬即逝之物。从将来看过去,所看到的便会是一片死寂而已。而所谓现在,随着它一分一秒地流逝,也会一去不复返地消失在过去之中。基于过去所产生的知识和技能都不可能存在,就连我们一生中实际上持续不断地进行的,并且使我们变成了今天这个样子的学习活动也不可能存在。   ——C·л·鲁宾斯坦  千百年来,人类依靠记忆积累经验,凭借记忆得到的能力征服大自然,到达理想的彼岸。没有记忆力,人就如同行尸走肉——过去和现在所接受并贮存于脑中的一切信息,随着时间一分一秒地流逝,都将一去不复返地消失在过去之中,智力和技能亦将荡然无存。

英语作文 题目:如何管理时间 步骤:1、管理时间的意义 2、如何有效的管理时间 3、结论

want to talk about how to manage time.
Every day should start to develop a good days work plan, specific to what each hour to complete what, to complete the most important, and so on. Then follow the plan strictly enforced.
What is the significance of time management it?
This benefit is only improve efficiency, and not waste time can not do anything. Whether in school or jobs in the community, to do each task is time-limited, for example, the examination to answer within the time frame, the work will get a month wages. So when the rational use of exam time, then it can have more room to focus on issues like, a months time can be reasonably allocated to work, can be done relatively high, in the workplace more competitive, easy to upgrade and so on.




Man has been fascinated by outer space for thousands of years. It has been
almost over forty years since mans first landing on the moon. Now, some people
believe that space exploration is a sheer waste of time and money. They point
out the fact that it cost billions of dollars to carry on the space research,
but a little information was brought back.
   However, every coin has two
sides. There are still a majority of other people who believe that space
exploration has more advantages. And I agree with those people. Many new
products, such as weather and communication satellites, are also products of
space programs, and they have benefited people all over the world. And whats
more, scientific knowledge about outer space has been acquired by mankind.
We believed that it wi!/bring more benefits in the future, which we can not
even imagine now. Space exploration is a challenge to human beings. Thats why
several nations try hard to carry out space exploration continuously.(英语作文)



nowadays in china, many students are the only child in their family. they are the apple of their parents eyes or even their granparents, so they are free of any house work or menial labor. and moral education is no more than some bookish thing. studentsare largely dependent on their parents and teachers.
to educate them to be independent, the most effective way is to let them experience on their own. therefore,they are better to be given the opportunity to get some train at school-to clean the washing room,which can be regarded as part of the moral education.
